Secrets Of The Planet's Past - Alternative View

Secrets Of The Planet's Past - Alternative View
Secrets Of The Planet's Past - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Planet's Past - Alternative View

Video: Secrets Of The Planet's Past - Alternative View
Video: Lumity Is EVERYTHING & Philip Wittebane Breakdown! | The Owl House "Through the Looking Glass Ruins" 2024, October

After analyzing images from satellites, scientists noticed mysterious rings on our planet, mountain systems seem to encircle the Earth.

The first of the rings passes through the Himalayas and the Alps, the second through the Andes and the third through the Ural Mountains. Such seals on Earth occur only at the equator. But if these mountain rings were once equators, then the Earth's climatic and magnetic poles were radically different from those we know today. How could the pole change affect the development of life on Earth? And what secrets hide the legends and myths about the grandiose cataclysms of the past? Could natural disasters have ruined the civilization of the so-called "White Gods"? And where did modern humanity actually begin?

Tens of thousands of years ago, the planet suffered a catastrophe equal to which modern mankind has not yet known. And everything literally turned upside down. The poles changed places, and then a sharp change in climate followed, what was previously dry land was covered with water, and where it was warm it became cold. It was the theory of pole reversal that prompted a number of researchers to think that the history of our planet is fundamentally changing - humanity originated in the north.

Confirmation of the hypothesis that the cradle of civilization is not Africa, but another continent, the researchers found in one of the most poorly studied temples of Ancient Egypt.

Temple of Horus in Edfu
Temple of Horus in Edfu

Temple of Horus in Edfu.

Temple of Horus at Edfu, son of Osiris in the ancient Egyptian tradition. In this temple, all the walls are covered with texts (known as the inscriptions of the temple at Edfu). These inscriptions tell about the homeland of the "first", they say that it was an island, they say that the Gods lived there, they say that there was a great flood that destroyed the island, and that the Gods who survived came to Egypt.

Edfu Temple Inscriptions
Edfu Temple Inscriptions

Edfu Temple Inscriptions.

Scientists have noticed a curious pattern that all the pyramids of the world are oriented towards each other. If we draw a vector to the north from each of them, then they all converge at one point, where on the old maps (presumably in 1513) the disappeared northern continent was located, in legends it is called Hyperborea. According to a number of researchers, it was this, at first glance, mythological country that was most likely the cradle of civilization.

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Mercator and Phineus map
Mercator and Phineus map

Mercator and Phineus map.

And if he believes these maps, then Hyperborea was there, de now the Arctic Ocean.

The shelf of the Arctic Ocean, according to the latest geological exploration data, is a storehouse of all possible minerals, from oil and gas to precious stones and rare minerals. For many hundreds of years this territory was considered a nobody's.

In 2015, Russia for the first time made claims to this site and achieved recognition of its rights. It would seem that this is mysterious? But this is only at first glance.

But what triggered the disappearance of the great northern continent?

There are two versions among researchers.

According to the first, the mainland was partially submerged, most of it survived. This is the north of modern Russia. Incomplete flooding, as in the case of Atlantis, allowed a part of the Hyperboreans to escape and go south. Ancient settlements were proof of their migration. Until now, scientists have found mysterious structures: the pyramids of the Kola Peninsula, the labyrinth of Karelia, the megalithic structures of the Caucasus. A real world sensation was the discovery of abandoned cities at the turn of the third and second millennia BC: Arkaim, Sarym-Sakly, Sintashty, Ustya (a whole country of ancient settlements).

It turns out that the cradle of civilization has partially survived and may be located in Russia. Maybe that's why neighbors so often show keen interest in the conquest and conquest of our country? After all, it is no coincidence that the odious idea of conquering the Heartland (the heart of the Earth) was born in the Pentagon, this is how Russia and its territories are called back in the 50s of the last century.