An Ecological Catastrophe Is Imminent. Where Do Experts See The Solution? - Alternative View

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An Ecological Catastrophe Is Imminent. Where Do Experts See The Solution? - Alternative View
An Ecological Catastrophe Is Imminent. Where Do Experts See The Solution? - Alternative View

Video: An Ecological Catastrophe Is Imminent. Where Do Experts See The Solution? - Alternative View

Video: An Ecological Catastrophe Is Imminent. Where Do Experts See The Solution? - Alternative View
Video: NATURAL DISASTERS this week from 04 - 10 july 2021 Climate changе! disasters 2021 flood 2024, October

Read the beginning of the article in part 1 at this link.

A single civilizational path of all peoples

As you know, Western political scientists, and behind them all the society enlightened by them, are deeply convinced that the liberal democracy dominating in their countries is a natural and final stage in the development of civilization, more perfect than which nothing can be created a priori.

Liberals of Russian bottling have taken up this "axiom". And in endless disputes with opponents, they refer exclusively to the nearest past historical experience. Say, socialism collapsed because its idea is untenable in comparison with the idea of liberalism.

It seems that in order to determine the most correct path of development, you need not only to analyze the mistakes of the past, but also to see your mistakes, and also to look into the future. That is, to start forecasting the further development of civilization based on existing trends and challenges.

The trends and challenges of our time unambiguously indicate the decline of liberal democracy and liberal ideology.

The most important concept of liberalism is the personal freedoms of citizens. But if 200 years ago, when this ideology was a fresh doctrine, they were perceived by many to be extremely progressive, then in the 21st century, from the standpoint of accumulated experience, exaggerated personal freedoms seem unjustified and even risky for society.

Over the past two centuries, the population of the Earth, the development of industry, technology and business have increased so much that the impact of the human factor on the biosphere has become frankly dangerous. More and more people are beginning to think that we exist in a very limited space with a very definite, and not at all infinite, amount of oxygen, fresh water and other resources. Therefore, it is quite obvious that personal freedoms inflated beyond the norm are accelerating the planetary collapse.

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Forest fires in Siberia in 2019. Hack the Essence
Forest fires in Siberia in 2019. Hack the Essence

Forest fires in Siberia in 2019. Hack the Essence.

According to the conclusions of modern scientists, we live in a pre-apocalyptic era, when the biosphere of the planet is rapidly being destroyed, and in the future a global irreversible ecological catastrophe looms. Experts see a way out only in the conscious self-restraint of the entire population of the Earth (primarily the richest countries) in the consumption of material goods and restriction of business.

But self-restraint, reasonable asceticism do not fit at all into the liberal model, which professes directly opposite goals and meanings. The so-called prosperous countries and those that follow their course continue to increase GDP, economy and personal incomes with freedoms. Therefore, the liberal ideology in our time has turned into the sword of Damocles for the entire planet, and it fully deserves to be legally banned at the level of the world community.

The values of liberalism run counter to the traditional values that underlie human society. People lived on them for centuries, and nothing threatened either the planet or the civilization itself. But as soon as an ideology appeared, not only justifying, but also encouraging the greed of private enterprise, the planet began to be destroyed at an accelerating pace.

Garbage dumps in the Moscow region. Hack the Essence
Garbage dumps in the Moscow region. Hack the Essence

Garbage dumps in the Moscow region. Hack the Essence.

According to the liberal doctrine, the interests of the individual are more important than the interests of the state. The state should not interfere in private business, and ideally its role in society is reduced to the duty of the night watchman of free citizens.

This is an absolutely destructive principle. It means the deprivation of the control system, the destruction of orderliness, the disintegration of a single whole into separate, not interconnected atoms. No system can exist without control. Management exists in any system: in nature, in enterprises, in the army, in sports, in the theater, in the orchestra. It should not be only in the state! Well, isn't it absurd?

This position, like a number of others in liberalism, is based on the unfounded assumption that each individual always and invariably makes the right choice and acts in accordance with high morality and justice. But practice shows that the majority pursues only personal goals in life and thinks little about society.

It is clear from what has been said that liberal democracy is not the highest stage in the development of civilization, but a dead-end path, a dangerous delusion. The goal of such a path - the so-called welfare society - distorts human nature, since welfare is understood only as material welfare, when a person, feeling no discomfort in anything, transforms his life into an animal existence, in serving his body. The proclamation of private property as one of the main human values serves the same purpose. But for human nature, the interests of the spirit are much more important, about which the apologists of liberalism prefer to remain silent.

Continuation: "Humanity needs a world government. What do scientists think?"