Sex From The Point Of View Of Esotericism. The Birth Of Power - Alternative View

Sex From The Point Of View Of Esotericism. The Birth Of Power - Alternative View
Sex From The Point Of View Of Esotericism. The Birth Of Power - Alternative View

Video: Sex From The Point Of View Of Esotericism. The Birth Of Power - Alternative View

Video: Sex From The Point Of View Of Esotericism. The Birth Of Power - Alternative View
Video: HOW TO CONTROL EJACULATION | Mantak Chia On London Real 2024, October

Sex is life. It contains the secret of human birth. It maintains the vital fire in the human body. When this fire goes out, death occurs. From the point of view of esotericism, sex is just one of the body systems designed for reproduction, which defines the difference between male and female sex. From an esoteric point of view, sex can be viewed as a powerful center that accumulates and produces electromagnetic energy that constantly vibrates like an electrical voltage.

This energy, like everything else, comes directly from the Creator, from the Primary Source, and its purpose is to maintain life. Sex gives life to a new human being who carries this divine spark of life.

It is sex that is the hidden or explicit motive for most human actions. Is not it?

Eternal life is continuous birth. Sex is a great creator, regulator and director of life; it fascinates and keeps a person in his material state. The Bible also says that after eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise. Because Paradise is a symbol of a person's spiritual state when he is in constant contact with his own Spirit. Expulsion from Paradise is the loss of such contact. Having fallen under the influence of passion and physical feelings, a person gradually lost the ability to perceive Reality, his mental functions were distorted.


In Hinduism, great importance is attached to the Kundalini, or "sleeping snake", the sexual force that lies at the base of the spine and slumbers for the time being. Its activation gives a person all types of magical power, but it is she who keeps a person in a state of illusion and does not allow him to see the Truth.


The purpose of sexual contact is the conception of a new life, as an act of creation, the emergence of new power. Merging not only physical, but also spiritual gives true, divine pleasure. And then this combination of masculine and feminine principles will be sinless. This results in a strong exchange of magnetism between a man and a woman. This magnetism greatly influences well-being and marital happiness.

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It is magnetism that is the cause of attractiveness and feelings of love. Magnetism disappears and love disappears. The more magnetism a person has, the more sexually attractive he appears, even if physically he does not look too beautiful.


We must remember. That a person loses his magnetism and sex appeal through three channels that need to be controlled, these are negative emotions, uncontrollable desires and a negative state of imagination. For example, jealousy or fear takes away this power. You should strictly control your feelings and emotions in order to maintain magnetism and attractiveness. Magnetism tends to accumulate in a person and, having mastered emotions, a person can achieve control over this force. And then he will get whatever he wants.


A man is an active force, he gives, strives to give. Woman is a passive force, she seeks to accept. absorb or take, what a man can give. These two forces give rise to a new force, the child. The Triad is created. To become perfect, these two forces must become one.