5 Most Mysterious Disappearances During The War - Alternative View

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5 Most Mysterious Disappearances During The War - Alternative View
5 Most Mysterious Disappearances During The War - Alternative View

Video: 5 Most Mysterious Disappearances During The War - Alternative View

Video: 5 Most Mysterious Disappearances During The War - Alternative View
Video: Most MYSTERIOUS Disappearances NOBODY Can Explain! 2024, October

Mysticism has not spared even the most "favorite" occupation of humanity - war.

Everyone, of course, decides for himself whether to believe in something mystical and supernatural, or to leave it all outside his thoughts. Ghosts, poltergeists, vampires, spirits are one thing, but when it comes to events that were officially documented, then even the most ardent skeptics begin to think: "Is everything so simple in our world?"

This time we will go through a little history, which is full of mysterious incidents and mystical events. The supernatural did not pass by and one of the "favorite" human occupations - war. We present to you a selection of five of the most mysterious and mystical disappearances during the war.

Disappearance of sailors from the ship "St. Paul"

This incident happened back in 1741, when the Russians were busy colonizing Alaska, and it was he who became one of the most mysterious cases in the history of our fleet. Now in order.


From the ship "St. Paul" two boats were sent to land, on which fifteen experienced sailors were accommodated, who had various weapons with them. Launched the team set off towards the shore, on which they successfully landed, and after that … And after that, everything - absolutely everything. All fifteen people disappeared without a trace. It is worth noting that the members of the St. Paul's team who dismounted ashore had not only weapons, but also signal flares, which means that in case of danger they could give a distress signal, indicating their location. Of course, there was speculation that the sailors could have encountered the Indians, unleashing a massacre. But why then there was not a single shot? Frankly speaking, the Indians also cannot be called stupid - seeing a detachment of armed sailors, they would hide in the forests, and would not go on the offensive.

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In addition, the crew members who remained on the ship said that at some point a fire started on the shore - however, who lit it remains unclear.

Now it is no longer possible to find out exactly what happened to the missing sailors, but there is even a theory that they simply remained to live among the Indians. And such an opinion appeared in 1774, when Russian merchants who arrived in Alaska saw white people with fair hair in one of the villages, who, theoretically, could be the descendants of the disappeared sailors.

Norfolk Regiment

Perhaps this particular case can be called one of the most mysterious. It all happened during the First World War, or rather, in 1915, during the operation to seize the Dardanelles. During one of the stages of the attack, the entire Norfolk regiment disappeared at once.


This situation amazed everyone, even the commander-in-chief of the expeditionary forces of England, Sir Hamilton. According to him, “Sir G. Beauchamp led 250 of his soldiers and 16 officers to the attack, pushing back the enemy during the bloody battle. At some point, the regiment disappeared from sight, after which none of the fighters who had gone into the attack were seen. In total, 267 people disappeared at once.

Eyewitnesses said that they did not hear a single shot, which is extremely strange - you must admit that it is simply impossible to take prisoners armed to the teeth and experienced soldiers, and even in such numbers, it is simply impossible - not without a fight for sure. Even the Turkish side confirmed the fact that it did not have time to engage in battle with the Norfolk regiment, let alone take it entirely prisoner. In addition, the Turkish command was not at all aware of the presence of such a regiment.

Of course, after this a thorough investigation was carried out, but its results were kept secret for half a century. In fairness, it is worth noting that even after the documents were presented to the public, the situation did not clear up at all, but only became more confusing.

The testimony released to the public spoke of several strange clouds that were shaped like "round loaves of bread." The soldiers of the Norfolk regiment approached one of these "strange clouds", after which they entered it in full force. Then no one came out of the cloud. In addition, the New Zealand veterans said that the cloud, through which the servicemen were going to pass, soared up, gathered "their brothers" and disappeared in a northern direction.

The story doesn't end there. Later, a Turkish peasant made a statement, who said that he had found a huge number of corpses of English soldiers in his field. According to him, they were all "badly broken, as if they were thrown from a great height." Having found the bodies of the British, the farmer decided to take them out of his field. Where they are now, how they ended up there, what is the story with the cloud - all this remains a mystery to this day.

German company that disappeared near Amiens

This incident, like the previous one, happened during the First World War, in 1916. That year, in the battle for the village of Amiens, an entire German company, which held the defense of the settlement, mysteriously disappeared.

British troops, sent to the attack, went to the positions of the Germans, but not a single shot was fired in their direction. The British who broke into the position of the Germans, who did not exactly expect such a turn, discovered a very interesting thing. More precisely, they did not find anything at all, except for weapons left and prepared for battle, clothes drying on stoves in dugouts, food boiling in kettles.


Later it became known that the German command had no idea where the soldiers had gone - they were not given the order to change their place of deployment. In the future, this topic was raised many times, but it is impossible to understand where the soldiers disappeared, why they left their positions and set off without weapons and clothes.

Chinese division at Nanjing

Everyone remembers how in 1937 the Japanese army attacked China, starting to destroy it. Towards the end of the same year, Japanese troops advanced to the Yangtze River, beyond which was the then Chinese capital, the city of Nanjing.


To defend one of the bridges across the river, the command sent a Chinese division, which consisted of three thousand soldiers. The soldiers took up their positions, dug in and were ready to attack the enemy. However, a day later, not a single news came from the division preparing for defense.

The situation became critical - Japanese troops could attack the capital at any moment. To find out the situation, several officers went to the soldiers who were supposed to guard the bridge. Returning to the command post, they said that the trenches and dug trenches were empty, there were no soldiers in positions. Where three thousand soldiers, ready for battle, could have disappeared without a trace, is unknown. However, this fact cannot be denied, since the commanders of the Chinese troops later officially confirmed the disappearance of the soldier.

The Lost IX Legion

The IX Legion is considered one of the oldest legions in Rome. It was created by the famous Julius Caesar for the war against Gaul. The IX Legion was considered one of the best and took part in countless battles. But in II AD is true. the legion just disappeared.


Today, no one knows the exact year in which the legionaries disappeared, or even the approximate place in which an entire legion could have disappeared without a trace. According to one theory, the incident could have occurred in the 120s, somewhere in the northern territories of Britain, during a large-scale attack by the Picts.

Others are convinced that the legion disappeared in the 130s in Judea when there was a major revolt by Bar Kokhba, after which Jerusalem was destroyed.

Be that as it may, in 165, a list of Roman legions was compiled - the ninth was no longer listed in it, nor was it said that it was defeated.