The Science Of The Holy Relics - Alternative View

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The Science Of The Holy Relics - Alternative View
The Science Of The Holy Relics - Alternative View

Video: The Science Of The Holy Relics - Alternative View

Video: The Science Of The Holy Relics - Alternative View
Video: 10 REAL Holy Relics 2024, October

20 years ago, Soviet scientists, having examined many of the remains of the saints of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, unexpectedly "discovered" the secret of the phenomenon of incorruptibility: it turned out that the relics contain highly refined oils that do not have either fatty acids or inorganic phosphates that contribute to decomposition.

However, at that atheistic time, they were afraid to make such a sensation widespread. And only recently it was possible to obtain indisputable documentary evidence from the hands of a Kiev woman, the daughter of Tamila Reshetnikova (now deceased), candidate of biological sciences. In the 80s of the last century, Tamila Reshetnikova worked as a member of the state commission for the study of relics that had been buried in the Lavra for hundreds of years.

Power against radiation

In her work Modern Studies of the Phenomenon of Holy Relics, Candidate of Biological Sciences Tamila Reshetnikova described in detail the biophysical and chemical nature of the remains of the Pechersk devotees and their influence on living objects: “The objects of research were seeds and seven to nine-day-old wheat sprouts of the Mironovskaya-808 variety.

The content of chemical elements in the seeds was determined by the method of flame photometry using atomic absorption spectrometers "Saturn" (USSR) and "AA-1" (GDR). The error of instruments according to the standards was 1-2 percent, the number of variants in test tubes was from 5 to 10. The error of research did not exceed 3 percent at a probability level of 0.950-0.997 … In all cases, regardless of the duration of temporary exposure, the effect was the same: seeds that had been near the relics, they were distinguished by increased by 15-20 percent seedlings and accelerated development …

The results of chemical analyzes showed that even after a short stay near the relics in dry seeds, the composition of some chemical elements changes. So, for example, under the influence of the relics of Saint Agapitus the healer, the amount of zinc (harmful to the plant) decreased by 18 percent, and calcium and potassium increased by 11 and 4, respectively … It can be assumed that the primary cause of the detected changes in seeds is the processes of transmutation interconversion of atoms of some chemical elements into others”.

But what struck Reshetnikova most of all was something else: the “blessed” grains, unlike ordinary ones, successfully withstood the irradiation and even gave an increase in green biomass. The next experiment was carried out near the relics of Nikon the Great: the needle of the DP-5V dosimeter, which previously showed 120 micro-roentgens (this was the average radiation in Kiev in May 1986), after a prayer appeal to the monk, it sharply decreased by 50 roentgens! The scientists were so shocked that they unconditionally believed in the power of the Holy Spirit. It was then that they made a unique discovery: the energetic force emanating from the reverend ascetics “affects living organisms at the nuclear level of the organization of matter” …

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Are they … alive ?

According to many experts who worked together with Tamila Reshetnikova, the remains of the holy ascetics have supernatural properties: spontaneous self-sterilization, the absence of hemolytic (pathogenic) bacteria, which are very harmful both for a living organism and for relics.

After carrying out a medical examination, scientists determined that the holy relics are a source of energy unknown to science. Along with the absence of decay processes, the fact of strong drying of tissues was established. Unlike the fetid Egyptian mummies, the fragrant remains of the Pechersk devotees did not contain any antiseptics: their millennial preservation was not due to the methods of embalming (in Orthodoxy it is forbidden), but to the special structure of the body, which allowed water to evaporate freely through the cell membranes even after a complete cessation metabolism, that is, after death.

But this is not all: it turns out that the long stay of the saints in the state of prayer so strongly affects the bodily atoms that, even after the death of the organism, they remain constant repeaters of the extraterrestrial energy flow that affects everything around from space. Having fixed on the photographic film the energy flows emitted during a person's prayer, scientists put forward an interesting version: if the energy of a living person's prayer is poured into the energy channel of communication between the holy relics and the cosmos (read - God), this leads to its strengthening, that is, to healing or other beneficial influence on people. Thus, the stronger the faith, the more effective the result will be.

Another fact is surprising, which cannot be explained from a scientific point of view: the bodies of the martyrs have been preserved much better than the bodies of other saints who died a natural death. But most of all, the results of analyzes obtained in December 1988 during a chemical analysis of relics taken from bowls with myrrh-streaming heads, which in the language of scientists were called "samples No. 4, No. 9 and No. 20", are striking. It was then that three luminaries of medicine - Professors Bobrik and Kontsevich, together with the laureate of the Academician Palladin Prize, Professor Khmelevsky, drew up a unique report in which it was written in black and white: “The chemical analysis of the samples was performed in the laboratory of the Department of Biochemistry of the Kiev Medical Institute.

The results of the analysis showed: all samples are highly refined oils that do not contain higher fatty acids, which is confirmed by the absence of esterification and methylation reactions … The samples did not contain inorganic phosphates and ammonium ions, which indicates the absence of decomposition of organic substances … Studies have established that the sample # 20 has 20 mg of protein per 100 ml, sample # 9 has 13 mg, and sample # 4 has 70 mg. This indicator is inherent only in a living organism …"