15,000 Years Ago, Someone Flew And Detonated Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

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15,000 Years Ago, Someone Flew And Detonated Atomic Bombs - Alternative View
15,000 Years Ago, Someone Flew And Detonated Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

Video: 15,000 Years Ago, Someone Flew And Detonated Atomic Bombs - Alternative View

Video: 15,000 Years Ago, Someone Flew And Detonated Atomic Bombs - Alternative View
Video: What a Nuclear Bomb Explosion Feels Like 2024, October

Researchers prove: a highly developed civilization existed on Earth.

In the Indian city of Hyderabad, a nationwide symposium "Science and Technology in Ancient India" was held, where they talked about amazing flying machines and the mysterious city of Mohenjo-Daro, burned by a weapon of monstrous power.

A page from the 10th century Tibetan manuscript "The Sutra of the Improvement of Wisdom", which is kept in a private Japanese museum. Near people - UFOs?

Battles in the skies “… When morning came, Rama took the sky ship and prepared to take off. That ship was large and beautifully decorated, two stories high with many rooms and windows. The ship made a melodic sound before soaring into the sky-high heights. This is how the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana" describes the start of a hero-god in a heavenly ship. And this is not the only evidence - in almost all texts in Sanskrit (ancient Indian language) there are stories about how the gods fought in the heavens, using some Vimana aircraft equipped with weapons. For example, in the book of the great sage Mahariji Bharadwaja "Vimanik Prakaranam" (translated from Sanskrit "Treatise on flying." - Ed.), A powerful sheaf of light is mentioned, which could focus on any object and destroy it.

Many ancient manuscripts contain technical details of ancient devices with words that translate to mean "thrust", "graphite", "copper-plated coils", "crystal indicators". They are replete with detailed instructions for managing the vimaanas. And if they are to be believed, then these devices were capable of hovering in the sky and dramatically changing the direction of movement. Isn't it a UFO?

The mystery of Mohenjo-Daro

It is known that the Nazis were interested in India and Tibet, who, according to rumors, became famous for their "flying saucers". Since the early 1930s, they have sent expeditions to these places every year. Perhaps something was unearthed about the aircraft. And not only.

According to legends, the ancient Indian Empire of Rama was destroyed by some powerful weapon 15 thousand years ago. English researcher David Davenport, after analyzing "Vimanik Prakaranam" and "Ramayana", which describes his strength, came to the conclusion: the city of Mohenjo-Daro, which belongs to the most ancient pre-Aryan civilization in the Indus River basin in Pakistan, and a number of other cities located nearby were destroyed by atomic explosions.

Here is what was said about one of the battles: “Gurka (Gurkha, deity. - Ed.), Who flew in on a fast and powerful vimaana, sent a powerful single projectile against three cities, charged with all the power of the universe. A sparkling column of smoke and fire burst out like ten thousand suns … The dead people were impossible to recognize, and the survivors did not live long: their hair, teeth and nails fell out. Sounds like Hiroshima, doesn't it?

Most importantly, the ruins of Mohenjo-Daro clearly show the effect of very high temperatures and a powerful shock wave. Fragments of ceramic found at the epicenter of the alleged explosion were fused. Sand turned into glass was also found in these places.

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Four types of devices

According to ancient texts, the gods had at least four different types of aircraft - "Rukma Vimana", "Sundara Vimana", "Tripura Vimana" and "Shakuna Vimana". The first two had a conical streamline shape, were three-tiered. The movers were located at the base. Tripura Vimana is a larger, multipurpose ship. The device made it possible to use it for both air and underwater travel. The materials for the vimanas - according to the Vimanik Prakaranam - were three types of metals: somaka, soundalika, maurthvika, as well as alloys that could withstand very high temperatures.

What they were equipped with

The whole chapter "Vimanik Prakaranam", said Dr. Narin Sheth, is devoted to the description of the unique device "Guhagarbhadarsh Yantra", which was installed on the aircraft. As stated in the ancient book, with its help it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden under the ground from a height. According to some experts, this is a radar capable of reacting to disguised enemy air defense systems.

The device consisted of 12 blocks. Their parts contained a kind of "Chambak Mani" semiconductor - alloys that were the source of "shakti" - "strength." In this case, according to Narin Shetkh, we are talking about a "source of powerful radiation" capable of detecting objects hidden under the ground, sending microwave signals and receiving them.

It took Narin Sheth three years to determine the 14 materials, of which - according to the formula - the Chambak Mani alloy consists. Then, with the assistance of the Indian Institute of Technology in Bombay, the scientist managed to make it. The alloy is described as "a black solid material with magnetic properties, insoluble in acid." It contains, in particular, silicon, sodium, iron and copper.

The Guhagarbhadarsh Yantra is just one of 32 instruments that, according to the descriptions, could be installed on an aircraft. Others, according to today's concepts, performed the functions of a radar, camera, searchlight.

There were also some mirrors with lenses for visual observation. So, one of them, called the "Pindjula's Mirror", was intended to protect the pilots' eyes from the blinding "devil's rays" of the enemy.

Who did they fight with?

Documents confirming the flights of our ancestors are found not only in India. The Chinese, for example, discovered several ancient Sanskrit texts in Lhasa, Tibet, and submitted them for translation and study at the Punjab University in Chandridarh. According to Dr. Ruth Reyna, the docs tell about the designs of interstellar spacecraft! Engines are also described. Apparently - anti-gravity, based on some kind of energy called EGO.

Dr. Reyna said that, according to the document, these machines were called "asters" and that the ancient Indians could send people to any planets on them.

The Indian epic "Ramayana", for example, describes in some detail not only the interstellar journey to the "astra", but also the battle on the moon between the ancient Indians and the Atlantean airship "Wailixi", which maneuvered equally well in the atmosphere, space and under water. And if you believe such sources, then the Rama Empire existed in parallel with Atlantis. And even competed with her.


Mikhail GERSHTEIN, Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society: Such ships cannot fly

- The mentions of vimanas, especially taken out of context, do seem very mysterious. In fact, entire flying palaces are described with furniture and canopies, elephant stalls, gardens, artificial birds and inlaid with precious stones. And some "heavenly chariots" were generally harnessed by ordinary horses.

Even if the ancient Indians built jet-powered gliders, their perfection was infinitely far from the legendary one attributed to the Vimanas today. As a source of jet thrust, according to the Samarangama Sutradhara manuscript, poisonous mercury vapors were used. And the pilot had to absolutely despise death in order to dare to use such a machine.

Nevertheless, it is useful to study the Vimaanas, since we are talking about the "blank spots" of human history. And behind the bikes, in fact, it may be that the Indians really owned a certain art of aeronautics. Otherwise, their religion would not have had such a powerful layer of legends about flying machines.

As for the death of Mohenjo-Daro, it is unlikely that its end came from atomic weapons. In various places in the city, archaeologists have found random accumulations of skeletons of men, women and children, some with traces of wounds from swords or axes.


The existence of flying vehicles in antiquity can be explained not only by the disappeared highly developed civilization. What if "Vimanik Prakaranam" appeared due to contacts with aliens?

By the way, Indian scholars did not take the ancient texts seriously for a long time. But they changed their attitude after the Chinese authorities announced that they are including some of these documents in their space program for study. This is the first time that a government - albeit a neighboring one - has officially recognized the need for technological research based on ancient sources.


Vadim CHERNOBROV, aerospace aircraft design engineer, coordinator of the All-Russian Scientific Research Association "Cosmopoisk": Vimans are being designed in Russia

- Information about the vimanas has come down to us in a highly distorted form. It was not those who made these devices who wrote, not those who used them, not even those who saw them, but their technically illiterate descendants who transmitted distorted information through generations. Many terms have since disappeared, some words have changed their meaning. And if we remove the external semi-fancy tinsel about elephants and canopies from the descriptions of the vimanas, then specific technical characteristics will remain.

One can, of course, argue about what the vimanas looked like. But a huge number of visual clues have come down to us. After all, vimana is called not only controlled aircraft in ancient Indian legends, but also stupa sanctuaries, the main part of temples-sanctuaries. Thousands of such vimanas have survived to the present day. Architecturally, they look like vertically elongated discs, bells or domes of our churches. Projects of promising aerospace reusable aircraft of this type are just being developed (Nexsus, Feniks, VTOVL, SERV). But the engines are not yet ready for them.

The ancient vimaanas somehow worked on mercury. But they didn’t necessarily throw away her pairs. There are modern projects in which mercury does not leave the ship's tanks.

For example, in the mid-1990s, inventor Viktor Royako from the Dnepropetrovsk region proposed a "Closed-loop mercury jet engine." Then the engineer Vitaly Novitsky developed the apparatus "Vimana-1", in which the thrust was to be created by a mercury vortex.

Physicist Spartak Polyakov even experimented with a device that disperses mercury through spiral channels in a confined space. Got a few kilograms of thrust. Moreover, through experiments, he established the optimal shape of the structure. Its installation resembled … a bell!
