Some fish and amphibians are capable of regrowing lost lobes of their brain, but is the human brain capable of this flexibility after its cells have died? Bioquark, a Philadelphia-based biotech company, has received official approval from the Independent Ethics Committee (IEC) to conduct experiments on the brains of patients who have been officially declared dead. To begin with, the company's specialists will investigate the possibility of partial regeneration of the damaged brain, but the main goal of the project is the possibility of reviving the brain after it has been declared dead.
American researchers will travel to Indian hospital Anupam, where for six weeks they will interact with the bodies of people who have survived serious brain injury and are now officially declared clinically dead. Nevertheless, their bodies are supported by artificial life-support devices, so they still circulate blood, generate waste, heal wounds, and so on. Scientists will try to restore the brains of these people by injecting stem cells and cocktails of various peptides, they will try to stimulate their nervous system, and also use various other experimental techniques. Bioquark has received permission to work with 20 patients.
“We received permission to work with the first 20 test subjects and we really hope that we will be able to find such patients as quickly as possible. Of course, we work closely with the hospital staff to find the families of these people, to make sure that their relatives and friends are not against our research on religious or any other beliefs. The first results of our experiments will be made public within the next few months,”said the president of Bioquark, Ira Pastor, to reporters.
Scientists believe that stem cells may well "reset" the life of brain cells and lead to the regeneration of brain tissues. In nature, such regeneration is found in some creatures, their brains are able to recover from injury, like the severed limbs of a salamander. Ira Pastor is sure that these studies are the first and very important step towards the discovery of the method of returning people literally from the other world. The project was named The ReAnima Project. It's hard to say if Bioquark will be able to create the world's first zombies, but the project will definitely be very interesting to watch from the outside.