Nosferatu - These Are The Souls Of People Who Have Been To Hell - Alternative View

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Nosferatu - These Are The Souls Of People Who Have Been To Hell - Alternative View
Nosferatu - These Are The Souls Of People Who Have Been To Hell - Alternative View

Video: Nosferatu - These Are The Souls Of People Who Have Been To Hell - Alternative View

Video: Nosferatu - These Are The Souls Of People Who Have Been To Hell - Alternative View
Video: Истории на ночь - Дальняя квартира 2024, July

Is Nosferatu a revived nightmare of our ancestors or a horror story invented to intimidate naughty children? Is it possible that vampires exist in our world? Official science gives a sharply negative answer. However, sometimes events occur in the world that make you look differently at some things.

So, in order to find the answer to the question of the possibility of the existence of vampires, it is necessary to make a short historical excursion that will help to understand this issue.

When did vampires appear?

The first mentions of creatures that look like vampires can be found in Sumerian mythology. The priests of the Sumerian cult called them Aksharas and described them as terrible creatures of the night, which are almost impossible to kill. Akshar could be a man who angered the gods.

In Babylonian demonology, creatures can also be found that share habits with modern vampires. The ancient Babylonian priests believed that the soul of a person who was buried without the correct ritual would not receive proper afterlife and that poisoned by the abyss would return to the body. The human soul, imbued with hatred, will crave to bring death and destruction to all living beings that meet on its way. Killing this demon was difficult because the reborn flesh was virtually immune to damage from the iron weapon.

The ancient Jews knew a terrible creature called Lilith. It was believed that this is a demon that infiltrates the bodies of criminals who were executed and attacks children and pregnant women at night. Sometimes, when Lilith had no food for a long time, the demon begins to destroy livestock. Killing him was also very problematic.

The peoples of North America believed that a person who went to the mountains, but then died there, becomes a terrible creature, which was called the Wendigo. The demon in human form returned to the village and began to kill compatriots, eating their remains. Finding this creature was extremely difficult. After all, it was not afraid of sunlight and fire.

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There was a creature in China that was different from the standard view of vampires. After all, this demon did not feed on the blood of his victims, but on the energy of "Chi". After the creature drank energy from a person, he died happily, and the vampire moved into his body and lived for some time under the guise of a dead person.

In Ancient Egypt, it was believed that the goddess Sokhmet sometimes felt an irresistible thirst, which can only be satisfied by human blood.

Our ancestors, the Slavs, believed that if a person died a fierce violent death, then his soul could not get into Iriy until it was avenged. If there was no one to avenge the murdered, then after a while his soul returned to the body, but already in a twisted state. So a ghoul appeared, who hunted for his killers and their relatives. However, this creature on its own could no longer leave our world, experiencing thirst and hunger, which nothing could satisfy, began to hunt for people. Only the killing of a ghoul, in a special ritual way, could end the semblance of the life of this creature.

So, in almost all world cultures there is a description of a creature that can be called a nosferatu. Killing a vampire is quite problematic, because this is a creature that is distinguished by its special strength and resistance to various mechanical damage. In ancient manuscripts, you can find time-tested ways to kill a vampire, alleviating the suffering of an unfortunate soul and saving many lives of other people.

Using a wooden stake

According to the stereotype imposed on us from the TV screens, there is an opinion that a vampire can be killed by sticking a wooden stake in his heart. However, this does not entirely correspond to reality, because according to the "Alchemist" of the famous mystic Alexander Vega, only a properly made wooden stake can interrupt the life of a night creature. A vampire killing weapon must meet the following criteria:

• the stake must be made exclusively of aspen;

• before using it in action, it must be soaked in holy water;

• it is desirable that the priest consecrate him;

• the aspen, from which the stake is to be made, is cut exclusively during the full moon.

Vega insists that only by adhering to the above requirements can you create a truly real weapon against the vampire that will put the undead to rest. Otherwise, a blow to the heart with an aspen stake will only incapacitate the vampire for a while.


Burning Undead is a proven way to end the torment of a trapped soul forever. There are several ways to set the bodies of the revived dead on fire. You can simply burn it by tying it to a pile of firewood, but this method is not always effective enough, because the undead can try to escape from the fire. The most effective method is when the vampire is hacked into pieces and then burned.


In some countries of Western Europe there is a tradition of drowning vampires. It is necessary to take into account that it is necessary to throw a vampire into running water, tying a load to it in advance so that it does not float later.


Sometimes medieval inquisitors used the old proven method of quartering or decapitating a demon. The technique of this method is very simple. It is necessary to catch the vampire and cut off his head or chop it to pieces. Most often, this measure is accompanied by the burning of the remains. Not one living creature will be able to survive after this, although he can speak so confidently, because a vampire is a creature from the abyss of hell, which is in a borderline state, namely, not belonging to the world of the living or the dead.

In addition to ways to deal with the undead, there are some proven methods that will prevent a demon from attacking a person. Various substances and religious attributes drive away evil spirits, not allowing them to attack a person.


A vampire can be killed if put on an aspen stake. It is only necessary to make the correct stake. The tree must be desecrated by the assassin who is attached to it, and it must be chopped down exclusively in the full moon. In the 15th century, the invasion of the undead began in Romania, Count Vlad Tsepis fought against the creatures of darkness with all available means. It is the aspen stake that instantly destroys the semblance of life in the vampire, drying out his body. Unfortunately, the Count himself was bitten and became an especially powerful vampire.


The claim that nosferatu feared garlic stems from the medieval physicians' belief that garlic possesses magical protective properties. In the Middle Ages, doctors were prescribed to use garlic to increase the protective functions of the body, as well as to prevent various diseases. As is known from ancient chronicles, during the plague epidemics of the 10th -12th centuries, most doctors prescribed people not to release garlic from the mouth.

Religious attributes

Nosferatu is the soul of a person who has been to hell and made a pact with the devil himself. Satan returns the unfortunate person to Earth in order to disturb the living. Therefore, certain cardinal changes take place in a person's soul, he begins to hate all living things and strives for destruction. This is why the vampire is deterred by various religious objects that have an aura of goodness. These include:

• crosses;

• holy water;

• consecrated oil or wine;

• icons;

• statues of saints;

• Holy Bible.

In addition, evil spirits do not tolerate various prayers. This is exactly what happens to the vampire, who is half an evil spirit, devoid of human qualities. When prayers glorifying the Creator begin to be said in the presence of nosferatu, the demonic component of the vampire begins, as if, to burn. The demon will try to kill the person who says the prayers as quickly as possible.

Thus, in various world cultures, there is an idea that vampires exist according to. Of course, modern science denies this, but you should not walk alone at night in dark alleys. After all, quite often frightening information about killings by committed wild animals leaks in the media. At such a moment, you need to think about whether the media is telling the truth? Maybe somewhere in the dark alleyways real creatures of darkness await their prey.
