Blood Mystic - Alternative View

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Blood Mystic - Alternative View
Blood Mystic - Alternative View

Video: Blood Mystic - Alternative View

Video: Blood Mystic - Alternative View
Video: Mystic Braves - Coyote Blood 2024, July

From time immemorial, representatives of different cultures and civilizations of the Earth treated blood with special respect, endowing this mysterious substance with amazing, almost mystical properties in their imaginations

For thousands of years, blood has been one of the main elements of magical rites and rituals. Even the ancient Scythians, concluding important agreements, inflicted wounds on themselves with swords, decanted blood into ritual cups of wine, which they then drank. The rite of fraternization among some "barbarian" tribes - Huns, ancient Slavs, Etruscans, and so on - was also associated with the drinking of "common" blood from a sacred vessel.

Another way of mixing blood was called "wedding". Unlike fraternization, here people already inflicted wounds on each other, which became the highest degree of trust, and also drank the jointly obtained blood. A similar ceremony was common in the pagan period among the peoples of Eastern and Northern Europe, in Central Asia and was carried out during the marriage ceremony.

Blood was also actively used in traditional ancient medicine. In particular, the shamans of Siberia, Kamchatka and South America performed a bloodletting rite over seriously ill fellow tribesmen, accompanying it with rituals. It was believed that along with the blood of a sick person, evil spirits also leave his body - sources of illness. Later, the mainstream science accepted the bloodletting procedure as a completely acceptable method of treatment.

Among hunters in the Scandinavian countries and Northern Russia, it was customary to sprinkle a sick person with the blood of a healthy and strong animal obtained during the hunt. Such blood was often mixed into drugs, believing that it will give the weak the strength that is so necessary for recovery.

Lower Spirits and Redemption Sacrifice

At the dawn of civilization, the ritual of "sacrificial blood" was also of great importance. It often used animal blood. However, the highest value has always been possessed by human blood, the receipt of which was accompanied by the infliction of excruciating suffering on the "donor". So, among the ancient Aztecs, a ritual was widespread, during which a victim, chosen from among their fellow tribesmen, was first cut through the chest, and then slowly cut out the heart, washing with gushing blood and sprinkling it on the altars. The Vikings often hung captives over the sanctuaries, cut the bodies of the unfortunate with swords, forcing the blood to slowly flow onto the altars of the pagan gods. In such cases, as the esotericists of the XIX-XX centuries argued, the forcibly shed blood radiates special emanations that attract the spirits of a lower plane, or demons,whose influence on the material world as a result of the execution of such cruel procedures is multiplied.

A somewhat different result is given by a voluntary bloody sacrifice, when a warrior or a martyr for faith consciously goes for it for the sake of a high idea or the good of his neighbors. In this case, the outflow of blood erases from the surrounding space all the accumulated negative information and attracts angel-like entities to the passion-bearer. A striking example of such an atoning sacrifice is the martyrdom of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Blood is a soul …

Even in the Bible, in the book of Deuteronomy, it says: "The blood is the soul …". Such a statement is completely refuted by the well-established medical concept of blood as a biological substance that serves only to transfer the necessary chemicals to human organs. This utilitarian, materialistic approach has been repeatedly questioned by prominent parapsychologists, esotericists, theologians and idealist philosophers.

In particular, the well-known Novosibirsk psychic Lidia Matveeva in her book "Energy-informational field of blood" asserts that even without resorting to the methods of biochemical analysis, but only by studying the information radiation of blood, it is possible to establish whether a person bears the burden of a generic curse and what diseases his descendants will have to transfer "Up to the fourth knee." The author also writes that only when it hits the ground, the blood loses its connection with a person and stops emitting information received from the subtle astral and dense material world. Until that moment, for example, even traces of the blood of victims who died at the hands of criminals that did not have time to dry, can provide very valuable information about many of the circumstances of the crime and even about the identity of the killer.

In the first half of the 20th century, the French researcher Georges Tamo was engaged in the study of blue blood and believed that its special properties confirm the God-chosenness of members of noble families. So, Tamo wrote that it is blue blood that has the most powerful influence on the formation of character and personality inclinations. For example, if a person of an ordinary surname, from a "bad" clan, stained with numerous atrocities, marries a member of a noble noble family, then the introduction of noble blood into a morally fallen clan branch removes from it a significant part of the responsibility for committed sins. Often this even leads to the fact that subsequent generations of the clan take the "path of correction", leading a highly moral lifestyle.

J. Tamo also argued that due to its extraordinary energetic power, blue blood in former times was a tasty prey for vampires.

According to medieval Kabbalists, two lower levels-planes of the soul are dissolved in the blood: the etheric and the astral, and until the middle of the 19th century, the belief persisted that vampires, feeding on the blood of victims, absorb their ethereal souls, or, figuratively speaking, use life in liquid form. As the chronicles testify, almost always the victims of vampires were not physically or morally defective people, but healthy and strong in spirit, whose blood was a powerful nourishment that made it possible to continue the biological life of a creature that fell under the influence of the devil.

Lucifer's main plan is the complete demonization of humanity

At the beginning of the 20th century, many esotericists were sure that among the representatives of the human race there are also those in whom "Luciferian blood" flows. A direct confirmation of this is the biblical legend about the fall of man, which in different cultures had its own interpretation. In particular, the ancient legends of the East say that in time immemorial some of the first people who appeared on Earth by the will of the Creator fell into temptation and violated one of the main commandments, entering into a sinful relationship with demonic entities, thereby mixing their blood with the blood of the fallen angels.

Since then, several hundred genera with "Luciferian blood" have lived on the planet, and the rest of humanity, as an echo of a long-standing terrible fall, contains a hidden viscous substance gluten in the blood, which is considered in esoteric science to be the matter of sin. There is an opinion that under the influence of a number of factors coming from the subtle world, gluten, shrinking, gives rise to stinginess, narcissism and egoism in a person, and expanding - arrogance, pride and anger. Certain states of the matter of sin - rotation, repulsion, vibration, etc. - cause such sinful states of a person as voluptuousness, alcoholism, anger, gluttony, envy. Passed from generation to generation, like an ineradicable virus, gluten prevents the forces of light from triumphing over the forces of darkness,whose power has increased immeasurably in our days - the days of the last period of the dark era of Kali-Yuga (according to Indian mythical chronology - the era after which the renewal of time begins).

Representatives of the clans marked with the seal of "Luciferian blood" have been a clever tool for realizing the sinister plans of the forces of darkness. The creators of all kinds of secret and revolutionary societies, religious sects and pseudoscientific teachings, the rulers of totalitarian states, hiding behind noble social, economic and pseudo-religious teachings, in fact carried out only one mission: the fulfillment of the Luciferian plan associated with the complete demonization of humanity. But the secret conspiracy of the forces of darkness can only be hindered by the acceptance of divine wisdom with all the heart, capable of purifying human blood from original sin and returning to us the once-lost immortality.