To Whom Are UFOs Buzzing? - Alternative View

To Whom Are UFOs Buzzing? - Alternative View
To Whom Are UFOs Buzzing? - Alternative View

Video: To Whom Are UFOs Buzzing? - Alternative View

Video: To Whom Are UFOs Buzzing? - Alternative View
Video: Leaked: Pentagon's UFO Investigation Spotlighted In New Photos And Video | TODAY 2024, September

Today we will talk about the sounds and noises made by UFOs. According to the messages, sounds made by unidentified flying objects can be distributed as follows:

  • strong noises
  • buzz
  • gusts of air
  • high-pitched noises

The "loud noises" appear to be related to changes in the power used by the UFO during take-off, landing or speed maneuvers. Two types of loud noise are commonly referred to: an instantaneous noise similar to an explosion or thunder, and a sustained noise similar to a "roar accompanied by a series of bangs." Such noises, as a rule, are accompanied by a change in the luminosity of the UFO and appear a few seconds after the UFO surface emits strong blue light.


"Buzz"Observers describe it as a noise audible at a short distance. In all likelihood, it is created by electric machines that must be present on board the UFO, because in addition to lighting the interior, UFOs also carry side lights. In some cases, this noise is compared with the buzzing of a bee, in others - with the noise of a generator. There is one very interesting version that explains the occurrence of such noises. A series of medical experiments reported at the 1961 International Medical Electronics Conference in New York showed that some people can hear modulated radio frequency transmission. They describe their sensations as “buzzing”, “tapping” or “humming” that occurs somewhere behind the head. In addition, the phenomenon associated with the African tribes of the Bushmen is well known,who have the ability to perceive radio broadcasts, sitting under telegraph poles installed in the desert, and retell their content quite clearly. Therefore, it is not just about “tapping” and “buzzing”. This fact should lead us to think about the effect of high-frequency modulated energy directly on the auditory nerve. Hence the mention of the noise arising "somewhere behind the head." If this assumption is correct, then great prospects open up here associated with the transmission of a human voice using microwave radiation: to conduct dialogues without using a radio receiver, to fully communicate with deaf people. (Similar effects have been reported in some UFO reports.)and quite clearly retell their content. Therefore, it is not just about “tapping” and “buzzing”. This fact should lead us to think about the effect of high-frequency modulated energy directly on the auditory nerve. Hence the mention of the noise arising "somewhere behind the head." If this assumption is correct, then great prospects open up here associated with the transmission of a human voice using microwave radiation: to conduct dialogues without using a radio receiver, to fully communicate with deaf people. (Similar effects have been reported in some UFO reports.)and quite clearly retell their content. Therefore, it is not just about “tapping” and “buzzing”. This fact should lead us to think about the effect of high-frequency modulated energy directly on the auditory nerve. Hence the mention of the noise arising "somewhere behind the head." If this assumption is correct, then great prospects open up here associated with the transmission of a human voice using microwave radiation: to conduct dialogues without using a radio receiver, to fully communicate with deaf people. (Similar effects have been reported in some UFO reports.)arising "somewhere behind the head." If this assumption is correct, then great prospects open up here associated with the transmission of a human voice using microwave radiation: to conduct dialogues without using a radio receiver, to fully communicate with deaf people. (Similar effects have been reported in some UFO reports.)arising "somewhere behind the head." If this assumption is correct, then great prospects open up here associated with the transmission of a human voice using microwave radiation: to conduct dialogues without using a radio receiver, to fully communicate with deaf people. (Similar effects have been reported in some UFO reports.)


Noises that resemble the noise of gusts of air are usually compared with the "hissing" noises that occur when observing the "corona discharge" on power lines, and are explained by the phenomena of electrical discharge.

High- pitched noises are accompanied by the following descriptions: "piercing", "piercing-sibilant", "howling". They are often compared to a loud turbine, the whistle of a turbojet engine, or the noise of a high-speed drill. All this makes it possible to assume that the set of UFOs contains some devices, the operation of which is accompanied by high noise in the range from 1000 to 10000 hertz.

It is quite possible that these noises are caused by rotors of any ventilation systems or rotating machine power sources, but this, of course, is only an assumption.

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