White Indians Are Descendants Of Atlanteans - Alternative View

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White Indians Are Descendants Of Atlanteans - Alternative View
White Indians Are Descendants Of Atlanteans - Alternative View

Video: White Indians Are Descendants Of Atlanteans - Alternative View

Video: White Indians Are Descendants Of Atlanteans - Alternative View
Video: THE WHITE INDIANS ARE THE DESCENDANTS OF THE ATLANTEANS. Native Americans are not Indians 2024, September

The indigenous population of America still retains the memory of a deity named Kon-Tiki-Virako-cha, who was depicted as a white-skinned bearded man in a long robe. The Spanish conquistadors, seeing for the first time the statue of Viracocha in a Peruvian temple, even mistook him for Saint Bartholomew, it is not clear how he found himself in wild Peru …

According to myths, Viracocha came from the sea. Some tribes called him Inga Viracocha, which means sea foam. With him were other white bearded people of enormous stature. They climbed in reed boats to the shores of Lake Titicaca and built the great stone city of Tiahuanaco. From there, Viracocha sent out messengers who were supposed to teach the local population the wisdom of the gods. Kon-Tiki also called himself a god and claimed that it was he who created the world. However, not everyone believed him, and then the offended Viracocha, together with his companions, descended to the Pacific Ocean and went to the west, where the sun sets …

Legends about the white god have been preserved among many tribes. The Chibcha legends that lived in the mountains of Colombia mention the white teacher Bochika (he was also called Sua - "Sun"). He came from the east and ruled over this people for many years. The territory of modern Venezuela was allegedly visited by a white wanderer - Tsuma, who taught the local residents about agriculture. To the Kuna Indians living north of Colombia and Venezuela, in the Panama Canal region, a white god appeared after a great flood He taught the tribe various crafts

The Mexican Aztecs gave the white deity the name Quetzalcoatl. He became the ruler of Tollan and introduced his own laws, forbidding war and human sacrifice, as well as the killing of animals. His subjects did not eat meat, eating only plant foods. But then, according to legend, devilish forces intervened, forcing Quetzalcoatl to sink into sins. Repented, God decided to leave his state. He went south, before that, with the help of his supernatural gift, he made the birds flew away from these places forever, and the trees turned into thorny bushes …

The Maya Indians gave the white god the name Kukulkan. He and his 12 students built pyramids and founded the cities of Mayapan and Chichen Itza, taught the Mayans to use weapons, and then left the country, heading west …

If we compare all these legends, it becomes clear that the path of the mysterious white bearded man and his assistants lay across the whole of Central and South America from the Yucatan coast to the coast of Peru, and then along the sea to the west, towards Polynesia …

This information is indirectly confirmed by archaeological finds. So, in the temple of war in Chichen Itza, fragments of frescoes were discovered depicting battles between red-skinned warriors and white people with large beards and helmets on their heads … then inhabiting these lands.. Not so long ago, English scientists managed to make an analysis of the blood type of the mummy of an Inca priest who died in the 16th century. It turned out that the blood belonged to group A, which the Indians of pre-Columbian America could not have … There is a lot of evidence of meetings with white savages after the colonization of America. In 1721, Father Charlevoix heard stories about the bright Indians,who lived in the Missouri River Valley A few years later, the explorer de la Verandri went in search of a mysterious tribe. In the forest, he met the Mandate tribe. Their skin and hair were fair enough indeed. They told the scientist that their ancestors once lived in the far south, but retreated to the north under the onslaught of enemies …

In the first half of the twentieth century, an expedition led by the famous explorer Percy Fawcett disappeared without a trace in the South American jungle, which went in search of a mysterious tribe of white Indians, according to rumors, who lived in those parts. In 1934, the second expedition, organized by the Society for the Study of Atlantis, disappeared. Its scientific leader, the French ethnographer Louis Malepin, was convinced that the white Indians were the descendants of the Atlanteans … A few years later, the diary of one of the expedition participants, the captain Maurice. He described a meeting with white-skinned savages who, apparently, reacted aggressively to the aliens and in the end, perhaps, killed them.

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Traces of light-skinned gods can also be found on islands located quite far from the continent. At the beginning of the XVIII century. travelers who visited Easter Island were amazed that some of the natives had fair skin and red hair, while most of them were dark-skinned and black-haired … In Polynesia, and now there are indigenous people with straight red hair, straight nose and thin lips. They are called urukeu. The ancestors of Urukeu, according to legend, were the gods who inhabited these islands in ancient times.

In 1621, the first mention of the Welsh Indians appeared in John Smith's book A General History of Virginia New England and the Islands of Eternal Summer. Natives of Scotland, Ireland and Wales, who moved to the New World, were sincerely surprised to meet fair-skinned aborigines there, and even spoke in a dialect that was very reminiscent of their native language!

Where did the white Indians come from? Let's take the liberty to put forward several possible versions explaining their origin:

Descendants of the Atlanteans.

This is a fairly common version, which has been repeatedly played around by researchers. Its indirect confirmation is information about the cultural achievements that the white gods carried with them;


There is no evidence yet that white aliens came down from heaven. And yet let us remember how stubbornly they called themselves gods and instructed humanity. The extraterrestrial origin can be evidenced by the gigantic growth of Viracocha, which, judging by the reports of contactees, is characteristic of many UFO people;

Representatives of one of the unknown or little-known civilizations

And how much do we know about what other civilizations lived on Earth? Thus, in 1649 the British missionary Edward Winslow announced that some Indian tribes belonged to the "lost tribe of Israel." This is allegedly evidenced by their anthropological and cultural characteristics. Winslow even published a treatise called "The Theory of the Jewish Indians" … It is possible that in fact, in ancient times, white settlers from another continent settled here;


Lately, many have doubted that Columbus was the first discoverer of America. It is possible that an expedition from one of the "white" continents had been there long before him. What prompted them to do this? Research excitement? Passion for travel? The need to hide from unknown danger? The version doesn't look so incredible. But how to explain the gigantic growth of the aliens? It is quite possible that their appearance is somewhat embellished;

Visitors from the future

So far, there is no conclusive evidence of the possibility of time travel, but there are no arguments against it either. So why not assume that the people of the future were able to travel to pre-Columbian America in order to "take patronage" over dense savages?

Of course, all these hypotheses have a right to exist. But can we say for sure that at least one of them is close to the truth, because apart from legends about white gods and rare finds, from which it is still impossible to compose a complete picture, researchers have nothing in their hands?..