The Unsolved Mystery Of The Filipino Healers - Alternative View

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Filipino Healers - Alternative View
The Unsolved Mystery Of The Filipino Healers - Alternative View

Video: The Unsolved Mystery Of The Filipino Healers - Alternative View

Video: The Unsolved Mystery Of The Filipino Healers - Alternative View
Video: Philippine healers 2024, September

For several decades now, scientists, researchers of anomalous phenomena, doctors and journalists have heatedly argue about the phenomenon of Filipino healers. Some believe that surgery without a scalpel, anesthesia and anesthesia is pure fraud, and healers are simply swindlers with the makings of clever magicians, while others see this phenomenon as a real phenomenon that, in their opinion, deserves study and close attention of scientists.

People who perform surgical operations with their bare hands without the use of tools, anesthesia and anesthesia were first discussed in the world in the 50s of the XX century. Such unusual operations were carried out in the daylight, and everyone could watch all the actions of non-traditional surgeons. Researchers of anomalous phenomena called this phenomenon psychosurgery, and the luminaries of medicine - blatant and dangerous for people's lives quackery …

Filipino healers became especially famous in the field of psychosurgery. These folk healers existed in the Philippines for a long time, they did not advertise their activities, carried out their unique operations and did not need to be assessed by enlightened pundits at all. However, when journalists, doctors and researchers of anomalous phenomena became frequent in the Philippines, healers did not hide their healing practices from them and willingly demonstrated almost bloodless operations carried out with their bare hands.

The very first Western researcher to come to the Philippines to study local psychosurgeons was the biologist and writer Lyal Watson. During his three visits to the island of Luzon, where this practice is mostly common, he has witnessed over a thousand operations carried out by 22 different healers. Despite his initial skepticism, the researcher came to the conclusion that this phenomenon really exists and should be studied. Watson conducted his research on the phenomenon of healers, the findings of which were published in the book "Romeo's Error".

In the same book, a description of one of the unique operations was given. The patient, a middle-aged woman, complained of constant aching abdominal pain. They laid her right on the table in her clothes. They bared their belly, and covered the skirt with a towel. It was not the first freshness, but the skeptical Watson did not find any hidden objects under it. Soon a healer entered the room, wearing cotton pants and a short-sleeved shirt. He demonstrated to Watson that he was not hiding anything in the folds of his clothes. Lyal himself filled the basin with water and, along with cotton wool, which he carefully checked, gave it all to the healer.

The Filipino dipped cotton wool in water and rubbed the patient's abdomen at the site of the proposed operation. Watson writes: “He begins to do something to the right of her navel, when suddenly something red appears, possibly blood. At first it is liquid, mixed with moisture from the skin, but gradually it darkens and starts gushing between his fingers … Now I see something similar to connective tissue, thin, almost transparent, seemingly elastic, red, bloody."

Startled, Watson saw the healer's hands sink deeper into the patient's body, and a blood-red ball began to grow between the thumb and forefinger of his right hand. When it reached the size of a tennis ball, the healer's assistant picked up the tumor with tweezers and, cutting it off, threw a lump of flesh into Watson's arm … The researcher wrote: “It was warm, and when I pressed it, very little blood appeared. It feels solid to the touch."

After completing the operation, the healer washed off the blood from the patient's abdomen and there were no signs of surgery on her body - no wound, no scar, no scratch. “I ran my hand over her skin,” Lyal writes. "It's hot, but there is nothing on it, no trace." The patient slowly got up and left the room.

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Perhaps the peak of the greatest interest in Filipino healers came in the 70s of the last century. The Philippines has been visited by numerous research groups from different countries, journalists and film groups. From March 1973 to April 1975, a whole scientific expedition, consisting of scientists from different countries, studied healers, even volunteer patients who agreed to carry out operations were part of it. What conclusion did such a competent and not limited in time expedition come to?

Scientists have found that "the actual existence and daily practice of certain types of psychoenergetic phenomena is beyond doubt." However, in the expedition's report and in numerous interviews, scientists noted that, along with real healers, they also exposed several charlatans, who, thanks to sleight of hand and simple devices, only imitated operations.

In the same 70s, a film group from the GDR shot a very interesting film in the Philippines, in which healers demonstrated their unique capabilities. So, in one of the episodes of the film, a man holds a stretched tape of adhesive plaster in his outstretched hands, a healer approaches him and brings the edge of his palm to the tape at a distance of 3-5 cm, the plaster begins to creep, as if being cut with a razor …

In other shots, two Germans cannot break the tape from six rows of adhesive plaster, an elderly Filipino approaches them, bends down, sticks out his tongue and “cuts” all six layers with it …

The German film group succeeded in filming from start to finish a unique operation to remove uterine fibrioma. The operation involved two Filipino healers and a female assistant. One of the healers created a powerful field around the patient, which replaced antiseptics and anesthesia. The other immediately began the operation. He put his palms on the patient's naked body, a moment later they began to vibrate and, without encountering obstacles, plunged into the flesh along the second phalanx. Parting the edges of the "incision", the healer found the tumor, removed it and pulled it out. The assistant took the removed tissue and threw it into the basin. The healer performing the operation brought his palms together and quickly removed them from the body. After the assistant with a cotton swab removed the bloody stain remaining on the body, it became perfectly visible that the skin was not damaged.

When observing the operations of healers, most scientists were simply shocked by the fact that they were carried out without proper antiseptics. In response to the reproaches of Western experts, the famous healer Virgilio Gutierrez said: “When I do the treatment, I and all my environment are influenced by the Spirit (energy). Since this energy is pure, then everything that it penetrates cannot have infection. During treatment, everything is automatically sterilized. The vibration level of the healer is so high that infection is impossible."

However, skeptics are convinced that infection is impossible for a completely different reason. They believe that everyone who believes in the healer phenomenon is simply the victim of a deception. According to competent whistleblowers, in fact, healers do not carry out any operations (which is why they do not care about antiseptics at all!), But simply imitate them with the dexterity of real magicians, misleading both their patients and those eyewitnesses who observe such "Healing". The relief that all patients experience after the "operation" is explained by skeptics by a psychological factor: patients believe in miracles, and self-hypnosis can sometimes actually work miracles.

What, according to skeptics, is the technology of such a spectacular deception? They believe that healers hide small containers (for example, a fish bladder) with blood and animal organs on their bodies (in clothes). When they press their fingers on the patient's body, this blood creates the impression of opening the skin, then the false healer sharply pulls out his hands and demonstrates to the stunned spectators a bloody fragment of flesh, for example a chicken liver. They wipe the blood from the patient's body and, of course, with such a deception, no one finds on the skin, except for redness, no traces of the operation …

It should be noted that many pseudo-healers conducting such "operations" were in fact exposed by both scientists and meticulous journalists. A series of such "embarrassments", exposing articles in newspapers and scientific journals did their job: interest in the phenomenon of healers began to disappear as quickly as it appeared.

But to put an end to this would be unfair in relation to the truth. The phenomenon of psychosurgery actually exists, it is enough to recall the famous Brazilian "surgeon" Jose Pedro de Freitas, better known under the pseudonym Arigo. He has performed thousands of successful trance operations with the most primitive instruments at his fingertips. At the same time, there was no antiseptic, but no postoperative complications were observed in his patients.

According to a number of scientists, there are real healers. Some of the researchers believe that they live only on the island of Luzon, in this place of the Earth there is a special energy that helps to carry out such unique operations. The fact that the island is actually a kind of anomalous zone is evidenced by the fact that the navigational instruments of naval ships in its water area almost always begin to malfunction in their readings.

Scientists suggest that during their unique operations, healers enter a state of deep trance, which allows them to concentrate special energy on their fingertips and make a kind of energy scalpel out of their palm.

At one time, Professor V. N. Pushkin, known for his research on the phenomenal abilities of people, suggested that healers during an operation along the line of the alleged "incision" saturate the patient's skin with charges of the same sign. Due to their unipolarity, these charges repel each other, as if separating cells and molecules. The skin and tissues of a person become for a while easily permeable to the healer's fingers, emitting the energy of the same sign. Since the nerve fibers are not damaged in this case, but only displaced, the patient does not feel any pain. After the operation, the biofield effect, pushing the cells and molecules apart, stops and natural energy connections are immediately restored, the edges of the wound close without any trace of surgical intervention. On the floor, the healer's energy sterilizes his hands too,and the area of surgery.

Famous Filipino healers usually practice their entire lives in the place where they live, and from year to year, huge queues line up for them every day. If they were charlatans, the local population would have dealt with them long ago. So healers can actually heal! Maybe many scientists were in a hurry to put a fat cross on this phenomenon?

V. Golubev