Surgery Without A Scalpel - Alternative View

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Surgery Without A Scalpel - Alternative View
Surgery Without A Scalpel - Alternative View

Video: Surgery Without A Scalpel - Alternative View

Video: Surgery Without A Scalpel - Alternative View
Video: Without A Scalpel Episode 1: Bloodless Trailer 2024, September


Bioenergy therapist Alexander Grigoriev reports:

- It seems that modern science is not able to bring mankind out of the deadlock in which it found itself at the end of the 20th century. One of the main reasons for the hopeless situation lies precisely in the fact that modern leaders do not possess a new consciousness and frantically cling to old forms that were once advanced, but have already outlived their days and are doomed to be scrapped.

The Filipino phenomenon, the miracle of healers, is a mystery that has been stirring up medical science and simply curious people around the world for several decades. Recently, this topic has become very popular in Russia as well. Our screens have bypassed the amazing footage of so-called scalpel-less quasi operations that leave no trace. Like any professional dealing with bioenergy diagnostics and energy-informational treatment, I really wanted to see with my own eyes the Filipino system of influence on the body, to talk with healers and their patients. And now my dream has come true. At the invitation of the Union Espiritista Christians de Filipino (an organization that unites all the healers of the Philippines, as well as prominent religious and public figures), my assistant and I visited the Philippines,got the opportunity to talk with the most famous healers in the country and even receive training in the basics of the Philippine treatment system.

Here we first met Master Virgilio Gutierrez, a healer of the highest class, the personal physician of the President of the Philippines, Fidel Ramos. In addition, the healer is the personal physician of the King and Queen of Nepal, the Prime Ministers of Japan and Malaysia, and Hollywood star Chuck Norris. Most of all, we were shocked by the range of diseases that it cures, these are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders and even cancer and AIDS. The results are truly stunning: we have witnessed the healing of extremely advanced bowel cancer diseases by a healer, the extraction of stones from the kidneys and gallbladder, cataract treatment, etc. Fortunately, now such treatment is not only the prerogative of Western citizens, it is becoming available to us as well. In February - October 1995, within the framework of the contract we signed, four groups of Russians have already visited Filipino healers, in particular, the president's own doctor.

Non-trace operations

The entire medical practice of the Philippines can be roughly divided into orthodox medicine (which is licensed by the government and uses classical forms of treatment) and spiritual healing. I will not dwell on the first direction, I will only say that the medical centers, clinics and institutions of this country are rightfully considered the most modern and superbly equipped in Southeast Asia.

Promotional video:

It would be wrong to say that Filipino spiritual healing is expressed only in the so-called psychic bloody operations. This is just one (albeit the most famous) direction of Filipino healing. All practicing healers can be roughly classified into one of five groups.

The first is healers using herbal medicine. This is the simplest, most common and understood type of treatment. Almost every healer in the Philippines makes extensive use of herbal treatments. And he will not entrust the collection of these herbs, the preparation of decoctions and infusions to anyone, this is only his business. In addition to decoctions, he uses other gifts of nature. A wonderful banava tree grows in the Philippines. If water is poured into a bowl from this tree, then it becomes blue and acquires a healing property, it is used in the treatment of kidneys.

The second is the healers who use prayers and meditation in healing. All known healers of the country fall into this group. They heal with their spiritual (emotional) energy, which arises in the healer in a state of religious ecstasy, trance. In this case, treatment takes place through certain energy passes over the affected areas of the body or simply by laying on hands.

The third group is "psychic" healers (from the word "psi energy") who resort to bloody psychic operations for treatment. It is this group of healers that arouses particular interest in the world, because, using ordinary logic and common sense, it is impossible to find a rational explanation for this phenomenon, and for many it still remains a miracle.

Fourth - healers using pure energy healing (brane healing). At the same time, no religious, cult rituals are used in the treatment process. This category includes all healers to whom the word "psychic", which we understand, could be applied. Such treatment is very effective, takes place in a very short time, and I have observed excellent results of treatment of very serious ailments only through the energy passes of the healer.

The fifth, the smallest, group can include healers who use reflexology and classical massage in their practice. Usually, healers of this type also use naturopathy (crystal therapy, color therapy). Most of these healers practice on the island of Mindanao and in the resort town of Baguio. Interestingly, all the most successful healers began their practice with the use of these forms of medicine.

There are many other treatments in the Philippines that include some form of "white magic", but this treatment is not very popular because the attitude towards "mystical treatment" is cautious among both healers and patients. The purpose of our trip was direct acquaintance with psychic bloody operations, we also hoped to try to understand the origins and mechanism of this process and try to give our own rational explanation of the phenomenon.

So mental surgery is a special process of spiritual healing. The process includes usually almost painless intervention (intervention) in the human body with the healer's bare hands, elimination of a diseased organ or tumor (or simply local energy supply of a diseased organ), closing the site of intervention without a suture or other visible consequences of the operation. Since this happens contrary to all the generally accepted laws of physics, chemistry and biology, mental operations are perceived by scientists as a trick, a trick, mass hypnosis, despite the obvious evidence to the contrary and amazing results of treatment. Fortunately, the latest technical devices have already been created, which clearly record this energy influence, the influence of people on each other. Individual research results,conducted by Western (and in 1977 - and Soviet) scientists, allow us to confidently state that the phenomenon of bloody operations really exists: all operations of this kind are performed without anesthesia; a scalpel, razor or other surgical instrument is not used; operation time varies from 1 to 10 minutes; no special sterilization of the healer's clothes and hands is performed either during treatment, before or after the operation; during the operation, the patient does not experience any discomfort, pain or discomfort; and finally, the site of surgery after the intervention has no suture or other visible consequences.operation time varies from 1 to 10 minutes; no special sterilization of the healer's clothes and hands is performed either during treatment, before or after the operation; during the operation, the patient does not experience any discomfort, pain or discomfort; and finally, the site of surgery after the intervention has no suture or other visible consequences.operation time varies from 1 to 10 minutes; no special sterilization of the healer's clothes and hands is performed either during treatment, before or after the operation; during the operation, the patient does not experience any discomfort, pain or discomfort; and finally, the site of surgery after the intervention has no suture or other visible consequences.

I myself have witnessed several dozen mental operations, but I will dwell on only three of them that especially struck me. The first case concerns eye surgery. This type of treatment is considered particularly difficult among healers, and the person who can perform such operations is highly respected. We saw a healer performing cataract surgery. After the patient was laid down on the couch, the healer for several minutes created a dense energy field near the patient's left eye. And suddenly there was a sharp throw of the healer's hands down - and now he is already manipulating his thumb right in the eye. Observing the patient, I expected to see at least some manifestation of fear or pain, but not a single muscle flinched on his face, the operation was completely painless. After a few seconds, the healer threw the cataract film into a glass dish and showed it to the patient. After the operation, there were no traces left, except for a slight reddening of the sclera, which also disappeared after a few seconds. The patient felt well and his vision improved immediately after the operation.

At this time, the patient, suffering from stones in the gallbladder, had already laid down on the table. Heeler with the fourth finger of his right hand quickly entered the patient's body in the right hypochondrium. When his fingers disappeared into the man's body, we could not contain exclamations of surprise. A few seconds later, the healer took out a stone in front of our eyes and threw it into the jar. The place of intervention did not have a seam or any sign of a just completed operation.

The third case that shocked me was the operation of a cancer patient. The patient was a Japanese businessman who had been suffering from intestinal cancer for several months. He tried many systems of classical treatment, including chemotherapy, but this did not work. Then he decided to be treated by a Filipino healer. This was his last chance. On the first day he was brought to the healer on a stretcher, he himself could not go. This time the tumor was removed. It was a very spectacular sight, but not for the faint of heart. With a quick throw of his hands, the healer opened the patient's body and after a few seconds was already manipulating in the completely exposed intestine. After 2-3 minutes, the tumor was removed. However, several more operations were required to locally supply energy to the diseased organs. What was my surprisewhen I saw that man 19 days later, he was already on his feet with a smile on his face.

It is safe to say that operations of this level are carried out only in the Philippines, but it would be unfair to claim that this is only a Filipino phenomenon. Similar healers appeared in Brazil in the 1950s. The press wrote about the famous healer Jose Arigo. However, when carrying out mental operations, he used a blunt knife, while Filipino healers use only their own hands. You can also mention the name of the Swiss psychotherapist Dr. Hans Naegeli, who practiced rudimentary (rudimentary) forms of mental operations. Similar methods of treatment are also used by the healers of Indonesia, the Amazon basin and Africa, but, again, only in the Philippines are operations of such a high level and in such a volume performed.

Why are these talents concentrated mainly in the Philippines? I cannot answer this question unambiguously, but let me put forward a few assumptions. Firstly, the Filipinos consider themselves children of nature and behave accordingly, believe in its great power (perhaps it would be appropriate to draw an analogy here with our outstanding ascetic Porfiry Ivanov). Even before the conquest of the Philippines by the Spaniards in 1521, the indigenous people had a very high and strong faith in "anitos" and "encantos" - the spirits of nature that live in forests, mountains, caves, water and stones. All this existed close by, close by, and therefore belief in spirits was natural. Nature was a companion and friend of the healer in the fight against disease. It is also believed that the Filipino is able to perceive the world and space in their unity and integrity, and not through the five senses known to us.

Secondly, the Filipinos believe that their country is one of the parts of the lost continent of Lemuria, which sank hundreds of thousands of years before the rise of Atlantis. It is also said that the Philippine province of Pangasinan was the center of the Lemurian civilization. According to this point of view, the Filipinos descended from the ancient Lemurians, who were able to perceive and generate psychic energy, to control it.

Thirdly, one cannot but say about the special strictest system of education for the healer, which includes both spiritual education (and this is the most important thing), and special practical training. Sometimes such training lasts several decades. However, the topic of training deserves a special discussion.

But let's try to give some reasonable explanation of this phenomenon from the point of view of modern science. At the same time, it is necessary to consider mental operations from the perspective of the physical world, the nature of the Universe and admit the existence of other levels of reality, within which treatment takes place. Without this, it is impossible either to explain this phenomenon or to believe in it. We must admit de facto, moreover, that there is a paranormal phenomenon and an unusual physical process. From my point of view, healers are able to perform unique manipulations through the intense concentration of etheric energy near the healer's hands. At the same time, the fingers of their hands take a certain special position in which they are able to penetrate into the body. Apparently, this is the same energy that yogis can generate and form around their body,which gives them the ability to walk through fire and over hot coals. Perhaps this is the same energy that karatekas use, forming it around their hands, which allows them to chop cement blocks and wooden blocks without pain. In this case, the state of concentration and concentration is especially important. If a healer, in the process of work, suddenly (due to a sharp noise or other interference) comes out of this state, this can have disastrous results (however, there are healers who are able to maintain such a state in conditions of loud noise, while they are even able to talk with patient). If a healer, in the process of work, suddenly (due to a sharp noise or other interference) comes out of this state, this can have disastrous results (however, there are healers who are able to maintain such a state in conditions of loud noise, while they are even able to talk with patient). If a healer, in the process of work, suddenly (due to a sharp noise or other interference) comes out of this state, this can have disastrous results (however, there are healers who are able to maintain such a state in conditions of loud noise, while they are even able to talk with patient).

The famous English scientist Harold Sherman put forward a very interesting hypothesis about the electromagnetic nature of the Philippine phenomenon. He believes that the healer does not cut the cell tissue during the operation, he simply separates the tissues from each other through polarization. In this case, the cell tissue with the `+` sign is separated from the `-` tissue, which is removed by the healer, and then the tissue returns to its original state.

German nuclear physicist Alfred Stelter also believes that "dematerialization, materialization and psychokinesis are decisive factors in mental operations." By dematerialization, Stelter understands the decay of organic matter, which turns into a completely new state of energy and which cannot be attributed to the four states of the material world already known to us (solid, liquid, gaseous or plasma).

But the main thing, perhaps, in the treatment is not the operation itself, but the work of a healer with spiritual energy. The energy of the astral body, which radiates from the middle of the fingers and the center of the healer's palm, penetrates into the physical body and eliminates the affected areas. Moreover, recent studies by German scientists have shown that this energy is capable of penetrating further than radio waves. In general, we can safely say that the issue of Filipino healing is a whole complex of problems, and this is how it should be considered.

Medicine should abandon a purely materialistic point of view on a person and recognize the right of spiritual methods of influencing health, if only because they give such an effect. Spiritual healers, in turn, must understand - and do! - that a person is not only a spirit, but also a body and that some diseases are better amenable to complex treatment using the latest achievements of modern science.

Do not think that the situation with healers in the Philippines has always been so rosy and optimistic. Years of humiliation and persecution have passed before the worldwide recognition of the Philippine phenomenon. There was even a prosecution campaign in the late 60s, and some healers were jailed for treatment without a license. It can be safely argued that the Filipino miracle was preserved only thanks to very high patrons.

This is primarily associated with the names of the then President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos (who ruled the country from 1965 to 1986) and his wife Imelda. The "First Couple of the Philippines" showed great respect and tolerance for the healers, who remember this with great fondness. The presidential couple's belief in psychic energy was common property. Speaking on national television, the president said: “I believe in psychic energy, in foreboding, and this belief is reinforced by my whole life. I once went on a visit to the United States, but 15 minutes after takeoff I felt an increasing sense of anxiety. I thought something was wrong with Imelda. Then I ordered to turn back. It turned out that at this time my wife was in great danger in the open ocean. And only this case helped me save her. I had many such premonitions, and I cannot say that this is a simple accident. As for our healers, I declare that this is our national pride, a phenomenon known throughout the world. Mr. Reagan and Mrs. Thatcher, who experienced the work of Filipino healers and were healed, called me and thanked me for this miracle …"

Virgilio Gutierrez - a man of legend

Master Virgilio Gutierrez is one of the most respected spiritual healers in the Philippines. Both of his parents were also healers. His father, Virgilio Gutierrez Sr., was very famous; among his students are Ramon (June) Labo, Emilio Laporga, Rudy Jimenez and many others, now famous all over the world. Virgilio's mother, Fortunata Gutierrez (now 86), is one of the few women who can perform mental surgery. Virgilio was born into a family with 6 children in addition to him. Now he no longer remembers when he began his practice as a healer, since from an early age he was present at the operations of his father and mother; he only remembers that at the age of 21-22 he became a fully formed healer.

Virgilio is now 59 years old. He has a very wide practice of healing all over the world, and also conducts a large number of seminars, lectures and meetings to create a good base for understanding the Filipino phenomenon around the world. Virgilio is a frequent guest on Filipino TV. He hosts a series of programs on Philippine radio, which are broadcast throughout Southeast Asia, among his listeners about 40 million people. After 39 years of practice, Virgilio is able to treat almost all diseases. Very often he works in contact with the leading doctors of the country (during my visit, I witnessed numerous calls from hospitals and clinics asking for help).

In the past, Mr. Gutierrez has undergone a number of experiments, studies conducted by scientists in the field of parapsychology in order to study his phenomenon. Most of these studies were carried out by Professor Motoyama (Japan), with whom they also created a special machine that is capable of working with subtle energy at certain points in the human body that correspond to the Sanskrit concept of chakras. These studies, conducted with Virgilio, were based on the treatment of more than 10 thousand patients who represent different religions, cultures, etc. In addition to the Filipinos, he treated representatives of Switzerland, France, Germany, USA, Czechoslovakia, Japan, India, Malaysia, etc. …

Virgilio is the head of the international organization "Brotherhood of Seekers of the Spiritual Path". Members of this organization lecture and conduct seminars in the Philippines and around the world. The Master believes that this work will help create a good starting base for understanding the Filipino miracle and for the Evolution of the Spirit.

Mr. Gutierrez is very simple and generous in dealing with people, at home, at work. His office and work clothes are very modest and even ascetic, since he believes that this is necessary so that poor patients do not feel uncomfortable. Everyone who communicated with him always notes his exceptional kindness and love for people, he literally radiates energy. After simple communication with him, you feel refreshed, vigorous, rejuvenated. Mr. Gutierrez is a happy father: he has two sons (Virgilio Jr. 16 years old and Bayani 14 years old), a daughter Margaret 12 years old. The master believes that children are the "flowers of life" who need to be given more time.

When asked about the source of his power, Virgilio invariably says: “I believe that:

1. There is a Mighty and Great Essence, which is the beginning and source of everything.

2. A person can and should communicate with this Great Essence and, thus, constantly expand his knowledge.

3. This Mighty Essence gives life to all existence and is the Giver of Life, and not in its intention to give a person suffering.

4. Man is the creator of his own destiny. He creates conditions around him, his relationships with people, etc., and the Great Essence can only help him in this.

5. There is only one Healer (Healer) - this is the Great Essence, while man is only a channel for such treatment."

The nature of the human body and its health

So, remember that a person is a receptacle of actively moving energy. The movement of this energy has a certain order, and as long as this order is maintained, a person is normal, healthy and happy. However, he is able to influence this energy through thinking and forming (building) emotional models. A peaceful and cheerful person strengthens his energy potential and promotes order in the movement of his energy. On the contrary, a gloomy, dull person violates this order, artificially reducing his potential. Naturally, this will negatively affect his health, his mental, astral and physical planes. Therefore, it is very important to know that human health is a very clear consequence of his thinking and emotions. If you want to change your health, you must change your thinking and emotional patterns. Medical science has this in mind when it says that 85 percent of all diseases are psychosomatic.

Types of diseases

Let's look at the types of diseases that will help us identify their causes. So, in my opinion, there are:

1. Emotional basis of the disease

By this I mean inadequate feelings, emotions in relation to other people, their own environment, which lead to diseases. Such feelings, for example, are envy, hatred, self-pity (self-pity), bitterness, incorrect reactions to events. These feelings contribute to the abnormal secretion of our glands. These secretions will release poisons into various vital systems and, as a result, will lead to the development of specific organ diseases. You know that in medicine and sports, while training and treatment are carried out, the morale of patients and athletes is very important for achieving high results.

2. The mental basis of the disease

When a person thinks about illness, he harms himself as a person, disrupting the energy balance of the body, loses peace and tranquility. Even before a person begins to feel pain, he forms it with his thoughts. Pride, intrigue, ignorance, superstition, prejudice, greed, avarice, disbelief, deceit, and cruelty are the ten root causes of pain. But in addition, the consequence of such a mental state is the wretchedness of a person's existence, as well as his house, apartment, work in the literal sense of the word. Typically, the house of such a person is teeming with energy parasites (the so-called vampires). At the same time, a person not only generates them, but also becomes the object of their attack, because energy parasites create thought patterns that affect the energy system. So if you are depressed,your health will deteriorate more and more according to the law of geometric progression.

Maybe it makes sense to stop?

3. Karmic diseases

Karma is a universal spiritual position, the law of cause and effect. All people think, feel, act, react in a certain way to events in their lives and reap certain consequences of their actions and thoughts. That is why we say that there are diseases that are the result of our mistakes, actions, thoughts. You've probably already heard that serious (sometimes terrible) diseases are the result of fatal mistakes or human actions. However, I believe that such diseases can be treated. This is possible when the healer is able to touch the patient's inner higher essence. The patient comes in order to eliminate the cause of the karmic state, but for this he must know it, know the truth.

No matter what they say, the physical aspect is only the result of the spiritual. I agree with my friend Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama that even the karma of the reincarnation of the astral body can be removed. Therefore, one of the important tasks of mental operations is the need to give spiritual energy to the patient's soul, thereby helping, as far as possible, the process of soul evolution. Thus, a healer helps a person to acquire a state of "satori" in which you will radiate cheerfulness, calmness, love, harmony and trust.

Preparing for treatment

Before a person sees a healer (healer) and asks for treatment, he must understand that a healer is not an ordinary "medical" doctor and, therefore, it is impossible to replace one with another. Secondly, like any doctor, the healer will require a certain discipline from the patient in his treatment. You should also be able to distinguish between a true healer and a charlatan. Usually a real healer comes across as a peaceful and cheerful person. His feelings for the patient stem from sincere compassion, and are not calculated for any show (for example, removing metal bracelets, magnetic tape, ropes or walnut shells from a person's body). A true healer takes treatment seriously and will always prepare a person for treatment. This preparation can include body cleansing, meditation, prayer, etc. So, of course, you should think about the following:

1. Before the appointment, you should refrain from alcohol, eat only vegetarian food, as much vegetables and fruits as possible. If this is difficult for you, fish or white meat (chicken, turkey) is allowed, but I am strongly against other meats, especially pork.

2. Be sure to engage in deep breathing, giving preference to classes in the morning and evening.

3. Spiritual attitude is especially important in healing, so resume your prayers and establish your broken connection with God.

4. Practical visualization is very important during treatment. So, I recommend that my patients spend their holidays and weekends on the Pacific coast, where there are many coconut trees, where it is light and clean. I invite you to swim and enjoy nature, then the sea will take away your worries and sorrows and then you will relax and feel happiness. If you are unable to make it a reality, resort to visualization: create this picture with the energy of your thoughts until you feel how the water really touches your skin.

What to expect and what to hope for

Some people feel frustrated after meeting spiritual healers. This comes from a misunderstanding of the role and task of the healer. First of all, a healer is not a structural worker of formal medicine. The healer works when a stream of healing energy flows through him. When I am tired, I stop the treatment for a short rest. So, the healer is not a machine that releases portions of energy on demand. Secondly, the healer does not take anyone who wants to heal. When I look at a patient, my attention is directed to the cause of the disease. Therefore, one and the same disease, such as a stomach ulcer, can heal faster in one patient and much longer in another. It’s funny for me to see how some people react inappropriately to the fact that the healer is supposedly giving them less time.

It must also be remembered that the healer spends several times more energy on the treatment of a hostile patient, since negative thoughts greatly interfere with the treatment. Therefore, during treatment, the patient should not be a passive observer, but should try to help and walk his part of the path. You must remember that treatment is possible with the patient's trust and is based on his faith in the True Healer, who is the source of all energy, while your healer is only a channel of His love. Therefore, never show impatience and doubts, as otherwise the treatment is meaningless.

How to restore your energy balance

The following exercises are designed to solve this problem. They should be done before going to bed in the evening or immediately after waking up. When doing the exercises, keep in mind the following:

1. Man is a repository of actively moving energy, he also reacts to any manifestation of energy factors.

2. You must be absolutely relaxed and not tense when doing the exercises. Exercises must be performed slowly and accurately.

3. Remember that "the function creates the organ", do your exercises regularly.

4. Exercises must be performed in the exact order. It is forbidden to change their places at will.

Energy Balancing Exercises

1. Loosen tight belts, ties, open your shirt.

2. Lie on your back on a relatively firm surface so that you feel comfortable.

3. Begin to feel the muscles and skin of the back that are now in contact with the bed. Take a mental view of your body from head to toe (3 minutes).

4. Slowly focus your attention on the breath. Notice how superficial it is now. Begin to breathe in deeper gradually, slowly increasing the inhalation and exhalation. There is no need to time it out, just a slow deep breath in and out.

5. After you have reached a certain state of relaxation, imagine that with each breath you bring white energy into the body. This white light enters your nose as you inhale, filling your lungs and blood, then filling all organs and cells. This energy brings goodness, health and lightness. Then it cleanses all cells of the body from poisons and diseases. These poisons change the color of the white energy to black, which is sent back to the lungs and is removed from the body with exhalation (5 minutes). This breathing process will eventually cleanse and balance your body.

6. After the exercise, repeat aloud or to yourself 7 times: “I am happy, calm and healthy” (be sure to do this final mental affirmation).

Maintaining health

1. Stand up: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down, Gradually slowly move to one leg.

2. Balance your position evenly on one leg.

3. Then exhale and, closing your eyes, inhale slowly as deeply as possible.

4. Slowly raise your arms above your head, rushing up, as if you want to reach something at a height.

5. Then, while standing still with your arms raised, slowly bring your body forward while maintaining balance. Hold this position for 4 counts, breathing in and out alternately. You may feel tingling sensations in the phalanges of your fingers. 6. Return to starting position. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times. This is a great exercise for someone who needs to clear their feelings and thoughts. Remember only that you need to do it in a calm, relaxed state.

Questions - answers

Alexander Grigoriev. Mr. Gutierrez, first I would like to raise the issue of the legal and social status of healers in your country. Please tell us about the attitude of healers and the church, healers and the government of the Philippines.

Virgilio Gutierrez. I cannot say that the Catholic Church of the Philippines (in particular, Cardinal Sin) supports the Filipino healers. And this is understandable to me, since the treatment of a person (especially spiritual treatment) has always been the prerogative of the church. But you must agree that at present the role of the church is reduced to a purely ritual factor. In my opinion, today it does not give any intelligible answer to the many questions of the flock. Therefore, today the church sees competitors in the healers, and this is regrettable. On the other hand, we have absolutely no confrontation, let alone struggle with each other. I would describe our relationship as calm. As for the Philippine government, it does not recognize the de facto legitimacy of spiritual healing. There was even a massive campaign of persecution in the 1960s. The martial state of President Marcos' regime, oddly enough, demonstrated a tolerance for spiritual healing. Politically, this was important as the Filipino healer phenomenon was very popular in the West. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer.demonstrated tolerance for spiritual healing. Politically, this was important as the Filipino healer phenomenon was very popular in the West. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer.demonstrated tolerance for spiritual healing. Politically, this was important as the Filipino healer phenomenon was very popular in the West. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer. Politically, this was important as the Filipino healer phenomenon was very popular in the West. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer. Politically, this was important as the Filipino healer phenomenon was very popular in the West. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer. President Marcoe and his wife Imelda had great faith in psychic energy and improved their knowledge in this. By the way, this explains the longevity of President Marcos as a politician. As you may know, our famous healer Jun Labo was his personal physician. Now the situation is quite calm: healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer.healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer.healers are not subjected to any persecution, persecution by official medicine. Still, healers are very popular and the effect of their treatment is so great that no one dares to fight against them. There are cases when medical doctors, powerless to provide assistance to a patient, themselves refer him to some healer.

A. G. My next question is about the role of faith in healing.

VG All healers in the Philippines are very religious people. The Philippines is a Christian country with 8/10 of the population being Catholics. The healer can adhere to different religions, but faith is very important. Before the treatment, I myself necessarily turn to Christ and my patron Saint Anthony for help.

A. D. Do healers have a specialization? Maybe some treat only cancer, others - eye or heart diseases, just like official doctors?

V. G. As a rule, healers can treat a whole range of diseases without restrictions. There is practically no rigid specialization. As you know, healers are not doctors in the broadest sense of the word. They are only a channel for Divine energy. For God, nothing is impossible. A spiritual guide (saint, angel, or patron), however, can be very effective in treating a specific disease or treating all diseases. In the Catholic Church, we pray to a specific saint for deliverance from a specific adversity. I know that the same is happening in the Orthodox Church. So, one healer can help in many diseases, while another heals, for example, only teeth. In my practice, there was a case when a patient turned to my friend, healer Josephine, with a tumor on her wrist. However, she saidthat it is impossible to perform an operation at this place of bone attachment. At the same time, it was not difficult for me, and the operation was successful.

A. G. But will not a negative result be obtained if the patient switches from one healer to another?

V. G. I, as a rule, do not advise doing this and very rarely take other people's patients. Especially if the patient feels better and the treatment is successful. However, if one healer does not improve, there is nothing wrong if you turn to another. But, for example, there are not many healers who can cure cancer. You should also know that the energy level and vibration are different for all healers. Some are more spiritual than others, and this also affects the effectiveness of the treatment.

A. G. Is it true that healers can only treat psychosomatic illnesses?

V. G. This is unfair. After all, healers treat various abscesses, adenomas, advanced sclerosis, vertebral deformities, blood diseases, organic fractures, remove stones from the kidneys and gallbladder. Agree that these are not psychosomatic diseases in nature. If this were the case, then such problems could be solved with the help of hypnosis and suggestion. There is no doubt, however, that suggestion plays a prominent role in the healing process.

A. G. How effective is Filipino Spiritual Healing? What does it look like in percentage terms?

V. G. This is one of the most difficult questions, since there is no complete information on this question. Healers treat many patients, and in most cases these people do not give their address and phone number. As a rule, the healer is not interested in this either, since his task is to concentrate on healing. After treatment, the patient simply goes home. As for my practice, I specifically dealt with this issue, and I have approximately 80-82 percent positive results. As far as I know, Jun Labo has similar numbers.

A. G. What can you say about the financial issue? This problem is constantly being discussed in our country and is widely discussed on TV, radio, and in newspapers. So, should the healer charge for the treatment?

V. G. I agree that it is necessary to clarify this issue. Each Filipino healer has a donation box next to an icon or figurine of the Virgin Mary or Baby Jesus. And everyone can put in the amount they want. It can be 100-150 dollars or 20 cents. A person with a special political or social position pays much more for his treatment. Likewise, a foreigner who comes to the Philippines will pay a significant amount of money, since it is believed that the poor person will not go abroad. In general, the financial issue is regulated by a special association of healers. In any case, the healer must do his job professionally. For life he needs food and clothing, everyone has children, families. In my opinion, in this matter, as, indeed, in all others,it is necessary to observe the golden mean. I will give you only the words of Christ: “And, having called his twelve disciples, he gave them power over unclean spirits to drive them out and heal every disease and every weakness … heal the sick, cleanse the lepers … drive out demons, you have received freely, freely give. Do not take with you neither gold, nor silver, nor copper in your belts, nor bags for the journey, nor two clothes, nor shoes, nor a staff, for the laborer is worthy of his food (Gospel of Matthew 10: 1–42).no shoes, no staff, for the laborer is worthy of his food”(Gospel of Matthew 10: 1–42).no shoes, no staff, for the laborer is worthy of his food”(Gospel of Matthew 10: 1–42).

A. D. Is there a negative experience of treatment?

VG As far as I know, there are no such negative results. Although it must be said that with neglected diseases, an exacerbation sometimes occurs, which passes after 2-3 treatment sessions, and sometimes lasts up to 2-3 months. Even that usually doesn't happen. Nevertheless, I will focus on two cases, and you yourself will decide this question. A German girl who was treated for thrombophlebitis of her left leg felt so much better after the first session that she danced a disco in a restaurant that same evening for 3 hours. The result was quite predictable: she again felt pain.

Another story was of a New Zealand patient being treated for cirrhosis. When he returned home, he felt so healthy that he started drinking again, and after a year the disease returned. So, as a rule, the return of the disease is the work of the patient himself. Do you agree?

A. G. Yes, of course. Sometimes I am asked after treatment: will my illness come back or will I never get sick again? I ask in response: Imagine, you had a cold, after 7 days you recovered, but is there a guarantee that you will not get sick again? Of course, this is possible if a person takes care of his health, hardening, physical education. Thus, in order to be healthy, one must exert strength.

V. G. I agree with you.

A. G. Let me ask you the following question. Is it correct to understand that a person who is skeptical about treatment will be rejected by the healer?

V. G. No, not necessarily. Are you going to scold a child who is skeptical about a strawberry that is offered to him for the first time? There is nothing wrong with a person who has never met with healers and has not seen their treatment, showing healthy skepticism. But after the treatment is successful, it would be foolish to keep turning a blind eye to it.

A. D. Is the patient's faith in Christ necessary for treatment?

VG All healers in the Philippines are Christians in the sense that they follow Christ. Our prayers are Christian, our book is the Christian Bible. However, I must tell you about my experience of treatment in Saudi Arabia. As you know, this is a Muslim country. I'm afraid to sound immodest, but the results were very good. I only asked the patient to read the prayer that is close to him, and everything worked out. I found it amusing to see how skeptical British medical consultants in Arabia reacted to the results of their work with patients. After the results of laboratory tests, they all offered themselves as objects for treatment.

Therefore, it is not necessary to believe in God when you start treatment. But a person will definitely believe in Him when he is cured, since His presence during treatment is obvious. I recently treated two children: an eight-year-old girl from Iran and a two-year-old Filipino girl with a heart rhythm disorder. The treatment was very successful, although you understand that a child at two years old is unlikely to have clear religious convictions.

A. G. What can you say about sterility and sanitation during the operation?

V. G. I understand that you are really shocked and surprised that during the operation the healers do not sterilize their hands and equipment. And it is even more surprising that there has never been a case of any infection, infection in the patient's body after spiritual healing. In my opinion, everything is very simple and logical. When I do healing, I and my environment are influenced by the Spirit (energy). Since this energy is pure, then everything that it penetrates cannot have infection. During treatment, everything is automatically sterilized. The vibration level of the healer is so high that infection is impossible.

A. G. Is a mental operation necessary for treatment, the best form of healing?

V. G. Good question. Operation is, of course, not always a necessary process for treatment. In some cases, I just don't use them. As for the rest … Since this treatment has become very popular in the West, every tourist dreams of trying it on himself. Some patients believe that if the healer does not open his body, then there is no cure. Of course it is not. You probably know that the results of energetic (magnetic) treatment in many cases are in no way inferior to mental surgery. Some even believe that magnetic healing is the highest form of healing. In my opinion, all forms of treatment have a right to exist. The main thing is the end result.

A. G. Do Filipino healers treat alcoholism and tobacco smoking?

V. G. Yes, of course. Hypnosis is very often used in this case, since, in my opinion, this is not a physical, but a psychosomatic illness. With the help of hypnosis, a person relaxes, while blocks, nerve endings of the brain are released. As a result, the problem is solved.

A. G. Please tell us about the role of music and smells in healing.

V. G. The role of music is very great, for music is vibration, energy, mood and connection with the cosmos. Music helps the patient to relax, the healer to connect with God, to concentrate thought and energy. During treatment, I often sing Gregorian church songs, which are very common in France. In my opinion, they are ideal for spiritual healing.

Smell also plays an important role, since it strongly affects the psychoenergetic centers (chakras) of a person. Either relaxes, calms the patient, or, conversely, stimulates the energy centers, promotes concentration.

A. G. How do you feel about fasting?

V. G. I recognize this type of therapy, because through fasting and frequent drinking of water a person is cleansed of toxins and establishes a connection with the cosmos. But man is man. In order to live, you need to eat, to ensure the minimum standard of living. That is, fasting is a purely medical procedure. When treating the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, I often prescribe a diet without meat and milk. But after recovery, few people adhere to the diet constantly, since in the Philippines there is a certain tradition in nutrition: meat, fish, a lot of spices, sugar.

A. G. I have heard the opinion that the Philippine phenomenon is largely determined by the territorial factor. I mean that the abundance of volcanoes creates a powerful energetic support for the healer. Is it so?

V. G. In principle, this is so. Healers use the energy of volcanoes, typhoons, torrential tropical showers. But since this is the energy of destruction, it is used to crush stones, destroy tumors, etc. The energy of creation is created only by the inner work of the healer, prayer, and divine communication. However, to understand this to mean that healers are only able to heal in the Philippines is wrong. I have treated very successfully in the USA, France, India and many other countries.

A. G. Do you treat stuttering?

VG Stuttering is a fear caused by some event in life. I do not think that you need to frighten a person again, to shock him in order to cure him. You need to work with the throat chakra (vishudha chakra), work with blue energy.

A. G. What, in your opinion, qualities are necessary for the development of clairvoyance?

VG There are only three of them: good health, good mood and talent. Rebirthing (holotropic breathing system) is very helpful for unlocking abilities, which relaxes well, shows talents, gives a flight of spirit.

A. G. Thank you for your detailed interesting answers.

Philippines, Manila, February 27-28, 1995

Secrets of Filipino Healers. Color-pranic treatment

Now I would like to introduce you to what constitutes a Filipino miracle. In my opinion, the Filipino phenomenon is determined not only and not so much by psychic bloody operations, but by a whole complex of unique methods of treatment and interaction of the healer with the Infinite Space. First of all, I would like to focus on the use of colored energy by healers in the treatment (the so-called color-pranic treatment). For example, a Filipino healer uses 5 different types of energy to treat hearing loss. The patient experiences a completely different heat signal when the healer alternately lowers the fingers of his right hand into his ear. Thus, by means of the strongest concentration, the healer gives the different fingers of his hand SIMULTANEOUSLY ENERGIES, which differ in wavelength, and therefore in color. Sure,Russian bioenergy therapists are familiar with the doctrine of psychoenergetic centers, human chakras, which are responsible for the state of certain organs. We know that they are energy cone-shaped vortices of various COLORS, directed by their bases to the energy shells of a person (bodies, fields). However, until now, Russian specialists have worked mainly with white and yellow energies in treatment. White - light, kind, airy, cool energy; only it must be used in the treatment of, for example, endocrine diseases. And vice versa, we know that crushing stones, removing nodes, blocks is better and more efficient to carry out with yellow (solar, warm, heavy, kind) energy. Much less often, our specialists work with green energy (and then only to remove negative information) and use red to treat the most difficult, neglected, hopeless cases.

Summarizing all of the above, it can be noted that so far our understanding of the treatment with colored energy has been very superficial and poor. In my opinion, the theory of color-pranic (or color-energy) treatment offered to you now can significantly add to your knowledge in this area. It should be noted that I studied this technique during two years of training in the Philippines in the system of spiritual healing, in particular, from Master Virgilio Gutierrez, as well as from Master Choa Kok Sui (China). This technique has been tested by me on more than 200 patients and, in combination with other types of therapy, has given excellent results. I hope you find this system useful as well.

First of all, it must be emphasized that most of the healing practices described here are suitable only for use by experienced practicing healers. This is explained by the specific features of energy treatment: the need for a certain baggage of theoretical knowledge in anatomy and physiology, esoteric training, the ability to perceive a person not only on the physical, but also on other levels of reality (etheric, astral, mental planes). In addition, it is necessary to understand that bioenergetic (pranic) treatment is not just "waving hands", but a complex (albeit invisible to the naked eye) process. Therefore, before starting energy treatment in any form, it is necessary to read the given methodology three times and clearly understand what needs to be done.

For energy healing at the modern level, Filipino healers use different colors of prana and chakra practices; the positive aspect is the ability to work with the most serious diseases, quick response and speed of impact.

Air energy, solar energy and earth energy are composed of white (or basic) prana. The presence of air and earth energy determines the "vitality" and "vitality" of any object in the esoteric sense, because if you look at it from the standpoint of clairvoyance (meaning the use of the so-called "third eye" by a person), you can see the congestion around each object, possessing "vitality" (man, animal, plants, etc.). This concept of vitality has different limits: for example, one object has more, another less.

Terrestrial prana (terrestrial substance of life) penetrates the earth, and this energy can be seen a few centimeters from the ground. This earthly prana is denser and usually more powerful in its characteristics than air prana. After applying certain practices, you can quite clearly see the dense energy shell of the earth. Thus, when using special exercises, a person can develop a sensitive perception of the world, that is, CLARITY.

The colors of prana

The "vitality" of any object can be defined as the accumulation of white energy particles near the object. These particles, this energy are absorbed by the chakras (psychoenergetic centers); here it is absorbed and broken down into components. When white prana is assimilated by chakra, it turns into one of six color options corresponding to the colors of the rainbow. A certain amount of air prana is absorbed directly by the spleen chakra from the front and back. And then in a different color version it is transmitted to other chakras. The prana of the earth is absorbed through the chakras located on the soles of a person's feet and then flows into the root chakra (kundalini). From there it goes directly to the spine and other chakras, and at regular intervals it enters the secondary chakras, the navel (choice) chakra, then the spleen chakra,and then, according to the above-described scheme, it undergoes transformations and spreads to the main chakras. All these processes occur automatically, regardless of our desire.

Of course, you must also remember that white prana is the source and part of the red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet energies.

How to use the prana color

It must be said that colored energy is more specific and more effective than plain white prana. However, the use of colored energy has so far been available to specialists in the field of bioenergy, and not to a wide range of people. This is due to the fact that usually, when approaching color-pranic treatment, a layman tends to use a bright, saturated, dark color of energy. But just this can lead to disastrous results. For example, red prana has a strengthening effect on the body, but the use of a rich dark red color in healing will lead to over-excitement of the body and ultimately weaken the organ that is being treated. Thus, we will get a completely opposite effect.

Therefore, your first rule of thumb when treating with colored prana is to use pastel, "washed out" tones. That is, the effectiveness of the treatment will increase immeasurably when using a combination of this color with white energy (i.e. light red, light green, etc.). And when using red energy, which is kind of blurred with white, you will have exactly the strengthening effect you need on the organ. Moreover, white energy is a HARMONIZING ELEMENT for treatment. In most cases, healers usually use the following formula to heal: 70 percent WHITE PRANA + 30 percent COLORED PRANA. The resulting combination is the best for treatment. If necessary, on rare occasions only colored prana can be used. But this is an exception to the rule, and these cases should be discussed separately.

So, you can think of the energy you need as:

1) luminous white energy with colored prana along the periphery;

2) colored prana in the center and white on the sides;

3) imagine white energy and, as it were, dissolve color in it until a pastel tone (blurred background) is obtained.

The first and second methods are essentially the same. Method 3 provides a more subtle pranic treatment and I would call it the most reliable.

Before starting pranic healing, I advise you to dump the energy from your hand several times after working with another energy. Ways to activate the healer's hands for energy healing are well known to beginners, and we will not dwell on this in this book.

Properties of various colored energies and their applications

Red prana


1) fortifying;

2) warming;

3) expanding;

4) increasing the volume;

5) dissemination (for example, improving blood circulation);

6) construction (promotes the accelerated formation of red blood cells);

7) maintaining the physical body;

8) maintaining normal blood, skin and human skeleton;

9) stimulating and energizing. Application area:

1) strengthening weakened organs;

2) expansion of blood vessels and respiratory tract;

3) improved circulation;

4) various allergies;

5) internal and external bleeding;

6) paralysis;

7) loss of consciousness;

8) as a last resort in hopeless cases.

Red prana treatment uses:

1) white-red energy;

2) red energy. The use of saturated dark red energy is prohibited, as this can lead to the opposite effect required (instead of a strengthening effect, a weakening effect on the body will appear).

As mentioned above, red energy has an expanding effect on blood vessels and respiratory tract, therefore it is often used for patients with disorders of the cardiovascular system and broncho-pulmonary diseases (asthma, etc.).

Dark red energy is not used, as it can cause inflammation or vascular constriction, which in certain diseases can have tragic consequences. It is also not used in the treatment of sexual dysfunctions, as it sharply increases hormonal release into the body (this remark does not apply to white-red prana).

Orange prana


1) burning of negative energy;

2) destruction (of tumors, stones, etc.);

3) cleansing;

4) release or weakening of "sick" energy;

5) extraction (of diseased organs and tissues);

6) discharge, unblocking property ("destruction energy").

Application area:

1) destruction and purification from toxins, toxins, microbes;

2) allergies;

3) kidneys and disorders of the genitourinary system;

4) menstrual irregularities;

5) removal of blood clots (thrombosis, thrombophlebitis);

6) arthritis and arthrosis;

7) cysts;

8) colds, coughs, pulmonary diseases.

The treatment uses:

1) light orange prana;

2) orange prana. Orange prana has a very powerful effect, so it must be avoided when treating “fragile organs”: the organs of vision, brain and heart. Here are some cases when it is necessary to avoid orange energy treatment: 1) head; 2) eyes; 3) the brain; 4) the area directly near the head; 5) jaw chakra (double); 6) heart; 7) heart chakra; 8) the spleen; 9) spleen chakra.

Once again, I emphasize that the use of orange prana must be very careful, as its misuse can cause serious damage. When you work, for example, with lung diseases with this energy, your hands should be directed away from the patient's head. It is forbidden to work with orange energy with the jaw chakra, as this chakra is directly connected with the brain. It is also impossible to work with the orange prana with the spleen and the spleen chakra, because they are directly connected with all the head chakras, including the head. Orange energy should be used with caution when working with the solar plexus chakra and the choice (navel) chakra, as this can cause weakening of the intestines.

At the same time, it gives excellent results in the treatment of constipation. Like red, orange prana is often used when dealing with hopeless patients.

Light orange prana has a pronounced cleansing effect (of the etheric and physical bodies of a person). It removes the negative "sick" energy from the etheric body. Also on the physical plane it plays an essential role in the elimination of toxins from the body. Often used for allergies. And although other colors of energy are used in the treatment of this disease, the use of light orange and light red energies is truly indispensable to achieve a quick result, especially in serious cases.

Green prana


1) splitting;

2) assimilation (absorption);

3) calming;

4) cleansing;

5) disinfectant;

6) release from toxins (detoxification);

7) release, weakening of "sick" energy;

8) dissolving;

9) neutralization of "sick" elements and "dead" tissue.

Application area:

1) splitting of blood clots;

2) disinfection;

3) colds;

4) fever (fever);

5) removal of negative energy, local cleaning, calming effect in case of overexcitation.

Green energy is commonly used as a sedative, as well as a cleanser for a diseased organ (or system), to remove negative energy or "diseased" tissue. The release, weakening of the "sick" energy will enable the healing forces to work for the healing and healing of an organ or system. Green prana is softer and safer than orange prana. As one of the precautions: when working with the internal organs, apply green energy before working with orange prana. It is generally advisable to apply green prana treatment before using stronger energies (such as red, orange, and purple) as a precautionary measure to prevent radical reaction or harm. I must say that applying green energy to orange is extremely effective in calming,cleansing the physical body, the bioplasma of the body. It should also be noted that green energy is used to destroy negative “sick” energy. It is also possible to offer with such a treatment the option of using simultaneously orange and green prana (i.e., orange-green prana). The formula looks like this: 70 percent green + 30 percent orange. For example, intense green energy paired with orange is used as a very effective treatment for various types of cancer. At the same time, before treatment, blue prana is used to localize the destructive effect with the energy of the affected organ.when both orange and green prana (i.e., orange-green prana) are applied. The formula looks like this: 70 percent green + 30 percent orange. For example, intense green energy paired with orange is used as a very effective treatment for various types of cancer. At the same time, before treatment, blue prana is used to localize the destructive effect with the energy of the affected organ.when both orange and green prana (i.e., orange-green prana) are applied. The formula looks like this: 70 percent green + 30 percent orange. For example, intense green energy paired with orange is used as a very effective treatment for various types of cancer. At the same time, before treatment, blue prana is used to localize the destructive effect with the energy of the affected organ.

Yellow prana


1) binder, cementing;

2) assimilation, increasing the effect of other energy;

3) stimulating effect on the nervous system;

4) invigorating;

5) as a necessary remedy for healthy skin, organs and bones.

Application area:

1) trauma to the skeletal system;

2) skin disorders;

3) development of strong and healthy tissues, organs, bones (i.e., regeneration);

4) improving metabolism, assimilation of nutrients by cells (assimilation).

Yellow energy is not used alone in healing wounds, bleeding, burns, or bone injuries, as this can result in scarring or tissue overgrowth. A suitable treatment in such cases is to alternately apply light green and blurred yellow energy.

Blue prana


1) disinfectant and anti-inflammatory;

2) braking;

3) localizing and reducing (contractive);

4) sedative and mild anesthetic (pain reliever);

5) cooling;

6) emollient;

7) Hemostatic, good for blood clotting.

Application area:

1) disorders in the body caused by infection;

2) excellent pain reliever;

3) anti-inflammatory agent;

4) has an inhibitory effect on chakras, organs and motor function;

5) causes relaxation and sleep (very often, when treating the endocrine system using blue prana, the patient falls asleep);

6) stops bleeding;

7) relieves fever, fever. As an experiment, I conducted the treatment of a paralytic patient. The treatment was carried out first on the brain and then on the right (paralyzed) arm. Blue prana was supplied directly to the right hand for several minutes, the patient experienced great difficulty in movement, but he did not feel pain at all. When red energy was then applied directly to the affected area, the patient began to raise his hand and move it. This case shows that first, with the help of blue energy, an analgesic effect was achieved, and then with the help of red energy, they had a strengthening and stimulating effect, which led to success.

Purple prana

Violet prana has the properties of all five of the above energies and their combinations, and the effect is significantly enhanced. Therefore, it is used for a wide range of violations. Violet, bluish violet and greenish violet energies have tremendous regenerative (regenerating) effects and can be used to heal damaged organs and nervous system. In doing so, bluish violet and greenish violet energies are also used to accelerate the healing of clean wounds. Purple prana is used by Filipino healers in the treatment of a number of infectious diseases, including syphilis. You can not use dark purple prana in the treatment of respiratory diseases, as this gives a reverse reaction and stimulates the development of a viral infection. In such cases, it is better and safer to use light violet energy.

Violet prana has a great amplifying effect on the properties of other color energies when used concurrently with other prana. in no case should violet prana be used simultaneously with red, this gives a strong destructive effect and can cause an expanding effect on blood vessels, etc. For the same reason, the simultaneous use of violet and orange energies is prohibited.

Thus, it is recommended to use light red and light orange energies in contact with light purple prana to strengthen the body (while light purple prana significantly accelerates this effect).

Both white and violet energies have all the properties of colored energies. The difference between one and the other is that purple has a more significant penetrating effect and is easier to digest than white.

Electrical Violet Energy (EPE)

There are two types of violet prana: regular violet energy (discussed above) and electrical violet energy (EPE). The first is a luminous violet that is extracted from the environment (air, earth and solar energy). The second is a glowing white light with violet around the periphery. This energy is generated by the Crown Chakra (Absolute) and extracted from the energy of the Absolute. Such energy is also called "spiritual" or "Divine" energy.

EPE has all the properties of other color pranas and has a stronger energy potential and capabilities than the usual one. It has a very beneficial, rapidly regenerating effect on diseased organs and the nervous system, and has a pronounced disinfecting effect. Saturated dark EPE is commonly used in the Philippines to treat various tumors and cancers. So, usually in the treatment of cancer, before applying blue energy, dark EFE is used to localize the effect.

EPE also has a more significant amplifying effect on the properties of other colored energies than simple violet. It is not recommended to use it together with red, orange or yellow, as it can increase the negative effects on the body. There is also a great danger that this negative effect can turn against the healer himself if the patient's body turns out to be immune to treatment. This should be well remembered. Therefore, in the treatment it is recommended to apply diffuse color energy before or after the application of EPE.

Very often in esoteric literature, the concepts of "EFE" and "white" energy are confused, although there are several important differences between them. EFE is initiated by the energy of the Absolute, the Divine principle, and therefore its positive impact is entirely in His power and fulfills His will. “Luminous white” energy has similar properties, but it is not programmed by the Higher Mind. Therefore, EPE is much more effective than white.

When working with EPE, a white energy beam with violet at the periphery of the beam is usually visualized. But it must be emphasized that it is necessary to apply EFE in practice very carefully, it is better if it is an experienced, knowledgeable Master. The effectiveness of such treatment depends on the ability of the healer to regulate the flow of EPE. Usually this also indicates the level of development of his crown chakra and the level of his connection with the Divine (the so-called "column"). So, the "column" of an ordinary person is very refined, low density, poor "pressure", collapsed. But the "column" of the clairvoyant deserves more attention. The "column" of such a person is dense, good "pressure", and therefore, he has a strong connection with the Divine level.

The spiritual connection with the Divine principle in people who practice yoga, meditation, who perform regular prayers is much higher than that of an ordinary person. The "column" of such a person is already several centimeters in diameter. There are people whose spiritual connection with the Absolute is so great that the diameter of their column becomes larger than the diameter of the head. Of course, such people are now still very rare at the present level of development of human evolution.

Golden ironic energy (ZPE)

When electrical violet energy (EPE) comes into contact with the human etheric body, it turns into golden prana. EFE - ZPE. When EPE is absorbed by the physical body of a person, it transforms into red prana. Golden energy has properties similar to electrical violet prana, although it is somewhat weaker in effect. EZE has a less pronounced cleansing effect than EFE, so EZE is generally preferred, especially for beginners. Like EPE, it has an ennobling psychological effect on a person, and this is especially important in the treatment of mental disorders. Golden prana is perceived by a healthy person as cool, calming, pleasant and perceived with pleasure. For people who are malnourished and unhealthy, it usually has a warming effect.

In many religions, dedicated people, saints, ascetics are depicted with a golden halo around their heads. This halo is formed when the crown chakra is activated and when the EPE is absorbed by the etheric body. In Eastern esoteric teachings, this energy is known as "ki" or "celestial energy". In Kabbalah, it is called a “column of light” because clairvoyants clearly distinguish such a “column” above the initiate's head. Christians call this energy "the energy of the Holy Spirit emanating from God the Father." So, in many Christian icons, Jesus is depicted with a golden halo around his head and a sparkling white stream of light around. This symbolizes spiritual energy or the Holy Spirit descended on a person.

In general, for the Great Initiates, saints, ascetics, their etheric bodies are transformed into a golden body, which clairvoyants perceive as a golden aura.

What energy to apply

What if the healer is in doubt about which energy to use? If such doubts arise, I advise using white prana for minor disturbances and light purple regular prana for severe cases. In general, white energy is best used in the treatment of children and adolescents, as well as the elderly.

How to improve your energy

There are several ways to improve the quality, increase the vibration level of your energy. If the energetic state of the healer is imperfect, then the treatment he is conducting will also be imperfect. If the healer is constantly improving the quality of his energy and strives to increase the level of its vibration, then the treatment will be carried out at an ever more subtle level. If the treatment takes place on a gross energy level, the patient's reaction can be very negative. For example, if this treatment is applied to the head, the patient may feel dizzy. Also, if gross energy is used when working with the solar plexus chakra, the patient may experience severe breathing problems.

A number of factors affect the increase in the healer's vibration level. First of all, this is the experience of the healer and how often he treats. So, novice healers can begin treatment with a relatively rough energy, gradually developing professionally, gaining the necessary experience, increasing the level of their vibration. That is why the beginning of the healing activity is often associated with some difficulties: unpleasant sensations, negative mental reactions, fatigue. Usually, in such cases, you can recommend vegetarian food, meditation, regular prayer.

Subtle pranic energy has a deeper penetrating effect, the rate of its assimilation is faster, all negative consequences for the patient are minimized (you, of course, understand that it is impossible to exclude the body's reactions to cleaning from toxins, for example). When working with the subtlest prana, the rate of its assimilation by the body is very high. At the same time, clairvoyants see how energy literally gushes at a sore organ or tissue. This cannot be seen when the energy emitted by the healer is not so subtle. At the same time, the speed of treatment is directly proportional to the "quality" of energy.

Ordinary healers have an aura of 0.5 to 1 meter, while the human energy bodies are not so subtle. Many advanced healers have an aura of more than 2 meters, and their energy is already much "better". Very “advanced” healers have an aura over 15 meters and have very subtle energy. If the healer possesses such subtlest energy, then he is able to heal the patient without negative consequences. For example, he can completely painlessly increase the so-called "internal" aura of the patient from a few centimeters to 3 meters. In this case, the patient will not feel any discomfort.

So, summarizing all of the above, you can offer several ways to improve the quality of your energy:

1. Food must be vegetarian. Vegetarianism has stood the test of time. Many of the most prominent thinkers and spiritual leaders of mankind were vegetarians, many others recognized its desirability. In the East thousands of years ago, and in the West, at least from the 8th century BC, vegetarianism for ethical reasons was taken as the basis of life by many. The priests of Ancient Egypt were prohibited from eating meat. Brahmins, Jains, Zoroastrians, Buddhists and many Christians recognize all life as sacred and believe that one should live without harming other species of life. The Greek philosophers Pythagoras, Empedocles, Socrates were vegetarians; Roman poets, writers, philosophers - Ovid, Seneca, Plutarch and many others. Of the names closer to us: Isaac Newton, Voltaire, Swedenborg, L. N. Tolstoy, Bernard Shaw, Tagore, etc. I'm not even talking about the fact that animals killed for meat suffer from many diseases and parasites due to unnatural living conditions, especially from artificial nutrition, which produces a degeneration of all internal organs.

2. Regular meditation. Let me cite a quote from the "Teachings of Living Ethics" by E. Roerich: "Prayer usually evokes blue and violet flames … The light basis in earthly existence is very essential. You can fake the sound of the voice, but the radiation of the heart will be genuine. Prayer is a purifier. This definition should not be understood in an abstract way. Spiritual health is the main basis for the health of the body. It is prayer, as a real connection with the Highest Source, that will be the best purifier of the body from all diseases …"

3. Regular healing practice (to gain experience).

4. Ban on the use of nicotine and alcohol.

5. Abstaining from drugs, substances that cause hallucinations, etc., as this has a very negative effect on the energy and the human body.

A few words about karma

Earlier, speaking about the causes of diseases, we have already touched upon the problem of karmic diseases. Let me make a few additions.

When a person does something intentionally (good or bad), he experiences certain consequences of this. This is the fundamental principle of the Universe, the law of the cosmos. When you plant a grain of rice, you are harvesting not one grain, but many of the exact same rice grains. When you plant a cherry pit, you get a tree and many fruits. When a person is engaged in healing and does something on purpose, he receives a hundredfold from his work. This is not an exaggeration, it really is. The Bible says: “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap (Epistle to the Galatians of the holy Apostle Paul, 6: 7). Therefore, it will be wiser, better for a person to do good than to commit evil deeds. You should not, of course, blindly agree with these words. You have the opportunity to experiment and see what happens.

The law of karma should not develop fatalism in you (this will be a gross mistake), but only push you towards greater self-esteem, self-restraint in thoughts and actions. You should not blame, blame, condemn other people, your parents, your environment, other forces invisible to you for your problems, worries or trials. Try some meditation practice. It is necessary to learn to learn from not only positive conditions for you, but also from negative experiences. Remember, "there are no enemies, there are only teachers." So, you have to do to others as you would like to be treated to you in order to have good karma.

From the book: “XX century. Chronicle of the inexplicable. Opening after opening”. Nikolai Nepomniachtchi.