In Every Person There Are Extraterrestrial Genes Due To Ancestors Who Arrived From Mars - Alternative View

In Every Person There Are Extraterrestrial Genes Due To Ancestors Who Arrived From Mars - Alternative View
In Every Person There Are Extraterrestrial Genes Due To Ancestors Who Arrived From Mars - Alternative View

Video: In Every Person There Are Extraterrestrial Genes Due To Ancestors Who Arrived From Mars - Alternative View

Video: In Every Person There Are Extraterrestrial Genes Due To Ancestors Who Arrived From Mars - Alternative View
Video: Mankind Rising - Where do Humans Come From 2024, September

Recently, new discoveries of scientists have forced them to rethink the history of human evolution. They assume that in every inhabitant of the planet there are extraterrestrial genes due to ancestors who arrived from Mars, and UFOs still control the activities of the descendants of advanced civilizations.


Such theories did not arise from scratch, because experts have noticed many differences in the physiology of humans compared with animals. Back pain and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system are associated with poor adaptation of the skeleton to new living conditions. Perhaps the ancient peoples were not subject to evolution along with other creatures, but lived on a planet with low gravity.

A person should feel better than other types of organisms in the environment, only he gets sick more often than representatives of the fauna. The embryos of children have large heads and become the reason for difficult childbirth, and earthlings do not tolerate the sun's rays well, because their homeland was far from the usual luminary. The latest discoveries of scientists have proved that there are 223 genes in the human body that are not found in other inhabitants of the Earth, and the optimal cycle has become a day out of 25 hours.


American expert Ellis Silver wrote a book dedicated to scientific assessments of evidence of the extraterrestrial origin of Homo sapiens, who originated in the Universe and then transferred to the planet. This hypothesis made it possible to explain the paradox of Darwin's theory concerning the origin of the Cro-Magnon after the existence of the Neanderthals. The luminaries of science cannot yet solve the riddle of their colleague, but now we can understand that this species came here from space, having founded a new civilization, and then mixed with local tribes. The scientist believes that aliens arrived on Earth from the Alpha Centauri system 200,000 years ago.


The legends of different peoples of the world are associated with the cosmic origin of their ancestors. African tribes Hutu and Tutsi consider a pair of celestials to be their ancestors, and the first Japanese arrived on Earth from a cloudy country. The Chinese also describe the sons of heaven who arrived in the valley near the Yellow River, and in the caves of ancient people you can find drawings in which there are figures of aliens in the background of a UFO. Many researchers do not doubt that representatives of intelligent life lived on the Red Planet, where there were all the conditions for its origin.

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During their research, the specialists found out that in the depths of the object there were large reserves of molybdenum and boron, which form RNA molecules. In the late 80s, a meteorite was discovered on the territory of Antarctica, which arrived from this place. It is perfectly preserved in such a corner of the world, and the results of analyzes showed the presence of extraterrestrial microorganisms.

This miracle fell here 13,000 years ago, but amazed astronomers with its venerable age of almost 5 billion years. This time is enough for the formation of biological life forms, and it is also worth considering that Mars is located at a decent distance from the Sun and its gravity is only 38%.


In 1877, the Italian scientist Giovanni Schiaparelli managed to find dried canals on the planet that have ideal shapes, and then satellite images showed the ruins of structures. In the late 70s, the American station also noticed man-made analogues, where the huge face of a creature resembling a sphinx stood out on a 500-meter mountain. Then the attention of experts was attracted by the mysterious pyramids that could not arise at the whim of nature.

Then the rover in 2014 recorded a UFO flight, when the alien ship showed a trail stretching from the surface of a celestial body, as well as several probes sent here to study it, disappeared without a trace after colliding with these creatures. Most scientists begin to suspect that some of the inhabitants are still hiding inside their homeland, but what could have happened on Mars, turning it into a lifeless desert?


During the NASA conference, the opinions of experts were voiced regarding a nuclear disaster that destroyed part of the planet, as is eloquently indicated by isotopes of radioactive elements found in the soil. Also, a giant meteorite could have fallen here, but all events occurred during the appearance of intelligent people on Earth. The settlers could choose suitable conditions for their survival and began to settle in the north, founding Hyperborea.

From here they could already fly to other parts of the world, confirming the legends of the gods. In addition, the technologies of ancient civilizations still baffle scientists, and the German colleague Wilhelm Scharike confirmed this theory when he found the tribe in the Amazon jungle. It still worships the extraterrestrial sphinx and makes masks with its accurate image, although it still leads a primitive lifestyle. The leakage of information from the secret report of the agency allowed experts to find out that the ancestors of earthlings created it on the Red Planet while it was suitable for existence, but then they were forced to leave their historical homeland.

Reshetnikova Irina