Traditional Versus E-cigarettes: The Research Result Is Terrifying - Alternative View

Traditional Versus E-cigarettes: The Research Result Is Terrifying - Alternative View
Traditional Versus E-cigarettes: The Research Result Is Terrifying - Alternative View

Video: Traditional Versus E-cigarettes: The Research Result Is Terrifying - Alternative View

Video: Traditional Versus E-cigarettes: The Research Result Is Terrifying - Alternative View
Video: What the science says about the safety of e-cigarettes 2024, September

British scientists conducted an experiment for a month to compare the damage from electronic and conventional cigarettes.

The experiment was carried out under the patronage of the UK Department of Health. His goal was to find out the difference in the amount of toxic substances and tar that a regular smoker inhales as opposed to someone who uses e-cigarettes with steam.

The experiment lasted for a month and was led by John Newton, a scientist at the prestigious University College London.

Based on the results of the experiment, a visual video was shot. As a prototype of the "lungs", the scientists used cotton balls, which they divided into three parts and placed in glass flasks with a pump, thanks to which the breathing effect was created. The first flask was allowed to smoke traditional cigarettes, the second flask “smoked” the vape, and the third just “breathed”.

At the end of the month, the first flask turned an eerie brown color, brown resin was flowing from the walls, and there was so much of it between the cotton balls that one could draw pictures. It looked so monstrous that you want to quit smoking without even starting. The steam smoker's flask was much cleaner. The conclusion of scientists is this: vapors of e-cigarettes cause 95% less damage than traditional cigarettes. However, we note that electronic cigarettes also harm the body, so it is best to completely abandon the bad habit.