Scientists Have Established The Exact Age Of The Alien Mummies From The Nazca Desert - Alternative View

Scientists Have Established The Exact Age Of The Alien Mummies From The Nazca Desert - Alternative View
Scientists Have Established The Exact Age Of The Alien Mummies From The Nazca Desert - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Established The Exact Age Of The Alien Mummies From The Nazca Desert - Alternative View

Video: Scientists Have Established The Exact Age Of The Alien Mummies From The Nazca Desert - Alternative View
Video: What Is Hiding Under The World Famous Nazca Lines In Peru | Blowing Up History 2024, September

A research team from the British county of Sussex recently discovered five Nazca alien mummies. An analysis was carried out, as a result of which the experts were able to name their exact age.

Scientists claim that these alien bodies were mummified as early as 410 BC. Their origin is currently a mystery and the cause of various assumptions.

If, nevertheless, scientists can solve the mystery of mummies, then it will become an incredible sensation for the entire scientific world. Then, after all, experts will have evidence of the presence of aliens on Earth since ancient times. After all, there has long been an opinion that it was thanks to the aliens that people managed to build various mysterious structures on Earth, such as Stonehenge, pyramids and others.

Naturally, there are many skeptical people in the scientific world as well as in the ordinary. Theoretical physicists believe that the discovered mummies are fake and they are readily speculated by "fans of pseudosciences."

Experts in Sussex are not nearly surprised by this reaction. They say that they are ready to provide the X-rays taken, which will confirm the extraterrestrial origin of the mysterious mummies.
