We Are All Hopelessly Sick - Alternative View

We Are All Hopelessly Sick - Alternative View
We Are All Hopelessly Sick - Alternative View

Video: We Are All Hopelessly Sick - Alternative View

Video: We Are All Hopelessly Sick - Alternative View
Video: WE ARE ALL HOPELESSLY SICK 2024, September

Our world is the world of the mentally ill. In the sense that most of us have wounded souls, bleed, and almost everyone has a huge black hole in our hearts. We strenuously close our eyes to these wounds, preferring to notice anything, but not our own pain. Nothing is cured of such an illusion, it only gets worse and hurts more and more. That's how we live.

We do not know how to love, because you can love only with an open heart. It is scary and difficult to open up to the wounded - what if they hurt again? Therefore, we prefer to negotiate and exchange care for each other, not letting other people get too deep and close.

We do not know how to build relationships, only to conclude various kinds of contracts - marriage, parental, friendship. Violated the contract - fine. Here are your responsibilities and my rights. Be careful!

We do not know how to trust, so we want to do everything on our own, not to depend on anyone, not to adapt to anyone. And then you adjust - and he is a knife in your back, that is, in your heart. There, past wounds have not healed yet. Not trusting is another way to keep others at bay.

It hurts to look at the rags your soul has turned into, it hurts to admit that you are not living the way you dreamed, it hurts to give up your illusions and go where it is scary.

We do not go where we want, but where we need to or where it is customary to want. Everyone goes there, and they feel good there, which means I need to go there, probably. But what suits tigers is fatal to antelope. What is good and right for some is poison for others.

We are alone. Even living in a family, among people, we remain lonely, not letting anyone close, not opening up, not trusting others. There are so many things in our life that we never tell anyone - and never will. Sometimes we are even proud of our loneliness - but no one will offend, hurt, will not leave. But after all he will not hug, and will not listen, and will not support.

We hurt each other all the time - sometimes by accident, sometimes on purpose. And at the same time, we do not know how to report our pain, we hope that the one who loves will figure it out himself. What if not?

Promotional video:

All our life we run away from pain, dreaming only that it will end. So that the heart no longer squeezes in the chest from hurtful words, so that someone's taunts no longer touch, so that memories do not rip up wounds, so that people do not betray, deceive, or offend. We know exactly what we don't want. And we want it to be “just good”.

We are ready to do whatever we want, but looking into our own hearts is scary. We prefer to go where it is easier, even if it is less interesting. We do not do what we want, what we do not know. Is it any wonder how we live and how unhappy we are in this?

The world is turned upside down. Almost everyone is hopelessly ill. And therefore it is hopeless that he does not admit his illness to himself. We have learned to be successful, invent complex mechanisms and build huge houses. But I forgot how to be honest, sincere, open and loving. Have forgotten how to listen to yourself and follow your heart. The principles of morality - even basic ones - are now a relic of the past. What kind of harmony with yourself you can talk about.

See that the reasons for what is happening around us often lie within. And you can influence the outside only from the inside, from your heart.


Having healed the wounds of our heart - or at least starting this path, we can change what surrounds us. Maybe not quickly and not as much as we would like, but it is essential.

You can change any relationship only in your own heart, and this gives a chance for external changes. You must first change any circumstances in your soul. We often say that you can change by changing yourself, but what does that mean?

It means to stop being in the illusion that the world is imperfect and I am ideal. Stop closing your eyes to the wounds of your heart. To honestly look into your soul, as if standing naked in front of a mirror, without trying to embellish anything. To see your inner reality, sometimes to be horrified by it. And from this point to start a new story. Your healing story. Healing your soul. In a global sense, this is our duty and our mission in this world - to heal our wounded soul and help it find a real shelter.

Believe me, it will be a completely different story, a completely different reality.

Olga Valyaeva