Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View

Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View
Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View

Video: Why Is It Beneficial For The State To Have People Living In Cities? - Alternative View
Video: Urbanization and the future of cities - Vance Kite 2024, September

I have been researching this issue for a long time. It's time to publish some of the research. Citizens, don't be offended by me … I, too, while I live in the city. Therefore, I was able to investigate this issue in different directions and from different angles.

If you live in cities, you pay rent, water, electricity + various taxes.

Of all life forms on earth, only humans are forced to pay for their existence. In fact, you pay the Russian industrial-technocratic System money for the right to exist somehow.

Millions of payments across the country make up budgets of different levels. Who sucks money from the budget? The officials themselves and other structures. This is a huge System.

And in order for you to be able to pay for your existence, you have to WORK for several hours a day. I was not lazy and counted the profit from the WORKING CITIZENS that the System receives.

Let's say you live in a high-rise building, this high-rise building has 8 entrances, 9 floors and 28 apartments in each entrance. As a result, there are 224 apartments in such a high-rise building. Let's say that 2,000 (at least!) Rubles are paid from each apartment for an apartment and utility bills.


So, we carry out a simple calculation: 2000r. x 224 = 448000r. And this is only from one multi-storey building per month. And Sistema receives 5,376,000 rubles from each high-rise building per year. Moreover, these figures are obtained if you use 2000r. as the minimum rent, and the rent can be higher. And how many high-rise buildings in Moscow … And how many high-rise buildings in Russia …

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High-rise buildings were created in connection with the "industrialization". To attract people to cities and turn people into slaves. This is necessary for the System so that SLAVES can WORK in factories, factories, in the service sector, in offices, etc., and so that they live relatively close to the place of WORK. High-rise buildings are modern barracks, i.e. Places to live workforce.

Cities are not initially adapted for a healthy and happy life. Now people in suits (officials) are trying to create a "Eurasian Union", again they are talking about "industrialization" and that the working force could freely move between Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. You are not people for them, not free and bright individuals, you are for them a WORKING force from which you can suck vitality and money.

People in cities are like spiders in a bank. City - negatively affects health. And technical radiation, and noise, and vanity, and dirty air, and dirty water … The city - makes people more aggressive, angry and nervous. Among other things, people in cities are easier to zombify, because in the city there are TV, radio, newspapers and magazines everywhere. means of influencing consciousness and subconsciousness …

If each person (family) moves from the city, from a high-rise building to his own private house in nature, then almost the entire slave System will collapse … A person will become more independent. A person / family - will eat from their garden, drink water from wells / springs.


And the issues of providing heat / energy - people will decide for themselves. And if several families unite and create something like a Community or EcoVillage, then it will be even easier for them to resolve all issues. Free settlements / communities will begin to emerge. The real Self-Management will begin to form. Without the participation of the System and officials. People will understand that they can improve their lives and the planet themselves, without officials. And so it will be. This is the inevitable path of the evolutionary development of Mankind.

Do you think the officials want you to stop paying them?

Do you think they want you to strip them of salaries, bonuses, interest and other amenities? Do you think they want their wives, mistresses and daughters to lose their fur coats and expensive clothes? Do you think the officials want them to have no opportunity to control and manipulate you?

I think the answer is obvious. They don't want cities to settle. Therefore, they do not distribute land (at least 50 acres) free of charge to all citizens. Therefore, they do not help people to leave the cities and do not help people to build houses from EcoMaterials (wood, clay, adobe, straw). Officials benefit from the preservation of the technocratic System.

Kirill Repiev