A Strange Encounter With A Girl With Black Eyes Happened At Disney World - Alternative View

A Strange Encounter With A Girl With Black Eyes Happened At Disney World - Alternative View
A Strange Encounter With A Girl With Black Eyes Happened At Disney World - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Encounter With A Girl With Black Eyes Happened At Disney World - Alternative View

Video: A Strange Encounter With A Girl With Black Eyes Happened At Disney World - Alternative View
Video: 10 Secrets About Working At Disney World They Tried To Hide 2024, September

Increasingly, reports of strange children with black eyes began to appear. Many of the eyewitnesses admit that they experienced real mystical horror when meeting them. Rusty West shared one such story, which happened to his family at the end of August 2006.

Seventeen-year-old Rusty with his parents and younger brother went to Disney World (Walt Disney World Recreation Center), located in Florida, a few kilometers southwest of Orlando.

“It was a hot summer day. We had already been to Disney World several times and knew that we would have long lines, terrible heat and inflated prices, but we were Disney World! - The family took a queue for a trip through the Disney kingdom of animals for a tall father who was holding his little daughter by the hand. This couple was unusually quiet and calm compared to the rest of the families ahead.

Excited screams and loud, cheerful laughter were heard from the nearby attractions. Rusty West was instantly distracted by the sights and sounds around them, so he was completely shocked when his younger brother let out a blood-curdling cry for no apparent reason.

“I already heard my brother screaming when he was bitten by a bee. But this cry was completely different. It was a cry of horror.”Rusty looked at the screaming brother and saw that he was staring at the little girl who was holding her father's hand.

“I knew immediately what made him cry out, it was the eyes of a little girl. They met my eyes, and she forced out the wicked smile I have ever seen. But the smile was not so terrible. Her obsidian eyes were frightening. Not only the pupils, but the whole eyeball were shiny and black,”the girl's eyes narrowed, and she took a step back, and immediately the parents sat down next to the screaming boy, trying to calm him down, but after a moment he burst into tears.

The family decided to return to the hotel, but before leaving, Rusty looked back at his father and the little girl, but they were not there. He scanned the surrounding crowd, but they seemed to evaporate.

“After my brother passed the initial shock, questions arose. My parents asked what happened. But my little brother could not find words to describe what he saw and felt, so I did it for him,”but the parents did not believe Rusty and decided to show their young son to the doctor.

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And only many years later, the grown-up boy told his parents whom he saw. He described him as an alien demon. When asked how he knew it, he simply explained, "Her eyes told me that."

After Rusty West found numerous cases of creepy children with black eyes on the World Wide Web, he realized that his family was not the only one: “I was very alarmed that so many people were meeting with them. I can't even call them children. I will never stop looking for answers."

Voronina Svetlana