Who Are The Nagas? - Alternative View

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Who Are The Nagas? - Alternative View
Who Are The Nagas? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Nagas? - Alternative View

Video: Who Are The Nagas? - Alternative View
Video: Nagaland's insurgency, explained ft. @But Why 2024, September

The "sudden" emergence of a number of advanced ancient civilizations is also evidenced by archaeological data and "myths" that those ancient peoples told about themselves - they say that the "gods" themselves established norms and rules of life among people, laws and orders of coexistence

In the photo, the stone face of an idol from Pristina. 18 cm in height. Dates back to the 5th millennium BC. Because of its size and remarkable quality, the work is considered one of the most important artifacts of the Stone Age period of art.

However, the amazing and for some reason little-remembered Vinca culture (Vinca culture), which occupied the entire territory of the former Yugoslavia, Moldavia, Bulgaria and present-day southern Ukraine, and despite its outstanding antiquity in relation to other European Neolithic cultures of that time was so advanced and civilized, which can be attributed to the culture of the "Bronze Age". The population, unlike its European neighbors, was not engaged in gathering and hunting, but had agriculture, weaved clothing, grew crops and grapes, and kept domestic animals. But it was very curious for archaeologists to find a metallurgical shop with a smelting furnace and tools dug out in the area of Plochnik (Serbia).

Why curious? And this, as it turned out, turned out to be the oldest metallurgical production in Europe. And further. These people had a written language - this is in the sixth millennium BC! Incredible, but a historical fact. Another "record" is the oldest written language in Europe. That is, almost one to two millennia earlier than the Sumerian, and three or four earlier than the Greeks. They wrote with a “stylus” on clay tablets, which gave some historians reason to assert (with hidden joy) that they had borrowed this writing. But they were upset, admitting that the plates are older, and their font is not the same, but also wonderful - admire this:

1 - Letters:


2 - Numbers:


In general, all this is still waiting for its unbiased researcher, although something is now being done on the sly. The Imperial Russian Archaeological Society was seriously engaged in excavations a hundred years ago, and even the Germans a little before the war, … however, where they just did not dig. The rest, for the most part, were buried. But this is a saying.

Promotional video:

Why am I … - but imagine - the population wandered back and forth in skins in the meadows-forests, dug up tops-roots, and on occasion the little animals that darted between their legs, lazily caught, and in the rivers fish. Then there was fish in the rivers. In general, they did not starve. And suddenly - bam - settled, burned the forests that fed them under the fields, began to sow grain, plow, reap, weave clothes, melt metal, build roads, they began to throw garbage in the trash (on the table and house of historians and archaeologists), etc. That is, to live in a civilized manner. Here I will digress a little to clarify the situation, which means civilized. Some people consider television, freedom and democracy to be civilization - but for me civilization is a sewer. As soon as people stop shitting in ditches near the house, or bury them with a spatula in the sand, and make a special latrine, they are already on the path of evolution. But civilization is definitely a sewage system. As soon as the population self-organizes to such an extent that it makes water closets and sewage pipes, it can be called civilized.

Of course, you know about the city of Mohenjo-Daro, where the "Hindu" people have arranged for themselves a water supply system and rooms for water procedures with wastewater discharge into sedimentation tanks, and sewerage facilities; the houses there had separate bathrooms and toilets. Of course - they had their own writing. It was similarly a little to the east, among the Sumerians. They settled well, probably wanted for a long time, but it turned out as always - in one day everything was destroyed, turned into rubble and even melted. But that's a different story. I forgot to say that this also happened three to four thousand years BC, just a little bit, a couple of thousand years later than the Vinci culture is dated. But our modern civilization is only 150 years old.

Well - bam - and the one who yesterday pulled the burbot under the snag by the gills, puffing, and the one who was sitting on the date palm with an eagle - bam - began to scream at the earth with a shout. And without any preliminary steps, mind you. Although there was no reason for this. And nearby, at the same time, the neighbors continued to sit on the palm trees and spit with date pits from above.

Archaeological data and “myths” which those ancient peoples told about themselves - they say, the “gods” themselves established norms and rules of life among people, testify to a kind of “sudden” (which does not find any “natural” explanation) emergence of a number of advanced ancient civilizations, laws and orders of joint settled existence.

The transition from hunting and gathering to agriculture and civilization, with the receipt of all the technologies attached to it, of course, was clearly brought from outside and is more consistent with the facts than the official view of the Marxist evolutionists.

At the same time, the Sumerians on their cuneiform tablets do not mention any humanistic aspirations of the "gods" - the gods thereby only shifted their labor onto people, using them as slaves. The Anunna reptilians who were forced to descend from heaven not only and not so much desired but needed such intervention in human life. Such researchers of this issue as Sitchin, Denniken, Collins and many others … have different explanations for such a close participation of "gods" in the affairs of earthly civilization. Once I was asked what to read on the topic - I gave links - they are - write about it lot. In my notes I am not going to engage in criticism - each author will certainly find his reader, and the reader will draw his own conclusions, but, say, Collins's book "Fallen Angels", which I bought for self-education purposes, seemed to me too "popular"that instead of the Sumerians, the author has Kurds. It looks like the same robe, but with mother-of-pearl buttons. Although there are many interesting things. Certainly. So do not blame me if I also find parallels with other authors you already know.


To summarize what has been read: - those who descended to Earth were material, - had physical bodies, and therefore had to replenish energy and feed, - because they had to stay on Earth for a long time. To do this, we had to adapt to local conditions, accordingly adapting them to our own needs.

There is an interesting version about which I have some modest considerations of my own. I will explain. Have a little patience to finish reading.

In the introduction, it is taken as an axiom:

- the conditions on Earth, although they differed from the conditions on the home planet of the "gods", since they are reptilians, but not too radical, since most of the races of "gods" quite successfully did without space suits.

- The biochemistry of the "gods" fully perceived earthly products, i.e. did not differ so much from the biochemistry of humans, genetically corrected by them. Some agricultural crops, according to myths, were passed on to people by the gods, and they were “improved” according to the climate, for example, in South America there are clear traces of genetic experiments with certain plant species.

Let me remind you how the Sumerians saw those creatures in question:

Doesn't it look like a find from Pristina (and about the same time of creation, I will note in parentheses) as in the title photo?


You might think that this is a face portrait of the character of the Sumerian chronicles Sa-am, obtained by cloning with the participation of Abgal and Kadishtu, who looked like this in profile:

There are several races of reptilians, one of which is well known to us from the conspiracy yellow press about UFOs, and from Hollywood films about fictional aliens. This is miminu, (grays, gray).


Don't you think there are similarities here too?

I will not repeat myself, you have seen pictures from other parts of the Earth, in particular the Indian Quetzelcoatl and the Hindu Krishna, in the previous parts.

Do you know what unites them all? - Skin color: Krishnu is gray-blue according to the descriptions. Quetzelcoatl is blue-gray. And grays - they are grays. The gray ones.

Let us remember that the title of these creatures in many languages was Sir or Sir, as they were called from ancient times. And what kind of blood flows in the veins of noble beings? Right. Blue.

Could this be in nature? Yes, easily. On Earth there are a lot of creatures with blue, not red blood. The main function of blood is transport, i.e. transfer of oxygen to tissues and removal of carbon dioxide from them. For this purpose, respiratory pigments are used, which contain metal ions in their molecule, which are capable of binding oxygen molecules. In human blood, it is hemoglobin, which contains iron. Human blood, by and large, is also not red - it becomes red as it is saturated with oxygen. The transfer of oxygen in living beings can be carried out by pigments based on ions of other metals. In particular, it is copper. In the blood of cephalopods, molluscs, octopuses, cuttlefish, the pigment hemocyanin, based on copper, works, which makes the blood of these creatures blue. And the main color of the skin in this case is from gray-blue to green,or other gray-cold shades.

Perhaps this is due to the habitat, although it has been noticed that closely related creatures like mollusks can have blood both red, blue and even greenish. No matter how sophisticated nature is in choosing options, most earthly creatures have red blood. This is most likely due to the fact that there is a lot of iron on Earth - the second most abundant metal, and respiratory pigments based on iron, in our atmosphere, are more effective than on the basis of other elements. By the way, a person's need for iron far exceeds the actual physiological need for it, i.e. - his body does not have "much", because it is difficult to digest.

It's on Earth. But imagine - on another, distant, planet there was less iron, and much more copper. Naturally, for creatures like humans, "evolution" will use copper to transport gases and nutrients, which means the blood will be blue. Or green, like that reptilian who was shown to us in the movie "Predator".

On Earth, iron is in abundance - it is contained in almost all foods consumed by humans, more or less. But especially a lot of it is found in legumes, vegetables, herbs, berries. And least of all … in cereals. But on the other hand, there is a lot of … copper in cereals and bread products. In which the human body needs much less iron, the deficiency of which is constantly felt. Furthermore. Cereals contain substances that form sparingly soluble salts with iron, which are deposited in the body and reduce its absorption. A rather strange choice was made by the ancestors, giving preference to troublesome and super-labor-intensive grain crops, and even chose the most difficult way of processing the crop. The grain is cleaned, ground, and products are prepared from the resulting flour. Although it is much easier and more useful to cook, for example, porridge from unrefined grain. Why is it more useful? Because peeled grains contain a lot of copper, but much less vitamins and minerals than unrefined grains. And one more thing, teeth, for example. Most of the found Egyptian skulls of that time no longer had teeth by the age of thirty, or they were worn down to the roots. The reason is abrasive - microparticles from pebbles grinding grain into flour. And our ancestors who used millstones did not shine with porcelain Hollywood smiles for the same reason.didn't shine with porcelain Hollywood smiles for the same reason.didn't shine with porcelain Hollywood smiles for the same reason.


- The Anunnas found themselves on a planet with a lack of copper and an excess of iron. We must somehow adapt to these conditions. Since you need to continuously replenish the body with copper, which is used for blood formation. In addition, iron is chemically more active than copper. And getting into the blood of the “gods”, it displaces copper from its compounds, that is, an excess of iron is harmful to them, and they should have avoided this excess.

The solution to the problem:

- either make constant injections of medicinal preparations - or follow a diet, consuming foods high in copper and low in iron. Where to get them? So it turns out that the blue blood of the "gods" explains the sudden "grain choice" of people.

- There is one more factor in favor of this version. You can, after all, not make constant injections, but consume copper through the skin, in order to surround yourself with copper objects, consume liquids from copper vessels, for example. Copper also has bactericidal properties. It is a curious coincidence that the Bronze Age, or rather copper, coincides with the beginning of the cultivation of cereals. Iron appears in humans much later - only in the 2nd millennium BC.

But. Blood based on copper ions has serious disadvantages in terrestrial atmospheric conditions. And above all, as regards the transport of not oxygen, but carbon dioxide by blood. With an excess of carbon dioxide, its acidity increases, and the acid-base balance changes. Viscosity rises. Vessels are clogged. There is one good remedy for neutralizing blood acidity. Spiritus vini. What is the easiest and cheapest way to obtain C 2 H 5 OH? From grain and grapes. Grapes are also a culture that requires colossal daily labor. “Gods”, judging by the myths, were accomplices of Tel Aviv, so loving wine and beer. They constantly demanded sacrificial libations. They loved to throw them in order to improve their health, by this action chemically "squeezing out" harmful carbon dioxide from the blood.

Well, the slaves, from work in the fields, also had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the "drink of the gods", although they do not need it so vitally.

In short, carbonic acid, for reptilians with blue blood based on copper, is much more poison than for people with red blood. Perhaps because on the home planet of the "gods" the content of carbon dioxide is less than that of the earth, due to the fact that it is older and volcanic activity was lower. Perhaps because the atmospheric pressure there was lower than on Earth, and being in an increased pressure is accompanied precisely by an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide.

Gogol's Cossacks, for lack of incense, scared away devils with tobacco smoke from the cradle - they do not like devils of smoke, according to Nikolai Vasilyevich.

It is your will, but all this suggests that all this current "struggle" with global warming, industrial emissions into the atmosphere, with tobacco smoking, which is already legally prohibited in the premises, is very necessary for someone.