About The Images Of Reptilians On Ancient Artifacts Among Different Peoples Of The Past - Alternative View

About The Images Of Reptilians On Ancient Artifacts Among Different Peoples Of The Past - Alternative View
About The Images Of Reptilians On Ancient Artifacts Among Different Peoples Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: About The Images Of Reptilians On Ancient Artifacts Among Different Peoples Of The Past - Alternative View

Video: About The Images Of Reptilians On Ancient Artifacts Among Different Peoples Of The Past - Alternative View
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What do you know about reptilians? Nowadays, there is an assumption according to which these creatures were representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization that visited our planet. If they really were here, then it's hard to say what their goals were.

But is there any mention of this mysterious people among the ancient civilizations of mankind? It turns out there is, and a lot. For example, while searching for diamonds in West Africa in the city of Sierra Leone, the builder discovered many very unusual ancient artifacts.

After analyzing the finds, professional archaeologists gave them 5-17 thousand years. And what is interesting - they really depict creatures very similar to reptiles.


Moreover, the degree of detail of the figures is simply amazing - they not only resemble reptiles in shape, they also have sharp teeth and scaly plates all over their body.

These figures are not very large, the height of the largest of them does not exceed 40 centimeters. Something similar was found on the territory of Mexico, in the state of Jalisco, archaeologists discovered a strange statuette depicting a reptilian creature.

Looking at its head shape, you begin to wonder if it was the image of aliens from the famous series of films "Aliens" that was copied from it. Archaeologists have given this artifact 6,000 years. It is striking not only its appearance, but also the material of manufacture, which scientists could not determine.


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Official science is trying to object - they say, this is a figurine of the sun god. There, you see, the sun is painted on his body. Many other strange figurines have been found throughout Mexico. Recall at least the "flying shields of the Cochins."

Official science believes that they depict the Kochin deities, who were considered by ancient people to be intermediaries between them and the gods. And they moved on the so-called "flying shields".

But let's face it - it seems to me personally that ancient people could not depict what they did not really see. Such figurines to me personally very much remind me of reptiles on some kind of flying machines. And judging by the quality of their drawing, these figures could well be made from real "prototypes".


It should not be forgotten that reptilian figurines were also found by archaeologists in the homeland of the famous Shumerian civilization - on the territory of modern Iraq. The first one was found in 1919. Until now, scientific disputes around them do not subside.

Alternative history supporters believe that they depict reptilian creatures. Moreover, interestingly, there are images of female reptiles holding babies in their arms, which also have the features of a lizard.

In appearance, they are very faintly similar to people - they are much thinner, with long heads and long facial features, almond-shaped eyes. Some of the statuettes hold in their hands something like a scepter - a symbol of power.


Images of reptiles can also be found in drawings of Ancient Egypt. It turns out that all the ancient civilizations of our planet knew about lizard-like people.

But if all this is just inventions and fantasies, then all the same it remains to be surprised at the fact that they somehow knew how to communicate with each other and agreed to play their future descendants.