Ancient Chinese Ideology Of Tao - Alternative View

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Ancient Chinese Ideology Of Tao - Alternative View
Ancient Chinese Ideology Of Tao - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Chinese Ideology Of Tao - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Chinese Ideology Of Tao - Alternative View
Video: Lao Tzu - How To Be Spiritual (Taoism) 2024, September

In ancient China, the worship of natural phenomena and the spirits of deceased relatives was widespread. The Chinese explain the systematic circulation in nature and the correct order of movement of heavenly bodies by the existence of the god of heaven (heavenly principle) Tien (in the mythology of Taoism Tien-yi), whom they worshiped. The assertion that the most important thing in life is the harmonious relationship of things, leads to the fact that the purpose of this religion, the Chinese consider the preservation of the natural rhythm of life and the desire to find harmony in all respects. They believed that the cause of all kinds of disasters, for example: hunger, war, epidemics, floods, hurricanes, etc., is the imbalance between the inhabitants and nature. The word Taoism comes from the Chinese "Tao". The exact translation of the word is "way" and it is explainedas a smooth movement of everything natural in nature.

Opposite elements of yin and yang

Tao includes the idea of the incomprehensible, powerful and impersonal, which is sent to control the cycle of everything that happens in the Universe. This force is expressed in two opposite sources of energy yin and yang. At that moment, as yin is considered the personification of the feminine principle, as evil, darkness and passivity of the aspect of being. Yang, on the other hand, has a connection with the masculine, light, active principle, which contains everything positive. Yin is complete inaction, cold winter, death and hardship, and yang is vital activity, sun, summer and abundance. The interaction of these two principles is an endless source of life. All objects and living beings, especially people, have such principles in themselves, but in different proportions, not always the same in different periods of time. So, in a living tree, yang will prevail, however,in the process of "withering away" the amount of yin content in it increases. Therefore, even before the appearance of Lao Tzu's teachings, there were philosophers in China who rejected civilization and wanted to live according to natural laws. And the religious trend that we are talking about: Taoism (based on the teachings of the ancient philosopher Lao Tzu) and Confucian teachings (created on the basis of the teachings of Confucius) - arose as a consequence of the philosophical and religious view of the world inherent in Ancient China.- arose as a consequence of the philosophical and religious view of the world inherent in ancient China.- arose as a consequence of the philosophical and religious view of the world inherent in ancient China.

Lao Tzu - the founder of Taoism

There is no exact certainty with the historical authenticity of the general existence of the man Lao Tzu, who is considered the founder

Taoism. His name is translated as "old philosopher" and is closely related to the legends telling about the life of Lao Tzu. However, if such a person did live, then the year of his birth varies between 605 and 580 BC.

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Lao Tzu most likely held a high government post. But, worried about the sheer brutality of the authorities and the system of state administration of the country, he was forced to leave the service and take up philosophy. Lao Tzu's philosophical ideas began to spread rapidly and attracted the attention of many people. He began to have students. But Lao Tzu decides to leave the country. In the process of crossing the border post, the guard recognized the famous philosopher and begged him not to leave his native country until he wrote down his thoughts behind paper. Lao Tzu decides to return home. For several days, he writes a short report in which he summarizes the ideas of Taoism. Then he left his native surroundings for good. After his unexpected appearance, no one has ever met him.

Lao Tzu's teachings

The initial teaching of Taoism is presented in the book "Tao Chi Ching". It has two main aspects, political and philosophical. Regarding politics, Lao Tzu believed that the less the government intervened in people's lives, the better. The legend about the life of the scientist Lao Tzu also tells about this. Lao-tzu considered the philosophical component of his being to be fundamental in human existence.