Commentary On A. Sklyarov's Work "Computer Of Ancient China" - Alternative View

Commentary On A. Sklyarov's Work "Computer Of Ancient China" - Alternative View
Commentary On A. Sklyarov's Work "Computer Of Ancient China" - Alternative View

Video: Commentary On A. Sklyarov's Work "Computer Of Ancient China" - Alternative View

Video: Commentary On A. Sklyarov's Work
Video: How Ancient Chinese Kept Time | Chinese Timekeeping System 2024, September

Comments on the article: "The Computer of Ancient China".

What you write about has something in common with other articles. In particular, Yuri Shvyrev "The Great Secret" in the magazine "Urania" N1 for 95, Moscow, Urania. It talks about the correspondence of trigrams and binary code. This correspondence was noted in his works by Leibniz.

Your article does not mention that there are 2 orders of arrangement of trigrams, respectively FU SI and Wen-wang, or, as they are called, the Former Heaven and the Subsequent Heaven. Without taking this into account, it is not possible to find some patterns.

In your work, you give a table of hexograms:


This table uses the same row vertically and horizontally):


In the work of Yu. Shutskiy [1], another sequence of trigrams is indicated (Fig. 1):

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The sequence given in your work is a series (sequence) of Wen-wang or the Subsequent Heaven, while Shutsky gives a series of FU SI or the Former Heaven. You can read more about this in the books on I Ching or Feng Shui [1..10].

If now the left (vertical) row in the table of hexagrams given above is replaced from Ven-wang by the FU SI sequence and the table is redone accordingly, then we will obtain complete symmetry, excluding the diagonal. This new table can be obtained by swapping in pairs (2, 5) and (4,7) the rows of the original table. (table 1)


This table clearly shows pair symmetry about the diagonal. Along the way, you can notice that pairs of numbers (2,5) and (4,7) are often mentioned in numerology [11,12].

The next, from my point of view, interesting is the presence of built-in cycles of hexograms.

The meaning of this is that one of the standard techniques in the practice of working with hexograms is to obtain an interwoven hexogram. It is obtained if we take the traits from the 2nd to the 4th of the original hexogram and consider them as the lower trigram, and, accordingly, the traits from the 3rd to the 5th are the upper trigram. This is illustrated in the figure below (Figure 2):


As a result, using this method, we get that:

- hexograms N63 and N64 are converted into each other;

- several sequences of hexograms are obtained with end members of the sequence numbered: N1 and N2, N63 and N64.

As a result of our actions, we get the following sequences (by the numbers of hexograms):

(30, 55, 56, 62) - 28 - 1

(14, 32, 34, 50) - 43 - 1

(13, 31, 33, 49) - 44 - 1

(3, 8, 20, 42) - 23 - 2

(4, 7, 19, 41) - 24 - 2

(29, 59, 60, 61) - 27 - 2

(5, 9, 48, 57) - 38 - 63 = 64

(15, 22, 36, 52) - 40 - 63 = 64

(11, 18, 26, 46) - 54 - 63 = 64

(6, 10, 47, 58) - 37 - 64 = 63

(16, 21, 35, 51) - 39 - 64 = 63

(12, 17, 25, 45) - 53 - 64 = 63

If we now apply these sequences to the table of hexograms, which we obtained above, and color it accordingly, then we can see an interesting pattern (Table 2):


The technique for obtaining interwoven hexograms is given in the books on the interpretation of the I Ching [2,3].


Yu. K. Shutsky. The Chinese Classic Book of Change: YIZING. M.:, "Russian Publishing Association", 1993.

Zhou Zonghua "Tao I Ching". Per. from English. - К.: "Sofia", Ltd. 1996, 1999

"The transformation numbers of the wild mei-hua plum." Composition., Translation into Russian. lang., foreword, comment. B. Vinogradsky, 1993

Lillian Tu "Fundamentals of Feng Shui. A detailed guide to improving your relationships with people, health and well-being. " Per. from English. I. Mitrofanov. - K.: "Sofia", 1998.

Lillian Tu "Feng Shui Using Bagua and Lo-Shu Formulas." Per. from English. ed. A. Kostenko. - K.: "Sofia", 1999

Webster R. "Feng Shui for the Workplace." Per. from English. P. Perlin. - SPb.: publishing house "Timoshka", 1999

Raymond Luo "Feng Shui and Fate Analysis". К.: "Sofia", 1998


Feng Shui in St. Petersburg website

Feng Shui Consulting Center website

"MAGIC OF NUMBERS: Numbers in your destiny" Comp. And the introductory article by A. Olgin. Krasnoyarsk: Litera, 1992.

Alexander Kisel. The well of the abyss. Part 1. M.: 1992.

