5 Cities That Are Trying To Give Up Cars - Alternative View

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5 Cities That Are Trying To Give Up Cars - Alternative View
5 Cities That Are Trying To Give Up Cars - Alternative View

Video: 5 Cities That Are Trying To Give Up Cars - Alternative View

Video: 5 Cities That Are Trying To Give Up Cars - Alternative View
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The idea of limiting or even completely banning automobile traffic in cities is not new. City authorities around the world are trying to minimize the number of cars in cities in an effort to improve the environment, reduce traffic congestion and make the lives of those who live in the city center more peaceful.

They use a variety of methods for this: some do not let old cars into the center, others increase the cost of parking, and still others simply prohibit entry into the city of any vehicles other than public ones.


A 2018 study found Paris (along with Moscow and London) ranked among the top three European cities in the dirtiest air. The mayor of the city responded to this rating and other environmental data with two important decisions.


Now, on weekends, cars manufactured before 1997 cannot enter the city center, and the first Sunday of each month is declared a car-free day at all - from 10 am to 6 pm, most cars are prohibited from entering the center of the French capital. An exception was made for residents of central regions, taxis and public transport - they can enter, but they are allowed to move no faster than 20 km / h.

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Mexico City

The Mexican capital is considered one of the most polluted, but the city authorities have made an attempt to somehow improve the environment.


Since 2008, car traffic on Saturdays has been significantly restricted, which should have reduced harmful emissions by 15%. A 2017 study found that there was no significant improvement.

It turned out that people refused their personal transport, but at the same time actively used taxis or car sharing services. Experts who analyzed the situation note that it is really difficult for residents of the city to give up driving and switch to public transport - they consider this behavior to be a peculiar cultural feature of Mexicans.


The number of private cars in Copenhagen per capita is one of the lowest in Europe. The thing is that cyclists are actively supported in the city, constructing for them not only bike paths, but also entire bike highways, where cars are prohibited from entering.


In addition, there is already a development plan for the Danish capital, according to which the sale of gasoline and diesel cars may be banned in 2030, and from 2035 - hybrid ones.


By 2030, the city is going to ban the use of diesel cars, but in the meantime, they seriously tackled those car owners who drive old cars that pollute the air.


Hundreds of cameras have been installed in the capital, with the help of which they are trying to track where such cars drive, as well as where their owners live. Such motorists will pay an additional tax.


In the capital of Colombia, a program to limit the number of cars on the streets of the city has been in operation since 1974.


For almost 45 years, every Sunday from 7 am to 2 pm, cars are prohibited from entering city streets. As a result of the implementation of such a program, about 120 km of city streets are blocked every week, along which a quarter of the capital's population - about 1.7 million people - moves.