Dream Fulfillment Technique - Alternative View

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Dream Fulfillment Technique - Alternative View
Dream Fulfillment Technique - Alternative View

Video: Dream Fulfillment Technique - Alternative View

Video: Dream Fulfillment Technique - Alternative View
Video: How to use Quantum Physics to Make Your Dreams Your Reality | Suzanne Adams | TEDxUNO 2024, September

From time immemorial, people have sought to find the surest way to fulfill their desires, looking for a "magic wand" or a special ceremony that will turn a dream into reality. But even today, few people realize that … any ritual will cope with this task, because, in fact, it is not at all about it …


First of all, making a dream come true depends on how much a person believes in what he is doing. The greater the belief in the effectiveness of the rite, the higher the chances that it will work. Why? Because the meaning of any ritual, like any prayer, by the way, is to convey a person's request to the Higher Powers. And here, as in prayer, the most important thing is the faith and sincerity of your desire.

It would seem that everything is simple. But only at first glance. Sometimes it is difficult for a person to admit his true desires, even to himself. We are used to thinking that we want to realize a certain desire, but in fact, deep down, we dream of something else. The simplest example: a girl thinks she really wants to get married. And he does not even suspect that this desire is prompted by reason. And parents and friends unanimously say: it's time to start a family. But her heart is not yet ready for true love - that is why she is “unlucky”, and even love talismans do not work. This pattern was subtly noticed by Alexander Blok: “Everything that a person wants will certainly come true, and if it doesn’t come true, then there was no desire, and if something does not come true, disappointment is only apparent. Come true - exactly that! . So, before thinking about fulfilling your dreams, it's important to understandwhat you really want. At the same time, you can, without hesitation, dream of the most wonderful and unrealizable. After all, “unreality” is a human category, very far from the idea of the possibilities of the Higher powers.


Visualization will help to convey your desire to the Universe: the ability to clearly, vividly, in the smallest details imagine what you dream about. If you sincerely want to meet your soul mate, try to clearly "see" the person's appearance, try to "see" what height and age he is, what color his eyes and hair are, how he dresses, behaves, how he treats you, whether he loves children who works, etc.

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Dreaming of travel? Then imagine your trip in detail. Imagine in detail the place where you would like to rest, think about what will happen on the trip, what impressions you will get.

If you want to possess some object, you need to "see" with your inner gaze each of its small features.

Act like your dream has already come true. For example, those who want to get rich need to think of themselves as a wealthy person, imagine how you live, what you spend your money on. If you dream of a career, imagine what you will do first, once you take a high position. The detailing of desires will show the Higher Forces that you really sincerely want to realize your dream. So you will adjust your life program.


Human destiny is wisely programmed, but it is far from always being fully realized. The anger and envy of others, our own stupidity and indiscretion can provoke a "failure" of the program. Such failures usually become bioenergetic damage - evil eye, damage, love spells, which have an extremely negative effect on human well-being.

If you do not feel happy, are not satisfied with your life, then something went wrong: you made a mistake somewhere or someone hurt you.

When you cannot independently figure out the reasons for personal or professional failures, health problems or money, you should contact a bioenergy therapist. A specialist will diagnose the state of your energy, identify extraneous damaging programs that have attracted certain troubles into your life, and help correct the situation.

After the natural energy balance is restored, feel free to broadcast your desires to the Higher Forces, remembering to express gratitude for all the good things in your life. Rejoice in every little thing, do not miss the opportunity to feel happy, and thank the world for everything it gives you.

Margarita Aristarkhova, healer, bioenergy therapist