The Attack Of Strange Creatures On The Sutton Farm - Alternative View

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The Attack Of Strange Creatures On The Sutton Farm - Alternative View
The Attack Of Strange Creatures On The Sutton Farm - Alternative View

Video: The Attack Of Strange Creatures On The Sutton Farm - Alternative View

Video: The Attack Of Strange Creatures On The Sutton Farm - Alternative View
Video: Rare Photos Not Appropriate for History Books 2024, September

Most of the most famous encounters with aliens from space have taken place in North America. One of these contacts took place on the night of August 21-22, 1955 in the village of Kelly near Hopkinsville, Kentucky.

The family of Sutton farmers and friends who were visiting at that moment were attacked by mysterious creatures. This incident entered the UFO chronicles as "a terrible night of green men in Kelly - Hopkinsville."


The Suttons had guests that evening - their closest neighbors and friends Billy Ray and June Taylor. There were eight adults and three children in the house. The adults were having supper, drinking, talking, and the children were playing in the nursery when the dog barked loudly and furiously in the street.

The frightened dog scrabbled at the door, as if someone were following him. Billy Ray was very surprised by this behavior of the dog, which was distinguished by a calm and good-natured disposition, so the man decided to find out the reason for the strange reaction.

He went out into the street, automatically glancing at his watch. The hands indicated seven o'clock in the evening. A few minutes later, he returned excited and reported that he had observed a luminous object in the sky, which flooded the entire plain with light. The object soon landed about 100 meters away in the bed of a dry river. However, those present considered it a practical joke and simply laughed at the successful joke.

But Ray persisted and invited the owner to go with him and see what it was. By that time, the dog had stopped barking, and it was decided to continue dinner, and only then take a walk. Half an hour later, people heard someone walking under the windows and, strangely, the dog was silent, not reacting in any way to the presence of an outsider in the yard.

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The men got up from the table, taking their guns with them. When they went outside, they saw on the other side of the field the pale pink glow that Ray had been talking about.

Suddenly there were footsteps behind them. The men turned their heads and were dumbfounded with horror. A strange creature stood behind them. His height was less than a meter, his hairless body gleamed faintly, his large bald head was decorated with long pointed ears.


The alien's face featured huge eyes with yellow whites and dark green pupils. The humanoid's arms were long, thin, with a kind of webbing between the fingers. The legs, also thin, ended in what looked like suckers. The creature raised its arms up as if about to surrender.

When it moved towards, the men rushed to the house in panic and, stopping only in front of the door, opened fire on the unknown creature. However, the bullets that hit him did no damage, but only threw the alien back. Having risen, the uninvited guest rushed to his heels.

No sooner had the friends entered the house and slammed the door behind them, when a loud child's cry was heard. Rushing into the nursery, the men saw the same monster peeking out of the window with curiosity. They again raised their guns and fired, but, like the last time, the creature, apparently, did not die, since later the body was not found.

No one had any idea what was going on outside the walls of the house, so it was decided to go out and see. Billy Ray was the first to step onto the porch. Lucky Sutton followed him, but didn’t have time to leave the doorway. A clawed, glowing hand dangled from the roof and grabbed Billy's hair.

Lucky grabbed his friend by the clothes, jerked at himself and dragged him into the house. People hid in fear in one of the rooms. In the ensuing silence, footsteps on the roof were clearly audible, while claws scratched the tiles with a disgusting sound. The owner of the house was a brave and decisive man, so he again decided to go out on exploration.


What he saw shocked even him: several nasty creatures were sitting on the roof of the house at once.

Sutton fired at the green creatures, but the bullets still didn't hurt them. He had no choice but to return to the house and lock the door tightly behind him.

The newcomers behaved completely freely: they walked around the roof and looked into the windows.

After a three-hour nightmare, the frightened people decided to flee. At 23 o'clock they jumped out into the street and rushed to their cars.

Their path led to the Hopkinsville Police Station. Of course, the police did not believe the story about some aliens.

They listened to people only because there were a lot of them and they were very scared, and they told the same thing about the incident.

In the end, the police commissioner and four police officers drove to the farm. Arriving at the site, they carefully examined the house and its surroundings.

All they could find was a plaintively whining dog and a lot of empty cartridges on the ground. But no alien monsters, no luminous object were found. What happened could only be judged by the frightened faces of people and the dog, which obviously also experienced some kind of shock. The police eventually left the Suttons' home, promising to return in the morning. The exhausted people finally decided to rest.

Lakki's mother could not sleep because of the nightmare she had experienced. And in the morning, when dawn broke, the woman saw that some kind of glow was filling her room. In the next instant, the huge yellow eyes of the alien were staring at her through the window. This time she decided not to make noise, but quietly woke her son up.

Lucky again tried to shoot the monster, but again to no avail. The shot, of course, woke up all the inhabitants of the house, who did not sleep a wink until the morning. The Suttons saw how vile creatures roamed the courtyard and on the roof of the house, but they could not do anything about it.

But as soon as the sun rose, the monsters seemed to vanish into thin air. And they never appeared in these places again.


In pursuit of a sensation, reporters immediately began to arrive in the village. Everyone reacted differently to this incident. Many publications ridiculed the Suttons, attributing them to hallucinations from drinking alcohol.

Someone believed that the locals were thus trying to attract attention to themselves, because since the 40s of the XX century in the United States it was very fashionable to be considered an eyewitness of a UFO landing. Moreover, according to ufologists, the farmer and his family were indeed visited by aliens.

Be that as it may, the fact of making a profit from this sensation still took place. The family began to take payment from those who wanted to look at the scene, however, motivating it by the fact that in this way they protect their personal space from simple onlookers.

But if you look at the case from the other side, the Suttons only suffered from this whole story. Countrymen began to treat them with hostility, some lost their jobs, and children were teased by their peers for a long time.

Variations in the appearance of attacking creatures



There was another version of the incident. Some researchers of this case believed that the farm was not visited by aliens, but … ordinary circus monkeys. This version was supported by the fact that, before the monsters came to the Suttons, a traveling circus was on tour in Hopkinsville. However, no one reported the loss of monkeys, and there are no animals in nature that are invulnerable to bullets. And the police found a lot of spent cartridges on the farm, which could kill a whole flock of monkeys.

Until now, no one knows for sure what exactly the inhabitants of Hopkinsville observed on that memorable terrible night. French researchers believe that it could have been phosphorescent owls that protected their chicks. This is indicated by drawings made by eyewitnesses. They depict creatures sitting on rooftops and trees, very similar to these birds.


Ufologists have examined this story quite closely, but none of them have found evidence that it was a deliberate deception or a massive hallucination. Doubt also raised the assumption that people mistook any animals for aliens. In addition, Chief of Police Russell Greenwell commented on the situation: "These people were frightened by something that does not fit into their understanding."

In support of the alien version of what happened, one can cite the fact that in 1955 there were many reports from different places in the United States about the appearance of aliens. The description of the appearance of the aliens completely coincided with that given by the family of farmers.

It is worth mentioning that none of the 11 people who were at that moment on the farm, and then for many years became the subject of cruel ridicule, did not further withdraw their testimony.

Alexandra ORLOVA