What Is This Flower For? - Alternative View

What Is This Flower For? - Alternative View
What Is This Flower For? - Alternative View

Video: What Is This Flower For? - Alternative View

Video: What Is This Flower For? - Alternative View
Video: Where This Flower Blooms 2024, July

The Skeleton Flower's petals become transparent when it rains.

Surely this mutation and the development of the flower in this direction was needed for something. And for what? There is such an option …


The Skeleton Flower plant, or as it is also called Gray's Bifolia, is a completely ordinary flower, but only as long as water does not fall on its petals. After that, something incredible happens and the flower becomes transparent.

Moisture on plants creates a lens effect and can burn out the foliage. A very useful evolutionary acquisition, especially in climates with variable rains and a hellish sun.


Although it is believed that not every random mutation makes sense. It makes sense in general. This, for example, had little effect on the viability of the species because pollinators, as a rule, do not fly in the rain.


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