The Mystery Of The Origin Of Stone Circles In Scotland - Alternative View

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The Mystery Of The Origin Of Stone Circles In Scotland - Alternative View
The Mystery Of The Origin Of Stone Circles In Scotland - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Origin Of Stone Circles In Scotland - Alternative View

Video: The Mystery Of The Origin Of Stone Circles In Scotland - Alternative View
Video: What is Hidden within Stone Circles?… It’s a World-Wide Phenomena 2024, September

The territory of Scotland is completely dotted with ancient stone circles. These stones are considered to be one of the most ancient archaeological mysteries. Countless theories have been put forward to explain their origins. We will tell you about an interesting version.

Megaliths in Scotland appeared at the beginning of the Neolithic era

These ancient stone circles come in different shapes, but most often they stand upright. Probably, at one time, their shape was different, but strong winds and time cut sharp corners. The most ancient megaliths have their own names. They can be safely ranked among the Scottish attractions. One of them is Stenness, located in the Orkney Islands, and the other, Callanish, is located on the Isle of Lewis. In ordinary Scottish settlements, there are still many such attractions, except that they are smaller in size.


Some stones weigh up to 10 tons

What were the people who inhabited this area trying to build several thousand years ago? The mystery of archeology can be solved by a group of modern scientists who have thoroughly investigated the occupations of people in the Neolithic era. Some stones are so gigantic that transporting them from place to place could be extremely difficult. But five thousand years ago, people entered the Neolithic, or Stone Age.

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The nomadic way of life was replaced by the sedentary

Communities could already afford a sedentary lifestyle, as well as the use of stone tools and the development of agricultural land. These changes brought new traditions. For example, now it was necessary to think about how to make the burial of the deceased and how to preserve the memory of the departed. Thus, with the beginning of the Neolithic era, tombs, tombs, pyramids and other places for the commemoration of the dead began to appear everywhere. Historians are sure that megaliths performed this function on the territory of Scotland. However, why are they all so gigantic and bizarre?


Astronomical background

Five thousand years ago, people were already seriously interested in astronomy. Observing the location of the Sun, Moon and other celestial bodies helped navigate travel. The hypothesis that stone memorials were erected taking into account the knowledge of ancient people about astronomy is not new. It is enough to look at the correctly verified geometric patterns if we consider the structures from a bird's eye view. And it doesn't matter at all that the boulders themselves had different shapes, the distance between them was observed with verified accuracy. Scientists have also found an explanation for the gigantic size of the tall boulders. Having climbed to the top, people had the opportunity to use an excellent observation deck, or, as we would say now, an observatory.


When points of view coincide

It is worth noting that the idea of erecting megaliths for stargazing is not new. This hypothesis after 30 years of painstaking research was put forward by Alexander Tom. The scientist presented the results of his work to the public in 1955. For more than half a century, the scientific community has been pretty cool about this theory. And only in 2016, Alexander Tom found followers.

A clear relationship was found

A clear relationship has been found between the erection of stone slabs and astronomical events. It is striking that the horizon line visible through these structures had only two different outlines. The sun and moon in this relief are located in a strictly designated place. And this means that the terrain for placing the boulders was chosen taking into account the extreme points of rise and set of these celestial bodies. The tradition of building megaliths in this way probably dates back to the famous Stenness and Callanish. In this way, people could designate a terrain that could perfectly represent the perception of the universe.


New controversies

Opponents of this hypothesis insist that we cannot attribute to our ancestors modern human knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. There is no documentary evidence that five thousand years ago people were as advanced in the exact sciences. This means that everything again comes down to the ritual nature of the construction of stone boulders. It seems that the debate about the purpose of the megaliths flares up with renewed vigor.

Inga Kaisina