A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think - " Alternative View

A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think - " Alternative View
A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think - " Alternative View

Video: A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think - " Alternative View

Video: A Strange Lightning Over The United States Has Made Many People Think -
Video: Bizarre Things That Happened On The Set Of The Passion Of The Christ 2024, September

Around November 22, in the United States (exact localization has not been established), a very unusual storm was filmed, a video report of which hit YouTube.

The video caused a storm of emotions at the ameroblogodrome and began to be replicated by UFO channels, since the video captures not only very unusual lightning spreading across the sky, but also a strange object similar to a flying wing is clearly visible.


Skeptics instantly saw a cloud in this object, but for some reason such “clouds” are present on the emblems of space agencies around the world.


In addition, in the summer of last year, something similar was observed in Taiwan, where at first people saw similar incomprehensible lightning, against the background of which either a “flying wing” or a pyramid appeared.

Promotional video:

Thus, according to most of the people who commented on this video, it captures a UFO and lightning caused by either this apparatus or a similar object in the vicinity.

Since UFOs are not surprising to anyone today, the discussion quickly moved into another direction. For the 333rd time, people began to ask each other the question: what are these “little green men” doing here and what is our place in this incomprehensible world? And at this moment the most interesting has already begun.

Everyone remembered that in July of this year, the British tabloid Daily Mail published a small note about a local actor named Shiv Grewal, who, having survived clinical death, began to paint pictures about what he saw.


A lot of this kind of information has accumulated since the time of Raymond Moody, but all this is in 99% of cases a word. Not everyone who has experienced such an experience will be able to draw something, but of those who can draw something, almost no one is able to interpret what he saw, since the experiences are transcendental. Nevertheless, Lord Shiva got some pictures:


Everyone immediately remembered the drawing, at the same time remembering how this drawing puzzled everyone. The closest analogy for this picture can be obtained by typing the query “prison planet” into the image search:


Perhaps the analogy among the conspiracy community turned out to be very pessimistic and in fact, Mr. Shiv Grewal saw something completely different, nevertheless, this version explains a lot. For example, UFO sightings, UFO kidnapping of people, and denial by governments. And at the moment, this point of view seems to us the most convincing.
