Alaska Is Shaken By Giant Landslides - Alternative View

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Alaska Is Shaken By Giant Landslides - Alternative View
Alaska Is Shaken By Giant Landslides - Alternative View

Such is the icy "land" Alaska

Restless in Alaska! The mountain, 1.2 km high, collapsed, releasing an avalanche of stones and mud with a total weight of about 150 million tons. The debris covered the glacier below, creating a stone field about 10 km long. Scientists are concerned that this is the 5th huge landslide in the area. And some of the Americans are worried that this is not another "cunning plan" of the Russians to "return the little land to Alyasochka" © - everyone remembers how, in time immemorial, this land was bought by the United States literally for nothing … Because the Russians did not know what was wrong with it continue to do!

Colin Stark, a professor at Columbia University, calculated that the force of the landslide was about 280 giganewtons. To better understand this figure, you can imagine 300 million cars rolling down the slope instead of stones.

Despite the fact that the landslide itself occurred without any presence of people (Alaska is not rich in them), scientists learned about it pretty quickly, as long-range seismographs detected a shock as much as 2.9 on the Richter scale.

Interestingly, Alaska has become the epicenter of rock avalanches over the past few days. In Glacier Bay National Park, where the massive landslide happened, there have been 5 smaller ones in the past few days. As geologist Dave Looply says, "We need to do some research as soon as possible and find out why this area has suddenly become so active." And what further threats does this pose …

Some American scientists suspect that we can talk not so much about a series of natural phenomena as about man-made interference at a distance - a certain secret technology of the Russians … However, this is just another "conspiracy theory".

And we can watch a video of how a giant landslide occurred in Alaska: