Yakut Anomalies - Alternative View

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Yakut Anomalies - Alternative View
Yakut Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Yakut Anomalies - Alternative View

Video: Yakut Anomalies - Alternative View
Video: Жаркий зной в вечной мерзлоте. Аномалия? Город Якутск летом 2024, September

Yakutia is a harsh and immense land, stretching in the north of the Far Eastern Federal District of Russia. Anyone who has been lucky enough to visit Yakutia at least once will never forget its original and amazingly beautiful nature, courageous and at the same time sincere people who will certainly surprise the guest with stories about the mysterious places with which this ancient land is rich.

Places of power

From word of mouth among shamans and Yakut elders, stories are transmitted about the so-called places of power, which, according to modern parapsychologists, have a special energy that is very different from that that usually comes from other natural objects.

Such places, in particular, include the Bottle Rock, located in the Neryungrinsky ulus. The peculiarity of the rock is that it consists of a rare material called chrome diopside, which in its composition is close to such a precious stone as emerald.

Outwardly, the Rock of Bottle Rock resembles broken and tightly pressed glass, radiating a weak warmth at any time of the year. Local beliefs say that the rock heals eye diseases and even restores lost sight. To do this, you need to rest your face on the warm rock and gaze long and intently into its translucent matte depth.

Sometimes, as the inhabitants of the ulus say, as well as those who, thanks to the rock, got rid of the disease, a person sees through a thick glass prism amazing pictures of otherworldly worlds: unearthly landscapes, moving fantastic animals and translucent figures of spirits.

It is believed that a person who has seen such a thing opens a “third eye”, with the help of which he gains “spiritual sight”.

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No less amazing is the legend about the invisible Shaman-tree, which supposedly grows at the entrance to one of the oldest villages of Yakutia, Khonuu, in the Momsky region of the republic. Usually invisible, the tree is only dedicated to shamans, who, with the help of its magical and evergreen branches, guess, and thrust their heads into a huge (according to shamanic cultists, the size of a yaranga) hollow, communicate with the spirits of their ancestors. According to legend, when the Shaman-tree dies, the endless possessions of the Yakuts will go under water.

UFO reserves

Many places in Yakutia are associated with stories of mysterious flying objects, the appearance of which is recorded in a large number of national legends and traditions. Thus, residents of the Uchuro-Chulbinsky district, located on the border of Yakutia and the Khabarovsk Territory, claim that the name of the Ket mountain range, which runs through the territory of the region, comes from the word "Kat" - "Ship".

Old-timers of the area say that 300 years ago, catching on one of the hills, a sparkling aircraft fell and crashed here. At the place of his fall, the Evenks who roamed in those parts found a large amount of metal from which they made hunting knives.

Similar ships were seen over the ridge in 1924 and 1973. Eyewitnesses to the last UFO visit described it as a very large silvery tube that floated silently along a mountain range.

Since ancient times, one of the small tributaries of the Vilyui River - Ygyatta - has been associated with the "fiery dragon drinking water" in oral chronicles. Relatively recently, in September 1981, this legend was confirmed by the appearance in the sky above Ygyatta of an elongated fiery formation that flew in from the southeast at great speed. The strange object first hovered over the river, and then, for half an hour, it either descended to the water and even dived, then rose again by 100 meters. Then it suddenly soared into the sky that began to darken and disappeared from sight.

Since the mid-90s of the last century, unidentified flying objects have become frequent guests of the small lake Balyktaakh-Ebe, located in the Ust-Aldan ulus near the village of Naiakhi. According to the villagers, at first a tornado arose over the surface of the lake. Then a gray sparkling ball emerged from the vortex flow, which gradually sank into the water and went into the depths.

A similar mysterious phenomenon was observed in 1996, 2000, 2003 and 2006, and each time after the disappearance of the tornado and the mysterious ball, the inhabitants of Nayaha experienced painful sensations: ringing in the ears, severe headache and even a short-term loss of orientation, which lasted for the next two or three days. Gradually, the glory of a "bad place" was entrenched in the village of Naiakhi, because of which the inhabitants began to leave it.

Places of destruction

Local historians say that in Yakutia there will be at least a dozen of "lost places" that have been known from time immemorial. For example, the famous Death Valley has long been considered such a place, in the ground of which large metal objects of unknown origin are hidden, emitting heat.


People call them "cauldrons". Hunters - Yakuts and Evenki, who happened to find themselves in an ominous valley, claim that one-eyed creatures in metal clothes live there in deep metal holes, sometimes making sounds that resemble the roar of a wounded bear.

One of the most geopathogenic zones in Yakutia is the so-called Tochka, located in the Maya village of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. On a plot of land measuring 30 by 50 meters, there is no vegetation of any kind, animals also bypass it.

At the end of the 30s of the last century, one of the chairmen of the local village council tried three times to build a log house on this site, which inexplicably burned down every time the construction was completed. Then this case was even interested in the republican administration of the NKVD, suspecting that the enemies of the people were to blame for the arson. However, the arsonists were never found then.

In the XX century, a section of the Kolymsky tract, which was later popularly called the "road on bones", was notoriously known, laid under the Devil's Gate of the Tatty Ulus - two jagged rocks hanging over the road. Immediately after the road was put into operation, fatal traffic accidents began to occur here with alarming frequency.

Drivers who have to drive along the highway assure that under the Devil's Gate one can often see transparent whitish figures running across the road, and along the highway - glowing skulls, which sometimes begin to laugh ominously.

In the land of unseen beasts

Many legends about mysterious creatures, many of which are associated in the minds of the indigenous peoples with divine essences, are associated with the numerous Yakut reservoirs - transparent, like crystal, lakes and seething rivers.

One of the most famous monsters of Yakutia is the Labynkyr devil living in the Labynkyr lake of the Oymyakonsky ulus. According to the descriptions of local residents, the creature resembles a giant pike with a large horn on its head. The Labynkyr devil seems to live in underground coastal caves he dug at the very bottom of the lake. The monster is credited with the disappearance of pets and children in those places - it allegedly feeds on them.

The creature that is found in Lake Elgygytgyn is called Kliglu by the inhabitants of Chukotka. Fusiform, covered with thick carapace scales, it sometimes appears above the water surface of a relict reservoir that arose three and a half million years ago, and shows its back, crowned with a gray ridge, making very low humming sounds.

The locals have many creepy beliefs about the chuchuna, a mysterious inhabitant of the Verkhoyansk ulus. This creature, which lives both in the taiga and in water bodies, looks like a monkey with a human head. According to the old-timers, the blood of a chuchuna that gets on a person can deprive him of his sanity, and droppings and shreds of coarse wool lead to the formation of terrible ulcers on the body that do not heal for a long time.

Yes, there are many miracles in Yakutia … … That is why every year it attracts more and more guests who want to touch both its mysteries and its original culture. Many hope to lift the veil over the age-old secrets that this unkind, but such a beautiful land reliably keeps.