Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View

Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View
Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View

Video: Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View

Video: Hillary Clinton On The Afghan War - Alternative View
Video: Hillary Clinton speaks out about US links with Taliban 2024, September

This video consists of gluing several. It includes the events of 1979, when US Presidential Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski arrived at the Islamist training camp for agitation on the Pakistani-Afghan border. In two other videos, Hillary Clinton openly expresses her views on radical Islamism. By the way, in the middle, black and white part of the image for the post, Brzezinski and Osama bin Laden are captured in the old days of their cooperation.

Hillary Clinton, former US Secretary of State … To be honest, I must say that we ourselves have created a problem for ourselves, which we are struggling with today. When the USSR sent troops into Afghanistan, we had a brilliant idea to create military formations of Islamists in Pakistan, equip them with Stingers and other necessary weapons and send them to Afghanistan to fight the USSR. And so, everything went as we had planned, the USSR left Afghanistan and we told him: “Great! Farewell! . However, we left these well-trained, experienced, religiously fanatical and heavily armed Islamists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, leaving a whole army there, equipped with weapons and everything necessary. Because then, at that time, we were not worried about these Islamists, because we thought these militants would go even further into the USSR itself, and we said, “Ok, great, this is even better!”. But if you remember all this now,it turns out that we are fighting today against those people whom we ourselves created for the war against the Soviet Union …

In the history of the United States, we have collaborated with Pakistan and cut off relations with it. But now let's remember the people with whom we are fighting today (radical Islam), we ourselves created 20 years ago. We created them because we were then involved in the struggle against the Soviet Union, which then sent troops to Afghanistan, and we did not want the USSR to control Central Asia. And so we got to work, rolling up our sleeves! And President Reagan with the US Congress and Democrats decided and said then: “You know, we have a great idea: let's come to an agreement with the intelligence and military of Pakistan, let them recruit Wahhabis in Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries, let's import the Wahhabi brand of Islam to Afghanistan, and thus we will defeat the Soviet Union! … They (Reagan and Congress) did it, they spent billions of dollars on it,and this led to the collapse of the Soviet Union! And this is a very strong argument when they say that these were, albeit not very “beautiful”, but effective investments in the collapse of the Soviet Union. But today, let's take a closer look at the fruits that we are reaping today. So, after the collapse of the USSR, we left Pakistan with the Islamists and we told him: “Oh, well, it was you who distributed Islamists, weapons and missiles throughout the region, which we brought to your country for the militants, it was you who distributed mines that are located throughout your border. And by the way, we do not want to have anything to do with you, we will even impose sanctions against you!”. In short, we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …that these were, albeit not very “beautiful”, but effective investments in the collapse of the Soviet Union. But today, let's take a closer look at the fruits that we are reaping today. So, after the collapse of the USSR, we left Pakistan with the Islamists and we told him: “Oh, well, it was you who distributed Islamists, weapons and missiles throughout the region, which we brought to your country for the militants, it was you who distributed mines that are located throughout your border. And by the way, we do not want to have anything to do with you, we will even impose sanctions against you!”. In short, we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …that these were, albeit not very “beautiful”, but effective investments in the collapse of the Soviet Union. But today, let's take a closer look at the fruits that we are reaping today. So, after the collapse of the USSR, we left Pakistan with the Islamists and we told him: “Oh, well, it was you who distributed Islamists, weapons and missiles throughout the region, which we brought to your country for the militants, it was you who distributed mines that are located throughout your border. And by the way, we do not want to have anything to do with you, we will even impose sanctions against you!”. In short, we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …after the collapse of the USSR, we left Pakistan with the Islamists and we told him: “Oh, good, it was you who distributed the Islamists, weapons and missiles throughout the region that we brought to your country for the militants, it was you who distributed mines that are located along your entire border … And by the way, we do not want to have anything to do with you, we will even impose sanctions against you!”. In short, we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …after the collapse of the USSR, we left Pakistan with the Islamists and we told him: “Oh, well, it was you who distributed the Islamists, weapons and missiles throughout the region that we brought to your country for the militants, it was you who distributed mines that are located along your entire border … And by the way, we do not want to have anything to do with you, we will even impose sanctions against you!”. In short, we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …we stopped cooperating with the military and intelligence of Pakistan, but now we are forced to correct our past mistakes …

Zbigniew Brzezinski, former advisor to the US president. Brzezinski, in an interview with the Le Nouvel Observateur on January 15, 1998, when asked whether he regretted supporting the Islamists, answered: “What is more important for world history? A couple of Islamist hotheads or the fall of the Soviet Empire, the liberation of Europe and the end of the Cold War?” …