How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View

How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View
How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View

Video: How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View

Video: How Did Freedom Become The Highest Category Of Forced Slavery? - Alternative View
Video: Modern Slavery: The Most-Afflicted Countries 2024, September

Freedom has become the highest category of slavery. Freedom is being forced more strongly than before it was forced into slavery. But that slavery was external and therefore less dangerous. The present slavery is internal. There is no escape from him.

Freedom is the idol of liberalism, which is not only worshiped, but also sacrificed. This is the deity of the liberal religion, and like any religion, liberalism has its own catechism and its own inquisition. Freedom is the most totalitarian worldview. Those who are against compulsory freedom are subjected to civil execution, sometimes turning into a physical one.

It is no coincidence that Dostoevsky said that any rebellion begins with atheism. Freedom requires the destruction of all human ties with society and with another religion in which there is God. Freedom itself claims to be a god. Therefore, demanding to destroy the whole world to its foundations, in which there is a state, and a church in which there is God, freedom immediately builds on their ruins its church - the church of Satan, and its state - the state of the New World Order.

For the sake of freedom, the most repressive practices of controlling human behavior and consciousness are being introduced in the world. The protest against the manipulation of consciousness is interpreted as a protest against freedom. Attachment to the traditional institutions of society is declared a reactionary archaic, which does not release society from the fetters of necessity into the kingdom of freedom. The struggle for freedom resembles the struggle for peace, as a result of which there will be no stone unturned from the world.

Ideal freedom is the cosmic loneliness of a completely liberated individual. The absence of all the attachments and responsibilities that a person imposes on himself out of love for his neighbor. Ideal freedom is the absence of family, children, Fatherland, national and religious feelings, gender characteristics, and cultural affiliation.

Johann Heinrich Füssli. Loneliness at dawn. 1796
Johann Heinrich Füssli. Loneliness at dawn. 1796

Johann Heinrich Füssli. Loneliness at dawn. 1796.

Freedom is a state of eternal choice between this and that, a serious illness of the mind, as Bruce Lee called it. The believer in freedom finds himself in slavery to this religion, which deprives him of all freedom and, above all, freedom of love. After all, love is the sacrifice of your whims for the sake of the one you love. God is Love, and therefore freedom from God is freedom from love.

Parents love - and therefore voluntarily give up themselves for the sake of their children. This is slavery from the point of view of the religion of freedom. The crowned people love - and therefore abandon themselves for the sake of their spouse. Soldiers love - and therefore go to death for the sake of their people and the Fatherland. Scientists love - and therefore go to the stake for the sake of truth. Love is the greatest source of vitality and creative energy.

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Freedom is a de-energized state of relaxation. Instead of love - sex, instead of service - interests, instead of sacrifice - acquisitiveness. This is the right to choose a free individual. Freedom is the apotheosis of selfishness and pride. Freedom is non-participation in life, if you understand life as an emotional inclusion in situations that do not personally concern you here and now.

Yes, formally a person is free to choose between good and evil. But such freedom is possible only after a voluntary renunciation of love, which is a sign of God in the soul. Freedom from the heart is also an indispensable attribute of the religion of freedom. And if you refuse to choose freedom, all the power of this world will fall on you. With his prince, who first of all freed man from faith and love for his neighbor and taught himself to selfishness as a religion of freedom.

Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. Daemon. 1890
Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. Daemon. 1890

Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. Daemon. 1890.

Freedom has become the highest category of slavery. Freedom is being forced more strongly than before it was forced into slavery. But that slavery was external and therefore less dangerous. The present slavery is internal. There is no escape from him.

Refusal of freedom in the name of one's neighbor is the highest manifestation of freedom. But for the religion of freedom, this is an unacceptable heresy. A person should not give up freedom voluntarily, even for the sake of his neighbor. Thus, he tempts others to do the same.

Absolute freedom is absolute loneliness. This is how hell is understood in the Orthodox denomination of Christianity, which is the deepest foundation of Russian civilization. That is why Orthodoxy is conciliar, since freedom from freedom is an unbearable task for a loner.

Protesting against religion, adherents of the sect of freedom accuse it of imprisoning believers. Thus, they seek to deprive a person of his place in society and the universe, treating him as a completely autonomous being. It should not be subject to the instincts of collectivism, since this is no longer freedom. Ideal freedom is a complete rejection of your I and your identity. In the limit, complete freedom is death. And the desire for complete freedom is the desire for death.

It is no coincidence that it is in liberalism that the cults of Satanism flourish and all coordinate systems that protect life and oblige to protect it are destroyed. In liberalism, life and death are the free choice of the individual. No restrictions on this freedom are allowed.

Johann Heinrich Füssli. Nightmare. 1781
Johann Heinrich Füssli. Nightmare. 1781

Johann Heinrich Füssli. Nightmare. 1781.

The religion of freedom is a religion of slavery without the Orwellian paradox. Freedom is slavery if freedom is not relative, but absolute. There is no more unhappy person than who has lived his whole life in complete freedom.

The most terrible slavery is the slavery of freedom, pushing a person to the most terrible atrocities. All the worst crimes were committed solely for the sake of freedom. None of them were done for the sake of slavery.

The illusion of freedom of choice is one of the most important and dangerous illusions of humanity. Reason cannot be the criterion of choice, since it demonstrates the ultimate inability of a person to rationality and sobriety. Rationality is understood by man as violence, a direction to subjugate the world. Reason materializes into aggression. The freest in such a world is the strongest and most aggressive.

The temptation of freedom is one of the main myths of humanity. The lies behind the lies of democracy. Freedom is irresponsibility. We would not have survived in a world where complete freedom prevails. The ability to impose restrictions on one's freedom is a criterion for the viability of a society. One who understands this has matured to a real understanding of freedom.