Is Earth A Colony Of Nibiru? - Alternative View

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Is Earth A Colony Of Nibiru? - Alternative View
Is Earth A Colony Of Nibiru? - Alternative View

Video: Is Earth A Colony Of Nibiru? - Alternative View

Video: Is Earth A Colony Of Nibiru? - Alternative View
Video: Is NASA Hiding A Second Sun? 2024, September

According to the theory of paleocontacts, people did not appear due to evolution, but as a result of a genetic experiment of a highly developed race of aliens. If this is true, then why did the aliens need us?

Slave miners

Supporters of paleocontact are sure that the appearance of Homo sapiens was the work of (so to speak) the Anunnaki race, the warlike inhabitants of the planet Nibiru. At first glance, this assumption seems fantastic, but how then can one explain the mysterious mines in Siberia, in the mines of Africa and South America, which are several tens of thousands of years old?

One of the many tunnels of the ancient mines. Could our ancestors have dug them out with sticks and fragments of stones?
One of the many tunnels of the ancient mines. Could our ancestors have dug them out with sticks and fragments of stones?

One of the many tunnels of the ancient mines. Could our ancestors have dug them out with sticks and fragments of stones?

“The first humans were definitely biorobots,” says ufologist Martin Sitcher. After the collision of the planet Nibiru with the minor planet Tiamat, its trajectory changed and Nibiru practically went beyond the solar system. To keep the planet warm, the Anunnaki began to spray gold dust into the atmosphere, thereby creating a man-made greenhouse effect. Therefore, they needed such a huge amount of golden sand, the deposits of which they found on Earth.

The Anunnaki received the first biorobots by crossing the genes of Neanderthals with their own, and the resulting homo sapiens quickly seized power over the planet and exterminated all other humanoid species, including Neanderthals.

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"Useless" mines

In the Testament of Ramses III 3,000 years ago, it was noted that the kings of Egypt "took the copper that belonged to the Old Kings." In the same Africa, archaeologists find mines, the first work on which was carried out 30-40 thousand years ago. So it turns out that with the help of sticks and clay shards, our ancestors were able to extract hundreds of thousands of tons of iron, silver and gold? Unlikely.

The Indians of South America meticulously recorded both the technique and the appearance of * workers *
The Indians of South America meticulously recorded both the technique and the appearance of * workers *

The Indians of South America meticulously recorded both the technique and the appearance of * workers *.

And how can one explain from the point of view of classical history the images of warriors with futuristic weapons on the bas-reliefs of the Mexican city of Thule, which are several thousand years old? And African legends about the Bachwezi people say that they were tall white-skinned builders. The Bachwezi built houses in the rock, cut down many kilometers of canals, could move through the air and treat deadly diseases. And then one day they just disappeared.

Some coal mines in North America stretch tens of kilometers underground. So why did the ancient Indians, who did not know industry, need so much coal?

Aliens and Russia

The most ancient mines on the territory of our country date back to the III millennium BC. Located in Siberia, they look very similar to the same mining sites in Africa and America. A 1941 brochure "On Ancient Mines" mentions a mine in the Pamirs, in the depths of which scientists have found stone and bronze hammers, iron chisels, and many human skeletons. All this refers to the period when, according to official data, mankind did not know iron and did not need heavy industry.

So who built these mines and why? According to Martin Sitcher's theory, the planet Nibiru approaches Earth every 3600 years. During each rapprochement, the Anunnaki receive vital materials for them. The closest rapprochement should happen soon, at the end of the 21st century, and then we will surely get an answer to this question.