Former USGS Employee: The Planet Has Entered The Nibiru Season! - Alternative View

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Former USGS Employee: The Planet Has Entered The Nibiru Season! - Alternative View
Former USGS Employee: The Planet Has Entered The Nibiru Season! - Alternative View

Video: Former USGS Employee: The Planet Has Entered The Nibiru Season! - Alternative View

Video: Former USGS Employee: The Planet Has Entered The Nibiru Season! - Alternative View
Video: Barry Glick (Founder of MapQuest) at Startup Grind DC 2024, September

Dr. Ethan Trowbridge provided us with additional information detailing the expected meteorological changes associated with Nibiru's proximity to the inner solar system. The USGS data, Dr Trowbridge said, clearly show that Nibiru will affect atmospheric conditions for the foreseeable future, and our planet will suffer dire consequences as the dark star and its seven orbiting planets move closer and closer to Earth.

Dr. Trowbridge, a former scientist with the US Geological Survey, has long argued that the NASA space agency has known for over 30 years about the existence of Nibiru, but, for obvious reasons, back in the 1990s, it chose to hide all information from the general public. Nevertheless, the USGS was partially devoted to this topic. Here is what Dr. Trowbridge spoke about his work in an interview with the Daily Star:

“The US Geological Survey learned about Nibiru directly from NASA. We were instructed to check: can the abnormal climate change be explained by the influence of this celestial body? And our research has fully confirmed this possibility. But all this information is strictly classified, even more so: it is fragmented. All documents on this topic are divided into departments, so people working with pieces of information cannot generalize everything and understand the purpose of their research. I think maybe forty or fifty USGS employees have a real idea of what is going on. I myself learned about everything quite by accident, after which I was fired, sent for compulsory treatment and branded insane."

In an interview with Someonesbones, Dr. Ethan Trowbridge says the following:

“Since the circumference of the Nibiru system is much smaller than our solar system, the planets there rotate much faster. The Earth orbits the Sun in 365 days, while Nibiru orbits its brown dwarf every forty-six or forty-seven days. Therefore, every time, after 47 days of rotation, Nibiru flies past the Earth, gravitational waves exert immeasurable pressure on the lithosphere and climate. And as the brown dwarf approaches, the situation gets worse every year."


According to Trowbridge, the next two years will be extremely difficult, and sometime during the first quarter of 2021, the situation will become absolutely critical, as some areas of the lithosphere will literally be torn apart.

NASA and the USGS have spent decades trying to predict which geographic areas will be most affected and completely destroyed. However, all of their computer simulations produced completely different and conflicting results."

Promotional video:

“Thousands and thousands of models have passed through the world's most powerful computers. But all the predictions received are unlikely to ever agree. The problem is that the Nibiru system does not behave the way a traditional massive object should. Instead of following a set path through space, the system periodically changes direction and speed unpredictably, as if it maneuvers, making one think that Nibiru is to some extent either artificial or controlled object. At least twice in ten years, the system's planetoids changed their rotation characteristics. This changed not only the axis of their rotation, but also the plane in which they revolve around their invisible dwarf star. The only thing that is stable there is the 47-day cycle."

Dr. Trowbridge cites increasingly anomalous weather as evidence of an imminent approach to Nibiru. Trowbridge received his main official knowledge about the system approaching the Sun between 1986 and 1997, when he took part in joint meetings of NASA and USGS on emergency preparedness. And even then, both services predicted climatic catastrophes observed only today, such as: an abnormal winter in the Northern Hemisphere, an incessant heat wave in Australia, floods in Afghanistan and the Middle East. And to this is added the rapid movement of the poles that has begun.

Deprived of access to official, albeit fragmented, documents, Dr. Trowbridge does not reliably know what is happening. However, in his opinion, now the plane of the Nibiru system should be perpendicular to the plane of the solar system: according to old computer models, it was this position of the Nibiru system that had the maximum impact on the climate.

In conclusion, Dr. Trowbridge states:

“Our planet has changed dramatically, but at the same time it is still changing and changing. Nibiru is destroying our world. By and large, we no longer wait for the "arrival of Nibiru". She's already here. I have already explained this several times, but I will repeat it again. Everyone is now saying that the seasons have been disrupted on Earth. But this is absolutely not the case, since there is only one season on Earth today: the season of Nibiru!"

Editorial comment

Since we did not attend any of the NASA and USGS meetings, what Mr. Trowbridge said, we can neither deny nor confirm. But we can recall that the conspiracy group The End Times Forecaster has long noticed that earthquakes on Earth have a strange 188-day cycle, consisting of 94-day sub-cycles.

Based on their discovery, we assumed that the dark star approaching the Earth has a massive satellite, the rotation period of which is just either 94 days or 188 days. We divide 94 days in half, we get … 47 days, that is, the cycle of Nibiru's revolution around its invisible star, about which Dr. Trowbridge speaks. Everything converges, so we follow the development of events.