The Phenomenon Of Sleep Paralysis When A Nightmare Is A Reality - Alternative View

The Phenomenon Of Sleep Paralysis When A Nightmare Is A Reality - Alternative View
The Phenomenon Of Sleep Paralysis When A Nightmare Is A Reality - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Sleep Paralysis When A Nightmare Is A Reality - Alternative View

Video: The Phenomenon Of Sleep Paralysis When A Nightmare Is A Reality - Alternative View
Video: Sleep Paralysis | National Geographic 2024, June

What have you heard about the sleep paralysis phenomenon? This borderline state between sleep and reality and this disease affects thousands of people around the world. It would be very funny if it weren't so scary.

Once I had a similar state and for me it was worse than some horror movie, moreover, the most terrible and realistic one. I was gripped by wild horror, and on the balcony I saw the silhouette of some creature and believed that it was because of him that I could not budge, terribly better … I cannot explain exactly what was happening to me then, but I definitely didn’t slept. After what happened, I lay in fear for several minutes, and then managed to get up. Similar stories are told by many people and if I had not encountered something similar, I would not have believed in such stories.

I am attaching a video so that you understand in more detail:

As they say, scenes can change, people see creepy creatures, sometimes there can be several of them, they can be close or far, but always people cannot budge, hence the name. About 4 years ago, a film was released, which describes 8 real stories of people who told about their visions during sleep paralysis and it is called "Nightmare". It is interesting that scientists cannot explain with accuracy what happens to a person and how it happens in general, the phenomenon has practically not been studied.

But the worst thing is that these entities, even during hallucinations, can mock a person, take the form of demons and even cause physical pain. As a child, I remember my mother told me that some entity came to her at night and strangled her. This took place after she began to read the prayer. It may sound like nonsense, but if these were isolated cases, then one could refer to madness. For the last 20 years I have not heard anything like that from her and I do not even want to ask … Scientists even conducted surveys and about 10 percent of the people surveyed answered that they had experienced such a state at least once in their lives. Some people are faced with this almost every night and then their life turns into a real hell.

The most frightening thing is that you think about the reality of what is happening and cannot budge, it's not for nothing that it's called sleep paralysis. And the sad thing is that there is no effective cure or way to stop it. Fortunately, for some people this happens only a couple of times in a lifetime, or even do not experience it at all.

Some believe that stress and fatigue can cause this condition, but there is no clear evidence of this. As some people say, they are completely stress-free and lead a healthy lifestyle, but this does not save them from sleep paralysis. But imagine people who have been in a nightmare every night for several years against their will and these are healthy people, not alcoholics and drug addicts … Horror! Have you had a similar experience?

Promotional video: