A Nuclear Reactor In A Living Cell? - Alternative View

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A Nuclear Reactor In A Living Cell? - Alternative View
A Nuclear Reactor In A Living Cell? - Alternative View

Video: A Nuclear Reactor In A Living Cell? - Alternative View

Video: A Nuclear Reactor In A Living Cell? - Alternative View
Video: What If You Fell Into a Spent Nuclear Fuel Pool? 2024, October

What Vladimir Vysotsky, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Department of the KNU named after TG Shevchenko, does not fit into the usual scientific framework. His experiments have recorded that biological systems can, relatively speaking, arrange small nuclear reactors inside themselves. Inside the cells, some elements are transformed into others. With the help of this effect, one can achieve, for example, an accelerated disposal of radioactive cesium-137, which is still poisoning the Chernobyl zone.

Vladimir Ivanovich, we have known each other for many years. You told me about your experiments with Chernobyl radioactive water and biological cultures that deactivate this water. Frankly, such things are perceived today as an example of parascience, and for many years I did not refuse to write about them However, your new results show that there is something in this …

- I have completed a large cycle of work, which began in 1990. These studies have proven that in certain biological systems, fairly efficient isotope transformations can take place. Let me emphasize: not chemical reactions, but nuclear ones, no matter how fantastic it sounds. Moreover, we are not talking about chemical elements as such, but about their isotopes. What is the fundamental difference here? Chemical elements are difficult to identify, they can appear as an impurity, they can be added to the sample by accident. And when the isotope ratio changes, it is a more reliable marker.

- Please explain your idea

- The simplest option: we take a cuvette, plant a biological culture in it. We close tightly. There is in nuclear physics the so-called. the Mössbauer effect, which makes it possible to very accurately determine the resonance in certain nuclei of elements. In particular, we were interested in the iron isotope Fe57. It is a rather rare isotope, about 2% of it in terrestrial rocks, it is difficult to separate from ordinary iron Fe56, and therefore it is quite expensive. So: in our experiments we took manganese Mn55. If you add a proton to it, then in the reaction of nuclear fusion you can get the usual iron Fe56. This is already a colossal achievement. But how can this process be proven with even greater reliability? And here's how: we grew a culture in heavy water, where instead of a proton there is a dayton! As a result, we obtained Fe57, the mentioned Mössbauer effect unambiguously confirmed this. In the absence of iron in the initial solution,after the activity of biological culture, it appeared in it from somewhere, and such an isotope, which is very small in terrestrial rocks! And here - about 50%. That is, there is no other way out but to admit that a nuclear reaction took place here.

Next, we began to draw up process models, identifying more efficient environments and components. We managed to find a theoretical explanation for this phenomenon. In the process of growth of a biological culture, this growth proceeds inhomogeneously, in some areas potential "pits" are formed, in which the Coulomb barrier is removed for a short time, preventing the fusion of the nucleus of the atom and the proton. This is the same nuclear effect used by Andrea Rossi in his E-SAT apparatus. Only at Rossi there is a fusion of the nucleus of the nickel atom and hydrogen, and here - the nuclei of manganese and deuterium.

The skeleton of a growing biological structure forms such states in which nuclear reactions are possible. This is not a mystical, not an alchemical process, but a very real one, recorded in our experiments.

How noticeable is this process? What can it be used for?

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- An idea from the very beginning: let's produce rare isotopes! The same Fe57, the cost of 1 gram in the 90s was 10 thousand dollars, now it is twice as much. Then the reasoning arose: if in this way it is possible to transform stable isotopes, then what will happen if we try to work with radioactive isotopes? We set up an experiment. We took water from the primary circuit of the reactor, it contains the richest spectrum of radioisotopes. Prepared a complex of biocultures resistant to radiation. And they measured how the radioactivity in the chamber changes. There is a standard decay rate. And we determined that in our "broth" the activity drops three times faster. This applies to short-lived isotopes such as sodium. The isotope is converted from radioactive to inactive, stable.

Then they set up the same experiment on cesium-137 - the most dangerous of those that Chernobyl "awarded" us. The experiment was very simple: we put a chamber with a solution containing cesium plus our biological culture, and measured the activity. Under normal conditions, the half-life of cesium-137 is 30.17 years. In our cell, this half-life is recorded at 250 days. Thus, the rate of utilization of the isotope has increased tenfold!

These results have been repeatedly published by our group in scientific journals, and just the other day another article on this topic should be published in a European physics journal - with new data. And the old ones were published in two books - one was published by the Mir publishing house in 2003, it has long become a bibliographic rarity, and the second was recently published in India in English under the title “Transmutation of stable and deactivation of radioactive waste in growing biological systems”.

In short, the essence of these books is this: we have proven that cesium-137 can be rapidly deactivated in biological media. Specially selected cultures enable nuclear transmutation of cesium-137 to barium-138 to be launched. It is a stable isotope. And the spectrometer showed this barium perfectly! For 100 days of the experiment, our activity dropped by 25%. Although, according to theory (30 years of half-life), it should have changed by a fraction of a percent.

We have conducted hundreds of experiments since 1992, on pure cultures, on their associations, and have identified the mixtures in which this transmutation effect is most pronounced.

These experiments, by the way, are confirmed by "field" observations. My friends physicists from Belarus, who have been studying the Chernobyl zone in detail for many years, found that in some isolated objects (for example, a kind of clay bowl where radioactivity cannot go into the soil, but only ideally, exponentially, decay), and so, in such zones sometimes they show a strange decrease in the content of cesium-137. Activity falls down incomparably faster than it should be "according to science." This is a big mystery for them. And my experiments clarify this riddle.

Last year I was at a conference in Italy, the organizers specifically found me, invited me, paid all expenses, I made a report on my experiments. Organizations from Japan consulted with me, after Fukushima they have a huge problem with contaminated water, and they were extremely interested in the method of biological treatment of cesium-137. The equipment is needed here the most primitive, the main thing is a biological culture adapted for cesium-137.

Did you give the Japanese a sample of your bioculture?

- Well, according to the law, it is forbidden to import samples of crops through customs. Categorically. Of course, I don't take anything with me. We need to agree on a serious level on how to make such deliveries. And you need to produce biomaterial on site. It will take a lot.