A Man Needs The Emotions Of Women - Alternative View

A Man Needs The Emotions Of Women - Alternative View
A Man Needs The Emotions Of Women - Alternative View

Video: A Man Needs The Emotions Of Women - Alternative View

Video: A Man Needs The Emotions Of Women - Alternative View
Video: Hot Emotional Unavailability Matrix - A Woman's Guide to Men 2024, September

An interview with one of the most sought-after psychologists on the relationship between men and women:

- Why do men need women?

- Any man has one task, whether he realizes it or not, - to please his beloved woman. A man needs the emotions of women - he cannot live without it, otherwise he must go to a monastery.

In women, the supply of vitality is greater, more energy - they give birth, feed, raise children. And nature has deprived men of energy so that they learn to survive.

On a man, nature conducts natural selection so that a woman can then choose, from those who survived, a husband for herself - with genes useful for the child.

And if energy is considered as money, then it is women who are our customers. And a man's product is his individual survival strategy, a life project.

Each boy survives in his own way - no two are alike. It is a method of overcoming difficulties, plus individual speed and reactions. One jumps over the fence with a running start, the other climbs, the third digs in, the fourth breaks, the fifth bends the boards - everyone finds his own way.

One approach doesn't work for everyone. Therefore, we learned to be friends and help each other.

Promotional video:

- What prevents the favorable coexistence of men and women?

- For example, the feeling of guilt that women instill in men interferes. After all, exposure through a sense of guilt is very effective. Men lose to women in this.

A woman can blame herself, but she is invulnerable to external accusations. But a man, if he believed that he was to blame, would not even fight for himself. In fact, our entire civilization is built on a sense of guilt: should - to blame, to blame - should. The man is accused that he should.

A whole system of grievances is built up. But offense is always not entirely honest. Once upon a time, women were convinced that they were the weaker sex and that they were victims - now everyone gets from them. And men themselves agree with their guilt and are ready to pay fines.

But when the fine is very large, they stop paying it. The man lies down on the sofa and does nothing else - and it doesn't matter that the woman adds some insult to his big fault - that's 20 thousand to a million - it doesn't matter anymore.

- How to be happy in a relationship?

- There is no one correct answer. If he was, everyone would have been happy long ago. And so we are doomed to seek answers - each for himself. A man lives correctly, and a woman lives as profitable.

A man should explain to a woman the benefits in what is understandable for him, because a woman does not think strategically. For a man, a choice is a rejection of something. Either this or that. And his risk is conscious.

And the woman does not take risks - she plunges into it. For men, everything consists of priorities - which is more important, which is not. For women, priorities do not line up, for her they are different every day.

There is a good comparison: a family is a legless man on the shoulders of a blind woman - he shows the way, and she feels what is under her feet.

The woman is tactically invincible. A man is strategically invincible. But if a man has lost strategy and faith, what can he explain to a woman?

And a man with faith will always go further - with or without a woman.