Everyone knows how a man differs from a woman. Most adults will immediately name several of these signs. However, many of them will surely relate exclusively to the appearance of both sexes. But in fact, everything is not as simple as it seems: even the blood of the male half of humanity is not at all the same as that of the female.
Features of the circulatory system
According to the author of the book "Anthropology of Sex" Maria Butovskaya, the volume of a man's heart is 100-200 ml more than a woman's, and its weight is 50 grams more. According to Butovskaya, the volume of blood circulating in our bodies is also different: for women it is 4-4.5 liters, and for men - 5-6 liters.
But the heart of most men beats more slowly - an average of about 72 beats per minute. For women, this figure is 90 beats per minute. At least, such data are given in "The most necessary book for real men" edited by IV Rezko. Blood pressure in males is higher than in females by about 10 points. This is why men are more prone to high blood pressure and hypertension.
Blood composition
The composition of male blood is also significantly different from that of female. So, as he writes in his book “For him. About love and about it. Educational program for personal life "Evgeny Kashchenko, the blood of men is more saturated with erythrocytes. The normal number of erythrocytes in the female half of humanity is considered to be 3.4-5.0 × 1012, and in the male half - 4.0-5.6 × 1012. If, as the author of the publication "Propedeutics of Internal Diseases" A. Yakovlev, the level erythrocytes in a man (however, like a woman) becomes below the above norm, doctors can diagnose such a patient with erythropenia (one of the types of anemia).
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More in the blood of men and hemoglobin. According to Alexander Kurenkov, author of the publication “All About Blood. Hematopoietic system , normally each liter of female blood contains 120-150 grams of hemoglobin, and each liter of male blood contains 130-160 grams. It is for this reason that a woman needs 7 liters of blood to carry 1 liter of oxygen, while a man needs only 6 liters. However, therefore, ladies are less hardy and get tired much faster than their gentlemen.
Blood loss and transfusion
However, there are some advantages to the female circulatory system. For example, women have more elastic vessels, they can more easily tolerate blood loss. For a man, the loss of just a liter of blood is likely to be fatal, and a woman may not even need a transfusion. At least this is what Maria Butovskaya writes about in her book Anthropology of Sex.
By the way, about the transfusion. Researchers from the Leiden University Medical Center, who have studied the health status of more than 30 thousand people who have undergone blood transfusions, found that female blood is harmful to men under 50. Those who underwent this procedure died 13% more often over the next three years. However, only the blood of women who at least once in their lives were in a state of pregnancy turned out to be dangerous. Scientists suggest that this result is associated with changes in the immune system of mothers.