Dads Influence The Lives Of Daughters More Than Mothers - Alternative View

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Dads Influence The Lives Of Daughters More Than Mothers - Alternative View
Dads Influence The Lives Of Daughters More Than Mothers - Alternative View

Video: Dads Influence The Lives Of Daughters More Than Mothers - Alternative View

Video: Dads Influence The Lives Of Daughters More Than Mothers - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Claim Fathers Have a Bigger Impact on Daughters’ Lives 2024, July

Parenting, where the main role is given to the mother, is still considered traditional and a priority in most families, writes Wake Up Your Mind.

With boys, this is true - the role of a mother is extremely important, but for a girl, the relationship with her father often becomes the cornerstone.

No matter how hard the mother tries, she is unable to replace the first and, probably, the most significant man in the life of a future woman, which is the father.

1) The father is important for the emotional development of the daughter

Dad's due attention and sincere love provides the girl with a sense of security and comfort, confidence in her own strengths and herself.


And all this directly affects femininity, self-esteem, the success of the fair sex in the future.

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For a loving dad, a daughter is always the best, his main pride and light of the soul.

Feeling the much-needed fatherly love, the girl grows up and considers herself worthy of attention, respectful, courteous and loving attitude from a man.

In this case, a growing up girl has fewer fears, she knows how to accept courtship and love, positive attitudes laid down from childhood accompany her all her life.

2) Why dad is important from a practical point of view

Psychological attitudes towards communication and behavior programs of an adult girl with a "stronger sex", the choice of a future companion largely depend on the relationship between the daughter and the father.


So, if in the close environment of the girl there is no dad (she grows up without a father or he has strongly withdrawn from upbringing), then in the future there is a high probability that she will perceive men as "strangers."

Your relationship with your father also affects your relationship with money. Resentment, resentment, impatience towards parents, as well as lack of respect for them, block the positive flow, which can affect the financial well-being of a person.

The attitude towards the father forms goals and determines how easily a person manages to earn money, achieve success in life and career.

3) Fathers should be involved in raising their daughters from the beginning

Many studies have shown that fathers who held their babies immediately after birth continued to play more with and care for their growing children.


This new role as a caring father is beneficial for the development of the family. In one study, babies whose fathers were actively involved in parenting scored higher on motor and cognitive development tests.

Other research has shown that these babies grow up to be more socially responsive.

There is less friction between spouses, they have unity of purpose and agreement in decision-making if they both take an active part in raising the child.

The strong emotional closeness of daughters and fathers, formed in early childhood, ensures a favorable passage through adolescence.

Girls, with whom fathers have gone from infancy, become more familiar with the laws of a difficult life and quickly find a common language with other men.

4) Both parents play an important role in the child's life

Children learn a lot through observation and imitate their parents. By following the relationship between mom and dad and communicating with their father, girls gain the first experience of communicating with a man.


Dads should behave with dignity both with their daughters and with their wives, so that girls see them as a patron and support. Since the companions of girls' lives are more often men who have the features of their father.

Blind motherly love lifts her daughter to a pedestal. Women can praise their princesses for days, and men are more sober.

Rare paternal praises are perceived by children more adequately, therefore they come to the fore and are kept in memory for a long time. Fathers should celebrate the successes of their daughters, be proud of them, rejoice at their victories, not forgetting constructive criticism.

Do you agree with such conclusions of the experts?

Author: Lazarenko Yulia