Female Manipulation Of The Consciousness Of A Man - Alternative View

Female Manipulation Of The Consciousness Of A Man - Alternative View
Female Manipulation Of The Consciousness Of A Man - Alternative View

Video: Female Manipulation Of The Consciousness Of A Man - Alternative View

Video: Female Manipulation Of The Consciousness Of A Man - Alternative View
Video: Why Consciousness is Masculine and the Unconscious is Feminine 2024, September

In the arsenal of female manipulation, or rather, programming of men, the manipulation of consciousness is of great importance. This is a long and methodical hammering of statements into the head of men - a kind of "codes".

In the arsenal of female manipulation, or rather, programming of men, the manipulation of consciousness is of great importance. This is a long and methodical hammering of statements into the head of men - a kind of "codes". All these phrases are formulated in such a way that the deliberate "romanticism" of the statements, emphasizing the "mystery" of the woman, comes first. Of course, the target audience for these phrases is men without independent thinking, blindly believing in women and not trying to think.

I will give examples of typical phrases of dishonest women. They are called vanilla statuses from social networks, glamorous phrases, etc., but if we put aside disdain and ridicule, it turns out that they all have a deep meaning.

"A woman was created not to be understood, but to be loved"

"A woman should be loved, and she owes nothing to anyone else"

"I am a woman - and that means I am a goddess!"

"The weaker sex is stronger than the stronger sex due to the weakness of the stronger sex to the weaker"

These phrases contain the basis of filigree manipulation of consciousness. Men who are accustomed to thinking straightforwardly do not notice the substitution of concepts in these phrases. Therefore, they take these phrases for granted, as a program for action:

Promotional video:

"Submit to a woman and do not try to argue with her"

"You owe everything to a woman, she owes you nothing"

"A woman is a priori better than any man"

"Men are stupid and sex is a great way to manipulate them."

And here is the main program that all men should follow in the female ideal:

"Men need to be understood and loved a little, but women must be madly in love and not even try to understand her."

Despite the seeming “romanticism” of this phrase, which creates a veil of mystery around the woman, this statement contains a powerful manipulative component. Let's take a closer look.

"Men need to be understood …" - a woman needs to know well the psychology of a man in order to have comprehensive information about his "pain points" and the levers that must be pressed to achieve what she wants

"… and to love a little …" - to love a man, of course, is necessary - do not live with a person who is disgusting to you. But the key word is precisely “a little” - a woman cannot “fall into love” (as the English call it) and lose her temper from attraction to a man, otherwise deep affection for him will prevent a woman from manipulating them.

"… and women must be madly in love …" - means that it is easiest to manipulate those who are most attached to you and whose eyes are covered with a veil of tender feelings. A man in love idealizes a woman, allows her everything and does not analyze her actions. If he is not in love, then reason will quickly tell him that the woman is using him for her own purposes.

"… and don't even try to understand it." Of course, again the substitution of concepts. Not trying to understand not her, of course, but the manipulative techniques that a woman uses to twist a man. If the emotional component of the psyche in men is inferior to the female, then the logic is definitely superior to that of the "weaker" sex. Therefore, if a man does begin to “understand” a woman, he will quickly get to the bottom of not only those very primitive methods of manipulation used by women, but also to the “antidote” against them.

Already the presence of these phrases in female speech should alert a man. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the girl simply picked up this slag from the glamorous girlfriends-dinamists. But, firstly, if she picked it up, it means that she herself has a penchant for this, and secondly, “tell me who your friend is - and I'll tell you who you are”.

If these phrases are used as arguments in a dispute or are proclaimed as an obligatory guide to action, then communication with such a woman will bring nothing but hassle.

Author: Alexander Biryukov