Secrets And Mysteries Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

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Secrets And Mysteries Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
Secrets And Mysteries Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secrets And Mysteries Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: Secrets And Mysteries Of Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: You Need To Hear This! Our History Is NOT What We Are Told! Ancient Civilizations | Graham Hancock 2024, July

There are a number of historical moments that cause confusion and misunderstanding. For example, how can we know who we are if we don't even really know where we came from? From many fragments of evidence, tradition and knowledge, it is obvious to us; we have an incomplete picture of the early days of human civilization.

It is possible that some civilizations of the past developed advanced technologies before they passed into the ages. At least we see human culture achieved much more in time than is recognized in ordinary history.

Our past contains many secrets and mysteries scattered all over the world in the form of sunken cities, ancient structures, mysterious hieroglyphs, works of art, etc.

Here are some intriguing puzzle pieces from our past. They are shrouded in mystery and varying degrees of doubt, but they are all extremely fascinating.


The April 5, 1909 Arizona Gazette highlighted research in the Grand Canyon: remarkable finds indicate how ancient people migrated from the East. The expedition of the seekers, funded by the Smithsonian Institution, uncovered striking artifacts that opposed conventional wisdom.

Inside the cave, "carved into solid rock by human hands," there were tablets containing hieroglyphs, copper products, statues of Egyptian deities and mummies. However, many have doubts about the story, since the cave was never officially found.

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The Smithsonian Institution disavows all knowledge of the discovery, and the following researchers, going into the cave, turned back empty-handed. What happened to the Egyptian artifacts found here? Or was the article just a hoax?

The artifact story shouldn't be dismissed as a newspaper hoax, writes researcher David Hatcher Childress. At the same time, the fact of publication on the main spread, the name of a well-known scientific institution and a very detailed description of the first expedition greatly contribute to the credibility. It is hard to believe that history originated from thin air.


Leading Egyptologists claim; The Great Sphinx on the Giza plateau dates back to about 4,500 years. But this is only a theory, there is no hard evidence.

Robert Bauval writes in The Age of the Sphinx; there are no inscriptions carved on the wall, nothing is written on papyri that could connect the Sphinx with the specified period of time. So when was it built?

John Anthony West disputed the accepted age by pointing to the vertical erosion of the monument, caused by extremely prolonged exposure to water from heavy rainfall. Desert Flood?

However, this area of the world experienced the heaviest rains about 10,500 years ago! In such a case, the Sphinx is more than twice its current age.

Bowval and Graham Hancock have calculated that the Great Pyramid also dates back to about 10,500 BC. - long before the Egyptian civilization. Now we have questions: who built them and for what purpose? And actually why hide the true age of the monuments.


The world-famous Nazca drawings can be found in the Peruvian desert. The plain is engraved with lines and figures that have puzzled the scientific world since their discovery in the 1930s. The lines run perfectly straight, some are parallel to each other, many intersect, making the lines look like ancient airport runways.

The enigma prompted Erich von Daniken, in his book Chariots of the Gods, to suggest (ludicrously, as many say) that the lines were indeed runways for extraterrestrial ships … as if alien rockets needed runways.

More intriguing are the giant figures of 70 animals carved into the ground - a monkey, a spider, a hummingbird, etc. The puzzle lies in the scale of Nazca drawings, they are so huge that they can only be recognized from a great height.

The figures were discovered randomly in the 1930s from an airplane. So what is the purpose of the drawings?

Some see the astronomical purpose in the drawings, while others associate them with religious ceremonies. A recent theory did say that the lines lead to sources of precious water. The truth is that nobody knows the truth.


There are many theories regarding the true location of Atlantis. We get the legend of Atlantis from Plato, who told the world about a beautiful, technologically advanced island of continental size back in 370 BC.

However, the description of the real location of Atlantis was extremely limited and uncertain to find the wonderful land. Many, of course, conclude that Atlantis never existed, but was just a beautiful fable. Others say; Atlantis existed, but there is no point in looking for it on Earth - it was a projection of a parallel world.

Those who believe in the existence of Atlantis have looked for evidence, or at least clues, in almost every corner of the globe. The prophecies of Edgar Cayce have encouraged fans of the idea - the remains of Atlantis will be found in the Bermuda region.

Indeed, in 1969, geometric stone formations were found near Bimini, which, according to believers, confirmed Cayce's prediction.

Other suggested locations for Atlantis include Antarctica, Mexico, off the coast of England, perhaps even off the coast of Cuba. Writer Alan Alford presented Atlantis not as an island, but as a lost planet. The controversy and theories are likely to go on forever until someone finally uncovers the secret of Atlantis.


Many words have been spoken related to the alleged prophecies of the Mayan calendar. All the mockery of the prophets is based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ended on a date that corresponds to our December 21, 2012. What does it mean? The end of the world through some kind of global cataclysm or war? The beginning of a new era, a new era for humanity?

Such prophecies have a long tradition of not being fulfilled. Well, 2012 has come and gone, but some people still think that the 2012 prophecy was just the beginning of global change.


Near the southern coast of Okinawa, under the water column, there are mysterious structures built by some ancient, lost civilization.

Skeptics consider large, multilevel formations to be natural in origin. Frank Joseph writes for Atlantis Rising; the diver was shocked to see a massive arch or gate made of huge stone blocks.

The structure resembles the prehistoric masonry of the Inca cities on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in the Andes mountains of South America. It looks like ancient structures were built by man, nature cannot build from blocks.

The architecture includes cobbled streets and crossroads, large altar formations, staircases leading to wide squares. If this is indeed a sunken city, then it was huge and may have belonged to the lost civilization of Lemuria.


There are a number of historical moments that cause confusion and misunderstanding. For example, how can we know who we are if we don't even really know where we came from? From many fragments of evidence, tradition and knowledge, it is obvious to us; we have an incomplete picture of the early days of human civilization.

ancient civilizations reached high technologies

ancient civilizations reached high technologies

It is possible that some civilizations of the past developed advanced technologies before they passed into the ages. At least we see human culture achieved much more in time than is recognized in ordinary history.

Our past contains many secrets and mysteries scattered all over the world in the form of sunken cities, ancient structures, mysterious hieroglyphs, works of art, etc.

Here are some intriguing puzzle pieces from our past. They are shrouded in mystery and varying degrees of doubt, but they are all extremely fascinating.


The April 5, 1909 Arizona Gazette highlighted research in the Grand Canyon: remarkable finds indicate how ancient people migrated from the East. The expedition of the seekers, funded by the Smithsonian Institution, uncovered striking artifacts that opposed conventional wisdom.

Inside the cave, "carved into solid rock by human hands," there were tablets containing hieroglyphs, copper products, statues of Egyptian deities and mummies. However, many have doubts about the story, since the cave was never officially found.

Secrets of ancient civilizations: secret rooms under the Sphinx.

The Smithsonian Institution disavows all knowledge of the discovery, and the following researchers, going into the cave, turned back empty-handed. What happened to the Egyptian artifacts found here? Or was the article just a hoax?

The artifact story shouldn't be dismissed as a newspaper hoax, writes researcher David Hatcher Childress. At the same time, the fact of publication on the main spread, the name of a well-known scientific institution and a very detailed description of the first expedition greatly contribute to the credibility. It is hard to believe that history originated from thin air.


Leading Egyptologists claim; The Great Sphinx on the Giza plateau dates back to about 4,500 years. But this is only a theory, there is no hard evidence.

Robert Bauval writes in The Age of the Sphinx; there are no inscriptions carved on the wall, nothing is written on papyri that could connect the Sphinx with the specified period of time. So when was it built?

John Anthony West disputed the accepted age by pointing to the vertical erosion of the monument, caused by extremely prolonged exposure to water from heavy rainfall. Desert Flood?

Ancient artifacts, the mysterious pyramid of Cheops.

However, this area of the world experienced the heaviest rains about 10,500 years ago! In such a case, the Sphinx is more than twice its current age.

Bowval and Graham Hancock have calculated that the Great Pyramid also dates back to about 10,500 BC. - long before the Egyptian civilization. Now we have questions: who built them and for what purpose? And actually why hide the true age of the monuments.


The world-famous Nazca drawings can be found in the Peruvian desert. The plain is engraved with lines and figures that have puzzled the scientific world since their discovery in the 1930s. The lines run perfectly straight, some are parallel to each other, many intersect, making the lines look like ancient airport runways.

The enigma prompted Erich von Daniken, in his book Chariots of the Gods, to suggest (ludicrously, as many say) that the lines were indeed runways for extraterrestrial ships … as if alien rockets needed runways.

More intriguing are the giant figures of 70 animals carved into the ground - a monkey, a spider, a hummingbird, etc. The puzzle lies in the scale of Nazca drawings, they are so huge that they can only be recognized from a great height.

In the Nazca desert, mummies of three-toed aliens were discovered.

The figures were discovered randomly in the 1930s from an airplane. So what is the purpose of the drawings?

Some see the astronomical purpose in the drawings, while others associate them with religious ceremonies. A recent theory did say that the lines lead to sources of precious water. The truth is that nobody knows the truth.


There are many theories regarding the true location of Atlantis. We get the legend of Atlantis from Plato, who told the world about a beautiful, technologically advanced island of continental size back in 370 BC.

However, the description of the real location of Atlantis was extremely limited and uncertain to find the wonderful land. Many, of course, conclude that Atlantis never existed, but was just a beautiful fable. Others say; Atlantis existed, but there is no point in looking for it on Earth - it was a projection of a parallel world.

Those who believe in the existence of Atlantis have looked for evidence, or at least clues, in almost every corner of the globe. The prophecies of Edgar Cayce have encouraged fans of the idea - the remains of Atlantis will be found in the Bermuda region.

Bermuda Triangle age-old secrets of the ocean.

Indeed, in 1969, geometric stone formations were found near Bimini, which, according to believers, confirmed Cayce's prediction.

Other suggested locations for Atlantis include Antarctica, Mexico, off the coast of England, perhaps even off the coast of Cuba. Writer Alan Alford presented Atlantis not as an island, but as a lost planet. The controversy and theories are likely to go on forever until someone finally uncovers the secret of Atlantis.


Many words have been spoken related to the alleged prophecies of the Mayan calendar. All the mockery of the prophets is based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ended on a date that corresponds to our December 21, 2012. What does it mean? The end of the world through some kind of global cataclysm or war? The beginning of a new era, a new era for humanity?

Such prophecies have a long tradition of not being fulfilled. Well, 2012 has come and gone, but some people still think that the 2012 prophecy was just the beginning of global change.


Near the southern coast of Okinawa, under the water column, there are mysterious structures built by some ancient, lost civilization.

Skeptics consider large, multilevel formations to be natural in origin. Frank Joseph writes for Atlantis Rising; the diver was shocked to see a massive arch or gate made of huge stone blocks.

The structure resembles the prehistoric masonry of the Inca cities on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in the Andes mountains of South America. It looks like ancient structures were built by man, nature cannot build from blocks.

The architecture includes cobbled streets and crossroads, large altar formations, staircases leading to wide squares. If this is indeed a sunken city, then it was huge and may have belonged to the lost civilization of Lemuria.


All of us have been taught that Christopher Columbus discovered America, thus launching the official European invasion. Of course, people "discovered" the continent long before Columbus, the first scouts arrived here many centuries before the navigator.

Some evidence suggests that explorers from other civilizations even beat Columbus. It is widely accepted that Leif Ericsson successfully sailed to North America in 1000.

Ancient cultures explored the continent even before Columbus's expedition, and the artifacts found confirm. Greek and Roman coins and pottery have been found in the United States and Mexico. Egyptian statues of Osis and Osiris were found in Mexico, not to mention the discoveries of the Grand Canyon (see above). Hebrew and Asian artifacts have also been found.


In May 2001, a remarkable discovery was made under the flag of Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), a Canadian company exploring the ocean floor of Cuba's territorial waters.

Sonar research has shown something incredible and amazing; stones laid out in a geometric pattern, very reminiscent of city ruins. What we found here is a mystery,”explained Paul Weinzweig of ADC.

“Nature could not build anything symmetrical. It's not natural, and we don't know what it is. Great sunken city? It must be Atlantis, the Atlantean civilization enthusiasts decided.

National Geographic took a keen interest in the find and participated in subsequent research. In 2003, a mini submarine dived down to explore the structures.

Polina Zelitskaya from ADC said after seeing the structure; it looks like it could be a big city center. However, it would be completely irresponsible to claim that we have evidence … the results of further research will be published. Have you come across the details of this find by any chance?


The legendary lost world of Mu, better known as the country of Lemuria, is no less famous than Atlantis. According to history, among the many islands in the Pacific, Lemuria was a plush tropical paradise located somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. The wonderful country sank along with all its beautiful inhabitants thousands of years ago.

Like around Atlantis, there is still debate about whether it really existed, and if so, where. Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the founder of the Theosophy movement in the 1800s, suggested its location in the Indian Ocean.

The ancient inhabitants of Lemuria became the favorite of many theories, as are the people carrying their enlightened messages in the present.


One of the most intriguing stories about finding the ruins of a lost civilization is the story of Dr. Ray Brown. In 1970, while diving off the Bari Islands in the Bahamas, Brown encountered a pyramid "shining like a mirror."

A pyramid of thick glass and colored stone was surrounded by the ruins of other buildings. Inside, he found a crystal held by two metal hands.

Above the crystal hung a brass rod from the center of the ceiling, with a red multi-faceted pearl. Having touched the crystal, Ray felt a surge of strange, mystical powers, but could not pick up the pearl.

Brown's story may sound like a dubious and lavishly seasoned hoax. But this excites the imagination and calls to think about all the secrets peeping out of the depths of history - lost worlds and underground kingdoms waiting to be rediscovered.
