Rumor - Mystical Metamorphoses Of A Simple Physical Process, Or An Alien Weapon? - Alternative View

Rumor - Mystical Metamorphoses Of A Simple Physical Process, Or An Alien Weapon? - Alternative View
Rumor - Mystical Metamorphoses Of A Simple Physical Process, Or An Alien Weapon? - Alternative View

Video: Rumor - Mystical Metamorphoses Of A Simple Physical Process, Or An Alien Weapon? - Alternative View

Video: Rumor - Mystical Metamorphoses Of A Simple Physical Process, Or An Alien Weapon? - Alternative View
Video: Persona 2 Eternal Punishment - Tatsuya's Scenario ALL SCENES + BOSS FIGHTS (with English captions) 2024, September

It is believed that of all the human senses, hearing is the most studied, in comparison with others. Modern traditional science authoritatively and in detail explains the mechanics of the origin of almost any sound and how sound vibrations affect the membranes in human ears. Nevertheless, despite the seemingly deep knowledge about the human organs of hearing, scientists still cannot explain some of the phenomena and metamorphoses that occur with this feeling.

What is the mechanics of the origin and capture of sounds by our ear?

We hear countless sounds since childhood. The singing of birds and the hum of cars, the sound of rain and the creak of doors, human speech and music, the affectionate words of mom and the cries of neighbors behind the wall. Sometimes we literally drown in sounds of a wide variety of origins, different volumes, intensities and ranges. Sounds, as scientists explain, arise from the propagation of sound waves caused by vibrations of air or water, less often - the bone tissues of the person himself. And we can hear them thanks to the complex and multifunctional auditory sensory system located in our ears, which is directly connected to the brain.

The human ear is able to distinguish a wide range of sound vibrations and even perceive a significant number of sound waves at the same time, due to the structure of the cochlea. However, this range has its limits. High frequencies that the human ear is no longer able to perceive is called ultrasound, and low frequencies that fall outside the limits of human perception are called infrasound.

It makes no sense to dwell on a detailed description of the anatomical structure of the outer and inner ear - it has also been thoroughly studied by scientists. It should only be noted that humans, like other mammals, in addition to a well-visible outer pair of ears, also have a middle ear hidden from prying eyes. It is this middle ear that is not only responsible for sorting sound signals before transmitting them to the brain, but, oddly enough, for maintaining balance and orientation in space.

As you can see from all of the above, science, at first glance, has laid out literally everything that concerns the sense of human hearing. However, in reality, the human hearing is fraught with many inexplicable facts, phenomenal phenomena and mystical mysteries!

So, for example, different sounds can affect a person in completely different ways, sometimes - even in a diametrically opposite way. Some sounds delight the human ear, and some irritate. This, with a certain degree of convention, applies to almost all people. Few people like it when a jackhammer works continuously with a nail on glass or very close by. Conversely, the splash of waves or the crackling of a burning fireplace can seriously irritate few people. The most obvious example is, of course, music. Despite the difference in preferences in genres, musical styles and directions, everyone likes good music, and few people like cacophony.

However, in addition to well-known sounds, our hearing is able to pick up completely mysterious vibrations that can seriously affect the psycho-emotional and even physical state of a person. And the speech, in this case, is not at all about ultrasound or infra-range, with which scientists and the military have been experimenting for a long time. By the way, it should be noted that they managed to achieve some success. In the secret arsenals of the special services, there are special sound devices designed to suppress the will of a person and audio cannons designed to disperse mass demonstrations. The point is that the human hearing organs can perceive such waves that motivate him to certain actions.

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For example, psychics, bioenergetics and mediums assure that with the help of sounds you can easily control a person and even whole crowds of people. Traditional science stubbornly remains silent, brushing off such people and calling them charlatans, fraudsters, and all their stories and statements - fantastic tales or a figment of an inflamed imagination. Perhaps for a reason?

Among other things, the human ear has mysteries that scientists are not able to answer today. So, for example, how, from the point of view of modern traditional science, can one explain the fact that some people are able to hear the voices of long-dead people? And it would be okay if the stories about this were sporadic or would come from charlatans who pursue the goal of obscuring the victims' brains in search of profit. But the tradition of seances, when a medium who has entered a trance communicates with the spirit of the deceased, has more than one hundred years. It is described in detail in books and pseudo-scientific treatises of different times and peoples. Science does not explain this phenomenon in any way. Why? Are scientists afraid to sign their own impotence? Or do they know something, the disclosure of which could have unpredictable consequences?

In addition, how to explain the phenomenon of "white noise" when perfectly ordinary people hear voices that prompt them to perform some actions? This fact cannot be dismissed - it is well known and even described in detail in psychiatry. Traditional science has found a rational explanation here too, attributing these manifestations to the hallucinations of the brain. But, then how to explain the fact that mysterious voices often arise in the heads of perfectly healthy people, in whom not the slightest deviations were previously noticed? The nature of the appearance of such "hallucinations" looks all the more strange because they very often disappear as suddenly as they appear …

The almost mystical influence of music and chants on human consciousness (or subconsciousness?) Looks no less mysterious. This feature of human hearing was noticed by the ancients. On all continents, all peoples had, and sometimes remain, shamans, sorcerers, druids - call it whatever you like - who, with certain sets of sounds, introduced not only themselves, but everyone around them into a trance. Then they gained power over the weak-willed crowd. What is this, a mass "hallucination" or the ability to control a mass of people using sound?

Also, how can you explain that millions of people carried out the most ridiculous actions, the most monstrous orders and performed the most insane acts, obeying only the voice of a single person? You don't have to go far to find examples: all that was required for world cataclysms for Lenin and Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini was the ability to deliver speeches with the correct intonation. To this were added only bravura marches and millions of people resignedly went to the slaughter! What is it? Mass psychosis, again "hallucination"?

How can a person, without being extremely exhausted, drunk or injured, turn off his hearing and calmly fall asleep near a music speaker operating at maximum, to the noise of constantly flying airplanes, or not pay attention to trains regularly passing under the window? If this, as scientists say, is a simple protective reaction of the brain, then why is it not turned on in cases of interference from otherworldly forces?

And, finally, one more example from our days, seemingly harmless at first glance. The ubiquitous dominance of pop music, which, in terms of the complexity of its structure, is increasingly degrading almost every year. Show business tycoons themselves admit that certain sets of primitive sounds are much more popular than a complex, carefully crafted melody. It is hardly necessary to refer to the general stupidity of the bulk of humanity alone here - the musicians have been looking for a "gold mine" for hundreds of years, constantly honing their skills.

So, what are the scientists silent about? What the official science does not tell us. Indeed, comparing the above facts, it is quite possible to assume the following. If someone manages to unravel the magic "alphabet" of sounds and how each of them affects a person's hearing, he, by trying various combinations, can work out a certain code that makes a person or even a group of people perform certain actions. Perform either unconsciously or against your will.

After that, by improving the received code and discovering more and more new ones, it will be possible to obtain practically unlimited power over all mankind. A kind of universal control panel for all other people who can be turned into ideal weapons of mass destruction! It sounds, of course, phantasmagoric, but why not hypothetically assume the likelihood of such a development of events? Maybe scientists are keeping silent just because such a code has already been found? Or is science close to revealing its secret?

Of course, this should take a lot of time, but rumors that such studies have been going on for more than a decade, no, no, and sometimes they surface!

Or maybe this code was not found by earthly scientists and it is already being tried with might and main on humans? Hence the "white noise", and conversations with the dead, and unexplained cases of "mass psychosis". And our official science is really simply unable to explain the nature of most of the phenomena associated with the human hearing organs and continues to rely on an obvious mechanical scheme that lends itself to logical explanation, again, from a human point of view. If so, then who picked up the key to our hearing - an alien intelligence, representatives of parallel dimensions, otherworldly forces, or someone else?