Disclosed A Life-prolonging Diet - Alternative View

Disclosed A Life-prolonging Diet - Alternative View
Disclosed A Life-prolonging Diet - Alternative View

Video: Disclosed A Life-prolonging Diet - Alternative View

Video: Disclosed A Life-prolonging Diet - Alternative View
Video: Let Food Be Thy Medicine 2024, September

A diet of fats increases life expectancy and reduces the likelihood of dying at a young age. This was found by a group of American scientists led by Eric Verdin of the Buck Institute for Aging Research. This type of diet promotes the formation of ketone bodies in the body and is called ketogenic. The researchers' article was published in the journal Cell Metabolism.

In the experiments, mice were used one year old, which scientists came up with a special diet to achieve the maximum concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate (one of the varieties of ketone bodies) in blood plasma without health consequences. The diet consisted of 89-90 percent fat, with the ketogenic diet alternating with the regular one. Mice fed this diet were compared to animals fed differently. The researchers noted that, despite the high fat content, the weight of the rodents remained almost unchanged, unlike those on a non-ketogenic diet or ate only fat.

It turned out that both alternating with regular (cyclic) and continuous ketogenic diets increased the average lifespan of rodents, reducing the risk of death of animals in adulthood. However, this did not prolong the life of the old mice.

A series of tests of cognitive and physical ability was performed on mice when they were 12-14 months old, 22-24 months old, and 28-30 months old. The cyclical diet has been shown to contribute to the maintenance of normal memory during aging. In addition, as shown by the results of the echocardiogram, it prolonged the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Further research is needed to prove the beneficial effects of the ketogenic diet on the human body, scientists say. In the future, this will help develop treatments for age-related dementia and even delirium.

Ketone bodies are metabolic products that are formed in the liver from fat. These include beta-hydrobutyric acid (beta-hydroxybutyrate, or BOMA). It is a source of energy and is synthesized when the body lacks carbohydrates, in particular glucose. It is known that BOMA also has anti-inflammatory properties and regulates the activity of genes associated with age-related changes.