Interesting Facts About Zombies - Alternative View

Interesting Facts About Zombies - Alternative View
Interesting Facts About Zombies - Alternative View

Video: Interesting Facts About Zombies - Alternative View

Video: Interesting Facts About Zombies - Alternative View
Video: Top 5 Real-Life Zombie Facts 2024, July

The witchcraft cult of Voodoo is still practiced in the Caribbean. It is with him that the term "Zombie" is associated, meaning in the Bantu languages "the soul of a dead man." It is believed that voodoo magic can resurrect the dead, turning them into slaves of the living.

The first time the term "zombie" appeared in the literary works of Europe was in 1929. William Seabrook, a reporter for the New York Times, describes the life of the Haitian Aborigines in Isle of Magic, dwelling in some detail on the cult of Voodoo. He assured that he personally observed the ritual of creating a zombie.

The cinema did not miss an interesting topic, and in 1932 the horror film "White Zombie" was released. 1968 can be called a revolution in this genre: the release of the full-length film by G. Romero "Night of the Living Dead" became a turning point. It is not for nothing that the director is recognized as the "father" of zombie films. Although filmed in black and white, the scenes of violence and cannibalism were so realistic that critics wanted to ban the horror film altogether. Today, films about zombies are quite popular among moviegoers, since many like to tickle the nerves, it is for such viewers that the KINOTOP portal has collected a huge database of films on this subject.


The zombie of Clairevius Narcissus has become officially registered. In 1962, in April, Coervius had a major scandal with his brother, some time after that a man with a high temperature was admitted to the hospital. The treatment does not help, he dies. A day later, K. Narcissus was buried near his hometown, with many people present. Sixteen years passed and Clairvius … returned home. He said that all these many years he was a slave to the sorcerer, but he practically does not remember anything. The magician's departure to another world helped to get rid of witchcraft. It turned out that his own brother "ordered" him Clairvius.


In the United States, there is a CONOP 8888 plan, which provides detailed instructions to Strategic Command in the event of a zombie apocalypse. This document describes the step-by-step steps to neutralize the threat and destroy zombies, as well as to protect civilians.


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In a way, the English writer M. Shelley with her novel "Frankenstein" (1818) can be considered a pioneer in the literature on this topic. The character created from the bodies of the dead is simultaneously both dead and alive, that is, a zombie.


When electricity was discovered, some scientists believed that discharges of electric current could revive a dead person. Frankenstein's prototype Giovanni Aldini conducted experiments in which electric current was passed through corpses. In London on January 18, 1803. there was a shocking public demonstration of current on the corpse. The body of the killer J. Forster, bought after the execution, was connected to the poles of a 120-volt battery. An eyewitness to this performance wrote that under the influence of the current the corpse began to "breathe", eyes opened and lips began to move. The creepy grimace of the corpse shocked those present, the test assistant even lost consciousness and then was on the verge of insanity for several days.


A very real guide has been developed on how to survive a zombie virus epidemic. It was written in 2003 by the American writer Max Brooks. We can confidently say that this phenomenon is observed in reality: settling in the host's body, some parasites begin to control it. For example, the parasite fungus Cordyceps controls its host - the ant. After infection with the spores of the fungus, the insect leaves the anthill, rises 0.3 meters and attaches to the leaf of a nearby plant. After the inevitable death of the ant, the cordyceps grows through its body, using it as an incubator, and the insect's shell becomes its protection.


Researchers are seriously concerned about the arrival of a zombie virus epidemic, which may appear during the mutation of the flu virus with rabies, provoking cannibalism. Of course, people affected by this virus will not become immortal dead, but they are capable of attacking and biting their own kind, infecting them.

Young people are keenly interested in the topic of zombies, which resulted in entertaining processions of young people painted like zombies. For the first time such a zombie parade was held in California, in Sacramento on 10.08. 2001 year.