How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be "reformatted" - Alternative View

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How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be "reformatted" - Alternative View
How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be "reformatted" - Alternative View

Video: How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be "reformatted" - Alternative View

Video: How The Former Republics Of The USSR Will Be
Video: Education reform 2024, September

Why is it often difficult for us to understand citizens of other republics of the former USSR? Most of the citizens of Russia in their subconsciousness have such a concept as - "fraternal people". Somewhere out there in the depths of my soul sits this - "well, all the same ours." And the point is not at all that we are so naive, absolutely not. It's just that Russia has always been an empire, whether under the tsars or under the USSR. The imperial style of thinking remained. But just not to be confused with imperialism, for example, British. There, the attitude is absolutely different - "the burden of the white man", "to carry civilization to backward peoples", "they are destined to serve the white master." Russians have a different style. Example - Georgia became part of the Russian Empire, and its elite became the imperial elite. Or how the Little Russian gentry became the nobles of the Russian Empire. This also includes the fact that under the USSR the republics lived much better,than the main donor - the RSFSR. We are used to identifying ourselves with a big country. In the breakaway republics, the process after 1991 went differently. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. We are used to identifying ourselves with a big country. In the breakaway republics, the process after 1991 went differently. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. We are used to identifying ourselves with a big country. In the breakaway republics, the process after 1991 went differently. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. In the breakaway republics, the process after 1991 went differently. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. In the breakaway republics, the process after 1991 went differently. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. At the time of the division, the perception of a single community still remained, and local elites actively began to impose a point of view such as “Ukraine is not Russia”. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. They simply had nothing more to justify the fact of their separate existence. Moreover, some republics have never had the experience of statehood before. But they used both distortion of the facts of history and outright lies. The same celebration of the SS legionnaires or UPAashnikov, you see, looks strange on the part of the former members of the CPSU. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens. But they needed to dissociate themselves from the heroes common with Russia. And they got out of the store and raised them to the banner of outspoken Nazis, there are simply no other heroes. And now they began to hammer this into the heads of their citizens.

Here's what the history books started to teach:


“Russia achieved without hindrance what Turkey and Iran could not achieve in fierce battles. She abolished the Kartli-Kakhetian kingdom without any complications. " "The main thing for this period is the national movement of the Georgian people against Russian colonial rule."

"The Soviet government tried by all means to belittle the Georgian national identity and identity …"

"Criticism of the Stalin personality cult … has grown into a clear insult and humiliation of the Georgian nation"


Promotional video:

"Since ancient times, the Ukrainian state has existed within the same borders, and the Ukrainians themselves are" the oldest nation in the world."

"Ivan Mazepa strove to make Ukraine a great European state, to free it from the oppression of the Muscovy."

“The destruction of the Cossack statehood and Russification brought Ukraine out of the center of European nations,” they write in school textbooks. - The Russian government tried to turn Ukrainians into an ethnic mass without their leaders and historical memory … St. Petersburg sought to make Ukrainians “real Russians … So that in the minds of our ancestors the Motherland would not be perceived as something integral and separate from Russia, the former Ukrainian regions were named:“Western Russia "," South-West Russia "," South Russia ", or" Novorossiya ".

"Ukraine was viewed primarily as a strategic springboard for Russia's advancement to the Balkans and the Mediterranean."

"The stay of the Ukrainian lands within the Russian Empire is presented as a period of colonial oppression - the policy of St. Petersburg was" anti-Ukrainian"

"Ukrainian regiments pursued the enemy to Paris in 1812"

"After the suppression in the republic of the conspiracy organized by the State Emergency Committee, the slow and contradictory steps of the republic on the way to sovereignty acquired a swift character, a new, independent Ukrainian state, Ukraine, appeared."

“Today the whole world is fed with genetically Ukrainian, Trypillian wheat, which Ukrainian settlers brought to the USA, Russia, Canada, Kazakhstan, Argentina”.


“The devastating invasion of Livonia by the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible brought unprecedented calamities to the Latvian people. And the defeat of the Russian tsar led to an increase in the oppression of the Latvian peasants - both from the German landowners and from the new masters - from the Commonwealth and Sweden"

“The ruthless treatment of the communist population was the reason that at first the Germans were greeted as liberators. But already at the beginning of the occupation, Latvians lost hope of restoring the independence of the state."

"The Latvian SS soldiers fought bravely, they believed that the freedom of Latvia would be restored"

"As a result of the war, Latvia again fell under the Soviet occupation yoke …"

"The Soviet occupation is a deliberate" genocide of Moscow against the people of Latvia"

"Contrary to the capabilities and interests of the republic, industry unreasonably grew, workers and raw materials were imported from all over the Soviet Union."

“New neighborhoods of the city, which in other countries testify to the growth of the state's welfare, have become a symbol of the occupation in Latvia”.


"As a result of the colonialist policy of the USSR, some areas of Estonia have become Russian-speaking, and the Estonian population has practically disappeared from them."


“In the 18th - 19th centuries, the Kazakh people waged a continuous struggle for independence against the Dzungar Khanate, the Qing Empire, and then found themselves face to face with the Russian Empire … The annexation of Kazakhstan to Russia took place for 135 years. Voluntary entry and conquest of Kazakh lands took place in it … The multinational composition of the population of Kazakhstan was formed as a result of colonial policy. The resettlement of representatives of other nationalities to Kazakhstan began during the tsarist period and continued in Soviet times."

"The entry of the country into the Union was violent and stopped the movement of the peoples of Turkestan towards independence."

"The period of repressions in the 1930s was a direct genocide of the Kazakhs."


“One of the reasons for the capture of Central Asia by tsarist Russia was the cessation of the import of American cotton into Europe … A crisis arose in the textile industry. It was necessary to look for new sources of raw materials. All this hastened the offensive of the Russian Empire to Central Asia."

“The ideas of the Bolsheviks were incomprehensible and did not correspond to the true aspirations of the indigenous population of the republic. The population did not want to immediately go over to the national form of ownership. The Bolsheviks trampled on national moral values and traditions … And, to call a spade a spade, Uzbekistan was a semi-colonial country …"

“The age-old dream has come true. The country, our people have freed themselves from political dependence, our borders, closed for more than a hundred years, have opened to the whole world. The world community accepted Uzbekistan with an open mind”


“Not having time to gain strength and establish itself, the Kyrgyz Khanate collapsed from within. For tsarist Russia there were favorable conditions for annexing the Kyrgyz tribes, - Kyrgyz historians write in textbooks. “The colonial authorities in every possible way prevented the creation of conditions for the development of the Kyrgyz people … The Kyrgyz more than once raised uprisings against the aggressive policy of Russian tsarism.”

"Throughout its three-thousand-year history, the Kyrgyz people have not been in such a miserable state as under the successors of the tsarist imperialism - the red militarists"


"… The Union of equal states within the USSR turned into a homogeneous centralized state in which the national question was not considered … Thus, for the Armenian people and the Armenian SSR, territorial issues of vital importance were dishonestly and incorrectly resolved."


“During the campaign of 914, the Slavic squads continuously plundered and destroyed settlements on the Azerbaijani shores of the Caspian Sea for months. They perpetrated reprisals against civilians, took women and children prisoner"

“Russia strove to turn the South Caucasus, including Azerbaijan, into a source of profit, to achieve dominance in the Caspian Sea, turning it into an internal sea of Russia. The natural resources of Azerbaijan were well known to Russian science. It is no coincidence that the government of Catherine II linked the appropriation of these wealth with the occupation of this country."

“In Azerbaijan, in comparison with neighboring peoples, national, religious and social oppression was even more unbearable. All the tsarist officials in the Caucasus greedily appropriated the people's property, insulted the national feelings of the people …"

“On December 22, 1941, Hitler ordered the creation of special national military units from the Muslims of the Caucasus … The military unit, consisting of Caucasian Muslims, actively participated in the capture of the strategic heights of Mozdok, Kazbek and Elbrus. The Germans highly appreciated their fighting qualities and awarded many of them with medals."

"… The Soviet empire, in a state of general crisis of socialism, turned against itself all the democratic forces of the world, kindled interethnic conflicts (encouraged Armenian aggression), Muslim-Christian confrontation and collapsed as a result of the struggle of peoples for independence."


“Russia has more than once blackmailed Belarus with energy supplies. This is how Moscow carried out its imperial plans."

“The introduction in February 1995 of a common customs area with Russia led to a shortage of food. As cheaper, they were exported en masse to Russia"

“In Belarus, there are two options for achieving civilization - through the Belarusian cultural and historical tradition and through Soviet-Russian provincialism.”

Now count how many generations have grown since 1991 with aggression invested in the direction of Russia. And they already know who is to blame for all the troubles. So when we look at how Ukraine is raging in Russophobic hysteria, we should not be surprised at something and try to explain something to them. They will not hear anything contrary to their picture of the world. They hate us and our country quite sincerely. They were taught this way from childhood. And it is quite natural that they sincerely believe that Russia owes them. I owe it for everything, even for the very fact of its existence. You go to a couple of Ukrainian groups on social networks, you will simply be stunned by the highest degree of hatred and lies. They sincerely believe that the Russians in the Donbass need to be destroyed, and the Crimeans must be killed with thirst. And it is not some Nazis who are calling for this, but ordinary citizens of different age groups.

Sometimes speaking with adequate Ukrainians and hearing from them - "we are in occupation", "you did not come, did not release", I ask - from whom to release? From your children? From your neighbors and acquaintances? How do you imagine that? What to do with the mass of people intoxicated by Nazism? I haven't heard a clear answer yet.

One thing strains in all this. If our neighbors continue to teach their children, then in the future we will get several Ukrainians around the perimeter. In Ukraine, this hatred broke through first, but this does not mean that it does not accumulate in the other republics. Look even at the "closest ally" - Belarus. All the same principle - Russia should.

For some reason no one owes Russia.

So maybe it's time to go with our neighbors to naked pragmatism? They themselves said that we are not brothers.
