The Commandments Of The 104-year-old Sage Andrey Voron For A Long And Joyful Life - Alternative View

The Commandments Of The 104-year-old Sage Andrey Voron For A Long And Joyful Life - Alternative View
The Commandments Of The 104-year-old Sage Andrey Voron For A Long And Joyful Life - Alternative View

Video: The Commandments Of The 104-year-old Sage Andrey Voron For A Long And Joyful Life - Alternative View

Video: The Commandments Of The 104-year-old Sage Andrey Voron For A Long And Joyful Life - Alternative View
Video: МУДРОСТЬ ДОЛГОЖИТЕЛЕЙ / 50 заповедей мудреце Андрея Ворона 2024, September

Each advice is striking in its simplicity and wisdom!

1. Learn to see all living things around and rejoice at everything - grass, tree, birds, animals, earth, sky. Look at them with kind eyes and with an attentive heart - and you will discover such knowledge that you will not find in books. And you will see yourself in them - tamed and renewed.

2. Make it a custom to stand barefoot on the ground for at least a few minutes at any time. Give the body earth until she calls him.

3. Look for an opportunity to be near the water. It will relieve fatigue, clear thoughts.

4. Drink clean water wherever possible, without waiting for thirst. This is the first remedy. Where fate did not lead me, I first looked for a well, a source. Do not drink sweet and salty (mineral) bottled water. The first will corrode the liver, the second will seal up the vessels.

5. Every day you should have vegetables on your table. Nutritious vegetables that are warm and full of sun. In the first place - beets, there is no better food on earth. Then - beans, pumpkin, berries, carrots, tomatoes, peppers, spinach, lettuce, apples, grapes, plums.

6. It is better not to eat meat. There is someone else's pain - to take it on yourself. And we are not predators.

7. Poor food - sausage, fried potatoes, cookies, sweets, canned food, marinades. My food is cereals, beans, herbs. The predator ate meat - barely crawling, lazy. And the horse pulls from oats all day long. The locust feeds on grass from the strength it has to fly.

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8. It is better to eat a handful, but often. To eat less, I drink a lot of water and compotes, I eat rough food and raw vegetables. From Thursday night to Friday night I don't eat anything, I just drink water.

9. Fasting is the greatest grace. Nothing strengthens or rejuvenates me like fasting. The bones become light like a bird's. And the heart is cheerful, like a guy's. With each major post, I get younger by several years.

10. The sun rises and sets - for you. The work gets done after sunrise. You will get used to it and you will be strong in body and healthy in spirit. And the brain rests better and brightens in an evening sleep. This is what monks and warriors do. And they have the power to serve.

11. It is good in the middle of the day to nap half an hour on your back so that the blood will refresh your head and face. It is bad to sleep after eating, because then the blood becomes thick and fat settles on the vessels.

12. Sit less, but get plenty of sleep.

13. Try to be more in the open air. Train yourself to live in a cool room. It is enough to keep the legs and arms warm, but the head is cool. The body withers and grows old from the heat. In the Ussuriisk forests, I knew an old Chinese man who always wore wadded clothes, but he almost never drowned in a hut.

14. Strengthen a weak, frozen body with herbs. A handful of herbs, berries, leaves, branches of currants, raspberries, strawberries, steam with boiling water and drink all day. In winter, you will get great benefit from this.

15. Don't forget about nuts. The nut is like our brain. It has power for the brain. It is good to consume a teaspoon of nut butter daily.

16. Be kind and considerate with people. You can learn something from each of them, even an empty one. Make no enemies or friends out of people. And then you won't get any trouble from them.

17. What is destined for you will be given. Just learn to wait humbly. That which you should not have and should not wait. Let the soul be light.

18. Do not believe in prejudices, astrologers, do not resort to fortune telling. Keep your soul and heart clean.

19. When the soul is bad, you have to walk a lot. Better in the field, in the forest, above the water. The water will carry your sadness. But remember: the best medicine for body and soul is fasting, prayer and physical work.

20. Move more. A stone that is rolling is NOT overgrown with moss. Troubles keep us on the ground. Do not shy away from them, but also do not let them dominate you. Never be afraid to start learning a new business - you will renew yourself.

21. I have never been to a resort, and I haven’t spent a Sunday. My rest is a change of occupation. The nerves rest when the hands are working. The body gains strength when the head works.

22. Don't ask for little. Ask big. And you will get less.

23. Do not be cunning to take advantage of everything, but try to be useful yourself. The vine that does not give birth soon dries up.

24. Do not be a scoffing and a mockingbird, but be cheerful.

25. Don't overeat! A hungry beast is more cunning and agile than a well-fed person. With a handful of dates and a mug of wine, the Roman legionaries fled 20 kilometers in full ammunition, crashed into the enemy ranks and fought for half a day without respite … And from the satiety and debauchery of the patricians, the Roman Empire fell.

26. After supper, I walk for another half hour in the garden.

27. When you eat, do not drink it. Do not drink either before or after meals.

28. In order not to go with your child to hospitals and pharmacies, put him in the hands of Nature. From an early age, teach you to walk barefoot on the ground. This is the strongest tempering. A child burned in the sun - it will do good, was bitten by a wasp or an ant - too good, stung by nettles, bathed in cool water, scratched with a thorn, ate a carrion in the garden - it means that he has become hardened from ailments, became stronger in body, stronger in spirit.

29. When you cut vegetables with a knife, they partially lose their earthly strength. Better to eat and cook them whole. Onions are twice as healthy if you crush them with your hands or a wooden board.

30. It is not necessary to drink store tea. For me, the best brewing is from young pear twigs. This tea is very aromatic and medicinal. It removes salts and excess water, relieves pain and inflammation of the joints. And coffee, tea, sugary drinks, beer eats away the heart.

31. If you are tired, weakness, soreness appeared, just give the body a rest. Make your food easier. To do this, you need to eat one dish during the day. The next day, another dish. And so at least a week or two.

32. Do you want to stay young and live long? Have a nut and apple day once a week. Cook 8 apples and 8 nuts in the morning. Eat one apple and one nut every 2:00 or so. To keep the stomach busy during the day.

33. When you feel that the body quickly gets tired, that everything irritates you, work, as they say, falls out of hand - this means: you need to take carrots two or three times a day. So recuperate.

34. I cook hot dishes only 1-2 times. The food must be fresh.

35. To avoid colds, do not wash with hot water, eat nuts and garlic every day, walk barefoot on the corn sprinkled on the floor and sleep a lot.

36. When the berry season comes, you can deny yourself any food, just not berries. Eat at least a cup daily. If the stars are the eyes of the sky, the berries are the eyes of the earth. There are no major and minor ones among them. Each will saturate you with strength and health - from cherries to watermelons.

37. Cherish the inner sense of joy and fascination with life.

38. Find time for silence, for calming down, for a spiritual conversation with yourself.

39. What is good and what is bad - let your heart tell you, not human rumor.

40. Don't worry about who thinks and says what about you. Be your own judge in purity and dignity.

41. Don't be angry with people. Don't judge them. Each person you forgive will add love to yourself.

42. If your heart is overflowing with love, there is no place for fear.

43. DO NOT compete with anyone. To each his own. Better to give in.

44. The poor are not the one who has little, but the one who has little.

45. Never hit or shout at children. Otherwise, slaves will grow out of them.

46. Don't argue. Each has its own truth and its own resentment.

47. Do not teach people how to live, what to do. I never teach, only advise when asking for advice.

48. Do not consider yourself the smartest and most decent, better than others.

49. Do not try to be an example to others. Look for an example nearby.

50. Healing power - healthy sleep. But you need to earn it every day with some kind of work, effort.
