Intimate Secrets Of A Person - Alternative View

Intimate Secrets Of A Person - Alternative View
Intimate Secrets Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: Intimate Secrets Of A Person - Alternative View

Video: Intimate Secrets Of A Person - Alternative View
Video: Intimate Secrets Narcissists Don't Want You To Know | Must Watch 2024, September

Interesting discoveries concerning the most intimate sphere of human life - sex - were made by scientists-sexologists in the second half of the last century. However, some of these phenomena have not yet been explained.

Let's start with erotic phenomena in dreams. Thus, it has been established that 8% of all dreams are sexual. There is evidence that about 60% of men and 50% of women regularly "watch" erotic dreams. For example, out of 500 women surveyed, 240 admitted their presence (and in 111 they were accompanied by orgasm).

However, men's and women's fantasies differ in many ways. Men, for example, most often imagine sexual relations with outside partners; sometimes even in group sex.

By the way, the Ashites, a people inhabiting the central regions of Ghana, have a curious attitude towards erotic dreams: they believe that adultery is possible in a dream. And if a husband finds out that someone is talking about a sexual relationship in a dream with his wife, he can sue the "libertine" or simply beat him as punishment.

But, as it was recently found out, in a state of sleep, men and women can indulge not only in erotic fantasies, but also quite full sex. The phenomenon when a sleeping person can have sex was discovered by Canadian scientists and called it "sexomnia." It is assumed that this is one of the varieties of sleepwalking.

11 cases of sexomnia were investigated, mainly among men. For example, one 35-year-old man, although he had erotic dreams, did not at all imagine that at the same time he was having sex with his wife.

And here is a similar case, and it concerns a 43-year-old man who also suffered from sexuality. Scientists managed to talk with two of his mistresses, who independently confirmed that he often makes love to them in his sleep. Moreover, one of the women noted that at such moments he becomes a completely different person - soft and gentle, seeking to satisfy his partner.

In another case, the wife stated that her husband, on the contrary, became more aggressive and even dangerous in a state of sexomnia.

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Interestingly, sexomnia has almost no effect on sexual relations between partners. And some of them even like this state of a lover.


But perhaps the most curious kind of erotic dreams is the phenomenon of "traum-frau" or "woman from a dream."

This phenomenon was first described by the famous Parisian neurologist Jean Martin Charcot. In his writings, he told about several patients who obsessively, almost night after night, dreamed of barely familiar people.

For example, one nun for twenty years saw in a dream how she makes love with a neighbor's youth. Trying to get rid of the vision, she exhausted herself with hunger and self-flagellation. However, nothing helped her, and in the end the woman committed suicide.

It should be noted that the phenomenon of "traum-frau" is not so rare: according to the estimates of American scientists, it is observed in ten percent of people, that is, in every tenth. However, scientists cannot yet explain this strange form of sexual behavior.

True, many experts see the reason for this phenomenon in the so-called unsealed memory proteins. The information recorded on them does not turn off at night, but continues to enter the brain in the form of an unresolved problem. In the case of the “woman from the dream,” not only fresh information is processed, but also earlier information, and for a long time the brain fights over the problem that has arisen. And this can continue until the problem is resolved …

And here is another, at first glance, difficult to explain phenomenon in human sexual behavior.

In the mid-70s, an emergency occurred on the North Caucasian Railway: several dozen passengers were evacuated from a fast train in a state of complete sexual insanity. Even in older people, spontaneous ejaculation and partial memory loss have been noted.

The commission, which began to study the causes of the incident, established a rather curious fact. It turned out that over the course of 150 kilometers, the rail joints diverged above the permissible level, and this led to a strong rocking of the cars, which caused the passengers to develop the so-called train syndrome.

The term “train syndrome” was first coined by the famous psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. "Wiggle combined with rhythmic tapping leads to the strongest effect of sexual pleasure," he wrote at the beginning of the 20th century.

The fact is that the first descriptions of the strongest sexual arousal (leading to orgasm) due to swaying and tapping were obtained from train passengers. By the way, passengers of fast trains still experience this syndrome. The wheels of the cars, sliding between the joints of the rails, emit a sound that is within the biological vibration - about 60 beats per minute. With the same frequency, the carriage swings, and with it the passenger swings, experiencing the effect of exciting resonance.

There are examples of how a person is deliberately put into a state of "train syndrome" in order to give him pleasant sexual arousal. This, in particular, is served by certain musical rhythms, for example, waltz rhythms.

In the 70s, on the wave of the "disco" musical style, the so-called erotic music appeared. It consists only of clear beats with a frequency of about 60 beats per minute and quiet sobs and groans. Such rhythms are capable of introducing a person into "erotic resonance …"

And this sexual phenomenon, which was noted by the Grand Inquisitor of the Roman Catholic Church Imbert, is doubly curious, since it is associated with the last moments of a person's life.

Describing his observations of tormented heretics, he argued that in the last moments of his life his victims experienced a strange sensuality. This was especially noticeable when suffocating. At the same time, men often "got wet pants", and women, "overwhelmed by the devil, groaned in passionate languor and tore at their breasts." "Witches" on the eve of the burning voluntarily surrendered to their executioner, and the men on the last night before the execution often masturbated to complete exhaustion.

Such a statement by Imbert to any sane person may seem either fiction or a figment of a sick imagination. However, at present, this strange phenomenon has found a completely scientific explanation. It turns out that in the last seconds of the victim's life, the endocrine glands of the victim release into the circulatory system a special substance belonging to the group of sex hormones, which causes a strong discharge: in men - ejaculation, in women - orgasm.


Examining those executed in the electric chair or removing the hanged men from the noose, we noticed that they had spontaneous ejaculation in the last seconds. There is an assumption that such a reaction of the body is a kind of compensation for the fear of death.

But the attack of dying lust is not only experienced by the victim. The same pathogen, but in smaller quantities, enters the blood of both those who execute the victim and those who observe the moment of execution.

So, during the burning of the head of the Templars Jacques de Molay in Paris in 1314, the princesses of the royal court of Philip the Fair staged a stormy love orgy with the courtiers. And the louder Mole screamed from the pains he was experiencing, the more voluptuous the princesses experienced as they watched the burning from the palace …

Scientists have found a strange relationship between tuberculosis and sex. It turns out that almost all those infected with Koch's bacillus have a dramatic increase in sexual appetite. This happens because metabolism increases in the patient's body, all life processes are accelerated, including those related to the sexual sphere.

In addition, the body is poisoned with toxins that the tubercle bacillus secretes. They, in turn, inhibit the cortical regions of the brain, resulting in a decrease in mental control. And then a person always wants something, and all this happens at a subconscious level: a person does not understand what is wrong with him, and cannot suppress this desire. There were times when quite decent people, having contracted tuberculosis, slipped into extreme forms of sexual debauchery.

For example, there is an assumption that the ancient Greek poetess Sappho was carried away by young girls only because she fell ill with consumption. The fact is that Sappho headed a school for young girls on the island of Lesvos. There were very few men on this small piece of land, and a painful passion was looking for a way out. That is why Sappho was inflamed with passion for her students.

And in medieval history, there was even a case of using women with tuberculosis as a source of profit. Thus, in the 16th century in Avignon, at the local church, tuberculosis was treated. The doctor, a man, apparently not devoid of a commercial vein, decided to combine the necessary with the useful.

He sent young girls who had been burned out from illness and desire to a brothel that operated under the same church. And soon young tuberculosis women, thanks to their morbid passion and genuine sexuality, even ousted professional prostitutes from there …

And here is another striking fact from the intimate sphere of man. It turns out that in men, the interval between the first contractions of the prostate gland, the muscles of the perineum and the penis itself and the ejection of semen is always exactly 0.8 seconds.

But something else is surprising: it turns out that contractions of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor in women during orgasm fit into the same time interval, and up to tenths of a second. The coincidence is truly impressive!

What this synchronization is connected with is still unknown. Perhaps this is the biological program of "superharmony" originally inherent in the human body? It is all the more difficult to explain this phenomenon if we take into account the fact that in our time the full correspondence of the sizes of the sexual organs of spouses is extremely rare, about one case in a thousand.