Where Is Your Attention - There Is Your Energy - Alternative View

Where Is Your Attention - There Is Your Energy - Alternative View
Where Is Your Attention - There Is Your Energy - Alternative View

If you paid attention to a beautiful girl, it means that you shared a piece of your energy with her. If you noticed that everything is bad with you, it means you have given your energy to make everything worse in your life. Pay your attention to joyful events - you give your energy for joy, which means that there will be more and more joy in your life.

Energy is nothing more than controlling and focusing your attention. This rule means: where your attention is directed - there your energy goes. You seem to be sharing it.

Where you direct your energy - to this you want to be closer. Or, more precisely, where you direct your attention - with that you want to be closer. Pay attention to gloomy people? So you want to be gloomy! Pay attention to satisfaction - you want to be satisfied. It's simple.

If you turn your attention to what you don't want, that is, to your problems - you send more energy there, and the problems only grow. If you pay your attention to what you want, it is you who attract into your life.

The fact is that now most people do not know at all what they want. But they always know they don't want to. If you don't know what you want, how do you know that something positive is happening to you? Whatever happens in your life - you want not this, but something else. And you don't know what you want. If you do not know what you want, whatever happens to you, whatever happens to you, it will not satisfy you.

Therefore, it is very important to find out and define for yourself what you want. And start paying more and more attention to this matter. Thus, you will start sending more and more of your energy there.

The fact that people do not know what they want in our time is not surprising. Neither school nor university does not say a word about the need to set goals and want something. If you do not set a goal for yourself, you will continue to be carried with the current that forms society around you. You will never have the right to choose. Although it has never been taken away from you.

Until you set yourself a positive goal, the eternal struggle with problems will never stop! If you set a big, positive goal in every sense, then everyday problems turn into small difficulties that can be easily overcome, gaining invaluable experience.

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The sages of all time knew about this, so they meditated and did energy practices for a long time. And therefore, directing energy in the right direction, they magically rejuvenated, healed and were happy. By increasing their energy, they improved their lives.

Therefore, you should think about and further control your thoughts so that your energy and strength does not leak, and then we can change our life for the better and our desires will come true.

It makes sense that the energy of our energy cocoon is driven by our attention. And this principle can be easily tested by concentrating on any part of the body (for example, at the tip of the nose) and holding it there for at least a couple of minutes. We track completely real changes in sensations in this place.

Concentration is a practice, which means that we do not just think about some place, but that we can grasp our own consciousness with attention, concentrate it and then "move" to the desired place (for example, to the tip of the nose).

After that, you need to start "spinning" the reverse circle, and having turned off all the senses (vision, hearing, etc.), focus on the sensations of your consciousness received from the tip of your nose.

For a person who has never been involved in any esoteric practices, this will be a completely non-trivial task. Just as we have been learning for many years to control our hands in order to perform any work, now we need to learn how to control our consciousness in order to work directly with it.

In esotericism, our consciousness is both a mechanism of action and a measuring device. But this is only possible because human consciousness can operate in two different modes. And so that no questions arise - was it really, or it seemed to us - it is first necessary to learn to separate the two modes of operation of consciousness.

When we modulate something with our consciousness, then we work in the mode of a direct energy circle and at this time we do not perceive. And when we have finished modeling, now it is necessary to switch to the mode of the reverse energy circle, and then it will be possible to perceive and feel the result of the impact.

Almost everyone knows that when something hurts a person, they put their hand to this place. This place is stroked, rubbed, crumpled. Sometimes it is advised to stroke clockwise or vice versa, counterclockwise. Since energy always circulates in our cocoon in a direct or in a reverse circle, our hands are either sources or collectors of energy. Therefore, putting our hand to the sore spot, we either add there or take energy from there. When a person does not know how to control the circulation of energy in a cocoon, then he cannot be guaranteed to add or withdraw energy.

And rotation clockwise, or counterclockwise - corresponds to the rule of "gimbal" known from physics. If a straight circle is spinning in the cocoon, then the hands carry an excess of energy, and clockwise rotation (stroking your own belly, for example) will direct the energy to the diseased organ. Counterclockwise rotation will draw energy from the organ.

For example, during inflammation, an excess of energy is collected in the organ, and taking it from there, we will improve the sensations of a person. In this case, the healer himself must turn the reverse circle and stroke the inflamed area counterclockwise. Loving mothers do this to their children completely subconsciously. Their subconscious, wanting to help the child, itself turns on the necessary circulation of energy.