Where Attention Is - There And Energy - Alternative View

Where Attention Is - There And Energy - Alternative View
Where Attention Is - There And Energy - Alternative View

Video: Where Attention Is - There And Energy - Alternative View

Video: Where Attention Is - There And Energy - Alternative View
Video: Focusing in One Direction | Sadhguru 2024, September

You are probably familiar with the phrase: where attention is, there is energy. It turns out that this is the basic rule of our world, and it is not simple that in the east there are many practices for managing your attention. What does it mean?

Where our attention is directed, we give our life energy, which in turn shapes our reality.

Now look at your life from this point of view.

When you watch TV, where is your attention, and therefore your energy? When you are discussing someone, for example politicians or a neighbor, where is your attention and your energy? When you think about the man who dumped you, where is your attention and your energy at that moment?

You feed with your vital energy those about whom you think, to whom you direct your attention. If a man leaves you and you continue to think about him, then what will become of your life? You gave all your energy to him, and will you now be interesting and attractive to other men?

What happens to women who give all their energy to a man who does not pay attention to them? What will happen in your life if you constantly devote your energy to TV, work? Will you have enough energy to attract other men to you? Will a woman be able to attract a man into her life without energy?

Maybe it makes sense to think and look at your life from the position of this rule and stop giving the energy of your attention to politicians, neighbors and men who are strangers or who have left us? then all our pursuits to be filled are just a waste of time.

For a woman, it is very important not only to carry out energy-filling practices, but it is also vital to learn not to waste her energy. We must not scatter it, but use it to improve our life.

Promotional video:

Allow yourself to direct the energy of attention to yourself. And become a glowing, joyful and beautiful woman attracting male attention. Why is a well-groomed woman always attractive to men? Because grooming immediately says that a woman pays attention to herself, and does not spend it outside.

The ancient beauties knew this rule and spent a lot of time practicing attention to themselves. Thus, every morning the woman admired the sky and flowers, and every day her image was different. And most importantly, the energy of her attention filled her, making her attractive to a man not only externally, but also internally.

And most importantly, you need to learn to be in the "here and now". Remember, when you think about something, at what time do you think? Real? The future? The past?

Right. Either in the past or in the future. Accordingly, where are you sending energy? To the past or to the future. Will you be able to use this energy in the "here and now"? Will you be able to attract a man here and now if you are constantly sending your energy into the past or the future? And when the future comes, do you use what you sent there once?

The ability to be here and now is one of the most important keys to female attractiveness. Without this key - controlling your attention - nothing in this world works. All practices are built on it, and especially for women.

In all traditions, there are many practices related specifically to attention management. Concentration and deconcentration, visualization and sensation, these and other types of meditations, they all serve the same thing - controlling your attention in its various forms.

Olga Minnekhanova
